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How about dinner translate French

569 parallel translation
I couldn't give you much time tonight, but how about dinner tomorrow night?
J'ai peu de temps, de toute façon. Demain soir?
How about dinner at Williamsburg?
Si on allait dîner à Williamsburg?
- How about dinner? - What? - Dinner tomorrow?
- Veux-tu que nous dînions ensemble?
- How about dinner?
- Si on dînait?
How about dinner?
Que diriez vous de dîner avec nous?
How about dinner?
Je voudrais me reposer deux ou trois jours.
Bye, Jack. How about dinner the night you get back?
Tu dînes avec moi à ton retour?
How about dinner tonight?
Que diriez-vous d'un dîner ce soir?
- How about dinner?
- On dîne ensemble?
How about dinner?
Oh, je ne peux pas!
How about dinner?
Un dîner?
Now, how about dinner?
Et le dîner?
How about dinner tomorrow?
Veux-tu aller souper demain?
How about dinner tomorrow night, huh?
- On soupe ensemble demain soir?
How about dinner and a movie tonight, huh?
Si on allait dîner dehors et voir un film, ce soir?
How about dinner?
Au revoir. Et si on dînait ensemble?
- How about dinner with us tonight?
- Viens dîner avec nous.
If I promise not to be a naughty boy, how about dinner?
Si je vous promets d'être sage, viendrez-vous dîner?
Mark, how about dinner at my club tonight before the cardiology meeting?
Mark, que diriez-vous de venir souper à mon club avant la réunion?
Hey, how about dinner someplace?
Si on allait dîner?
How about dinner?
Un dîner, alors?
well, how about dinner at my place tonight at the beach?
Que dirais-tu de dîner chez moi ce soir?
- l'll say. How about dinner tonight?
- Je vous emmène dîner ce soir?
How about dinner?
Dîner, ce soir?
How about dinner?
Alors, ce dîner?
Listen, Baby Face, how about having dinner tonight?
Ecoute, Visage d'ange. Si on allait dîner?
- How about my dinner?
- Eh, mon dîner!
- How about some dinner, Joe? - I've had mine.
- Si on allait dîner?
How about coming to dinner with us, Tom? Mammy Lou's still on hand.
Viens dîner un soir, Mammy Lou est toujours la.
Tonight at dinner, I understood what you said about the good and evil in people and how it's that way in all of us.
Ce soir, j'ai compris ce que vous disiez sur le bien et le mal... qui existe en chacun de nous.
- Hey, how about staying for dinner?
- Pourquoi ne pas rester dîner?
How about all 3 of us having dinner tonight?
Si on dînait ensemble?
Instead of dinner with me tomorrow night How about having dinner with me tonight and tomorrow night and as many other nights as you can spare.
Et si, au lieu de dîner ensemble demain soir, on dînait ensemble ce soir, demain soir et tous les autres soirs, si vous voulez?
How about Christmas dinner tomorrow?
Et le réveillon de Noël, demain?
Puisqu'on ne risque rien, si tu venais dîner à la maison?
I don't know how you feel about it, but would you like a little snifter before dinner?
Prendrez-vous un petit verre avant le dîner?
How about, closing up the store and buying me a dinner?
Peu importe.
Then how about meeting us at the club tonight for dinner?
Alors, tu veux nous retrouver au club ce soir pour diner?
- If you feel hungry about 8 : 00 tonight how about coming around to my house for dinner and I'll tell you?
- Si tu as faim vers 8 h ce soir, si tu venais dîner chez moi pour que je te le dise?
Only a week before, I'd been to a reunion dinner. And the fellows were talking about you. How you had been court-martialed during the war.
J'avais appris par hasard lors d'une soirée que vous étiez passé en Cour Martiale.
I'm very sorry. - Speaking about spaghetti, you'd be surprised at how many fellas you go out on dates with who don't like to buy you any dinner.
- Vous seriez surpris du nombre de gars qui ne paient pas le dîner.
Oh, uh, how about joining us tonight at the club for dinner?
Mais tu pourrais nous rejoindre au club pour dîner.
How about you picking up Lee? We'll all have dinner together.
On pourrait dîner avec Lee?
How about a nice Sunday dinner?
Que dites-vous d'un bon dîner?
How about some after-dinner music?
- Un peu de musique?
How about having dinner with me?
On dîne ensemble?
How about going to dinner somewhere nice?
Si nous dînions dans un endroit bien?
If you're not doing anything tomorrow night, how about let's have dinner?
Si on dTnait ensemble demain soir?
Now, how about some dinner?
Et si on mangeait?
I tell you what, no matter how much work I have to do tonight I'll forget about it and come on home and have dinner with you.
Écoute, peu importe le travail que j'aurai ce soir, je rentrerai à la maison pour dîner avec toi.
How about staying for dinner and relaxing a bit?
Reste pour le dîner.

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