If he's smart translate French
157 parallel translation
not if I can prevent it. He's gonna be so darn smart by the time he's of age that he won't have to worry.
Il sera si malin quand il sera grand qu'il n'aura à s'inquiéter de rien.
If he's smart man, get rid of him.
Débarrassez-vous du visiteur.
If Rick has the letters, he's too smart to let you find them there.
Rick est trop malin, vous ne trouverez rien.
If he's not smart enough to steal and stay in the clear, he gets dumped.
S'il n'est pas assez malin pour voler sans se faire prendre, du balai!
If he's so smart, what's he doing in here?
S'il est si malin, que fait-il ici?
Sure. Like if he's smart or reads poetry or something.
Oui : si l'homme est spirituel ou s'il dit des vers...
Their commander might be able to knock us off if he's smart enough.
Leur capitaine pourrait nous anéantir s'il est malin.
If he's smart like you say... he headed for the Gulf of Mexico last week.
S'il est aussi malin que ça, il est allé vers le golfe du Mexique la semaine dernière.
I guess that ain't so smart, but then again, if he was smart, he'd be up in the saddle riding.
Il n'est sans doute pas malin, mais s'il l'était, il serait sur la selle au lieu de la porter.
Thanopoulos, he said, "If you're friend's smart he'll wanna look decidedly different to what he normally does."
Il a dit : "Si votre ami est malin, il voudra avoir l'air différent."
If a guy's not smart enough to get insurance I'm just the hand of fate. He's gonna lose it anyway.
S'ils sont assez cons pour se passer d'assurance... je suis la main du destin!
How he steals and smokes, if he's smart or stupid.
Comment il vole ou fume, s'il est intelligent ou stupide.
If he's smart, he'll keep moving. If he's lucky, he'll make it.
S'il est intelligent, il continuera son chemin, et il s'en sortira.
If he had parents he would have been a smart fellow. "
"S'il avait eu des parents, " ce serait un garçon savant. "
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a smart-ass dog. He's cutting his meat now.
Je ne supporte pas ce genre de petit roquet.
Smart Boy could've been into some of the big bucks... if he had scribbled his chits right.
Le petit futé aurait pu gagner beaucoup d'argent s'il avait bien fait les choses.
I don't know, Chief, if he's very smart or very dumb.
J'y comprends rien. Il est très malin ou très con.
He's so smart. He knew if he gave me enough rope I'd hang myself.
Il est trop malin pour lâcher complètement les guides.
If he's smart enough, yeah.
S'il est intelligent.
If he's smart, he'll leave right now.
S'il a un peu de jugeote, il va partir de suite.
And if your fancy friend with a velvet collar is half as smart as you are, which will make him only one-quarter smart, he never heard of her either.
Et ton élégant ami au col de velours, s'il a la moitié de ta malignité, ce qui en ferait le quart d'un malin, il n'en aurait jamais entendu parler non plus.
If he was smart like me, he wouldn't be in this mess.
S'il avait appris, comme moi, il aurait pas été dans ce merdier.
If he shows, and he's smart, he'll approach you from the front, pass, turn, try and take you from behind.
S'il se pointe et qu'il est rusé, il te croisera, fera demi-tour et tentera de t'avoir en traître.
He can make all kinds of moves if he's smart.
Tout lui est ouvert s'il est un peu malin.
Well, if he's so smart, why didn't you marry him?
S'il est si intelligent, pourquoi tu ne l'as pas épousé?
If he's smart, he does.
S'il est malin, oui.
If he's as smart as he is funny, I'm sold.
S'il est aussi malin que marrant, ca va me botter.
If he's smart, he pleads guilty and begs the court for mercy in sentencing.
S'il est intelligent, il plaidera coupable et demandera l'indulgence.
If this guy's so smart, he's not gonna tell you where he'll do it.
Si ce gars est si malin, il ne va pas vous dire où il va frapper.
Not if he " s smart.
Pas s'il est malin.
If you ask me, Professor Arturo's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.
Franchement, Professeur Arturo n'est pas aussi brillant que ça.
If he's smart, he'll let us find him. Federation prison would be paradise compared to this place.
Nos prisons sont un vrai paradis comparées à ici.
All right, but my father's a pretty smart guy and if this is some kind of trick he's going to figure it out.
D'accord, mais mon père est très subtil. Si tu te moques de lui, il va s'en rendre compte.
If he's not going, then why the hell did we get him out of jail? - He's smart.
S'il ne vient pas, pourquoi l'avoir sorti de prison?
Look, if he's smart, he learned himself a lesson.
Alors, s'il est intelligent, il en tirera une leçon.
- If he's smart about it...
- S'il est malin..
But if he's that smart, he's getting the hairs from another individual. Maybe this person's connected to the two women.
Mais s'il est intelligent, il utilise les cheveux de quelqu'un d'autre, qui a peut-être un lien avec les deux femmes.
Absolutely. And if he's smart...
Et s'il est intelligent...
And if he's so fucking smart...
Et s'il est si malin...
If he's really as smart as you say he is, and you're really as smart as I hear you are,
S'il est aussi malin que vous le dites et vous, si maligne qu'on m'a dit, réjouissez-vous d'être aidée.
If he's so smart, how come he's dead?
Pourquoi il est mort s'il est si malin?
If he's attractive and smart, take him home.
S'il est séduisant, intelligent, invitez-le.
Kids, if Silent Bob could talk, he'd remind you that when you're camping, it's always smart to tie your food up in the trees at night... so as not to attract bears.
Les enfants, si Silent Bob pouvait parler, il vous rappellerait que quand vous campez, il est toujours conseillé de mettre votre nourriture dans des sachets en hauteur dans les arbres... pour ne pas attirer les ours.
Well, if he's smart he's halfway to Mexico by now.
S'il est intelligent, il est au Mexique, à l'heure qu'il est.
- You know, if he was smart he'd clean himself up, get himself a suit at the Goodwill -
- Voyez-vous, s'il était malin, il ferait un brin de toilette, demanderait un costume aux bonnes œuvres...
If he was smart he would have ditched the knife.
S'il était malin, il s'en serait débarrassé.
If he's smart, he'll hold out for millions. Whoo-hoo!
Sale histoire, monsieur.
If you were smart, you'd grab your son before he slips any further away.
Si tu étais malin, tu rattraperais ton fils avant qu'il ne s'éloigne plus encore.
Well, if he's smart, he's halfway across the country by now.
Il pourrait avoir parcouru la moitié du pays.
If Maher's as smart as Albert says he is, it won't take him long to figure it out.
Si Maher est si malin que ça, il comprendra vite.
I am gonna go tell his skinny little fiancee what he did... and if she's smart...
Je vais aller dire à sa maigrichonne de fiancée ce qu'il a fait... et si elle est maligne...
if he's still alive 35
if he's alive 49
if he's lucky 18
if he's innocent 26
if he's telling the truth 16
if he's here 40
if he's there 16
if he's not 30
if he's right 17
if he's dead 32
if he's alive 49
if he's lucky 18
if he's innocent 26
if he's telling the truth 16
if he's here 40
if he's there 16
if he's not 30
if he's right 17
if he's dead 32
if he's not here 16
if he's in there 17
if he's 16
if he's not there 17
he's smart 222
smart 1023
smarter 56
smarty 61
smart move 79
smart boy 35
if he's in there 17
if he's 16
if he's not there 17
he's smart 222
smart 1023
smarter 56
smarty 61
smart move 79
smart boy 35
smartass 64
smart man 56
smart girl 72
smarty pants 28
smart thinking 17
smart ass 49
smart guy 143
smart kid 42
smart arse 17
smart man 56
smart girl 72
smarty pants 28
smart thinking 17
smart ass 49
smart guy 143
smart kid 42
smart arse 17