Is that her translate French
10,198 parallel translation
Is that her phone number?
C'est son numéro de téléphone?
But it is not cold that makes her shiver but fear.
Mais elle ne frissonnait pas de froid mais de peur.
Well, I know I'm overstepping my boundaries. But if there's just even the slightest little chance that you could go back with her and make her happy, well, then it doesn't matter, because all that matters to me is that you make her happy and that she be happy.
Mais s'il y a la moindre chance que tu reviennes et la rende heureuse, tant pis.
Her job is to do what I say, and you better wrap your head around that.
Son travail est de faire ce que je dis et tu ferais mieux de te le mettre dans la tête.
All you have to do is look at her to know that.
Tout ce que tu as faire c'est la regarder pour savoir ça.
And that evidence is probably somewhere in her house.
Et ces preuves sont probablement quelque part dans la maison.
If say to Casey, "clean your room," which I usually don't say because Casey is really good about that... but if I do, and she said, "no," which again, she wouldn't... but if she did, and I don't have any way to make her clean her room,
Si je dis à Casey, "nettoie ta chambre", ce que je ne dis jamais d'habitude car Casey est vraiment bonne pour ça... mais si je le dis, et qu'elle répond "non", ce que là encore,
He needs her to know that she is never safe from him, never out of his grasp.
Il a besoin qu'elle sache qu'elle ne sera jamais en sécurité, toujours à sa portée.
That's how he lets her know Papa Pope is in charge.
C'est comme ça qu'il lui fait savoir que Papa Pope est en charge.
I spent 500 years getting Mara out, and even if there is a fraction of Audrey still left in there, there is no way that Mara's letting her come to the surface.
J'ai passé 500 ans avec Mara, et même s'il y a une fraction d'Audrey en elle, Il n'y a aucune chance que Mara la laisse refaire surface.
How do I prove to her that one of us is the right person?
Comment lui prouver que l'un de nous est la bonne personne?
That is one among many reasons that I will never forgive her.
C'est une des nombreuses raisons Pour laquelle je ne lui pardonnerai jamais.
I helped Grace realize that for some people, like her, being a rebel is far more fun in theory than in practice.
J'ai aidé Grace à réaliser que, pour quelques personnes, comme elle, être une rebelle est bien plus drôle en théorie qu'en pratique.
What I know is that that shop and that building is a part of her - and vice versa.
Ce que je sais est que ce magasin et ce bâtiment est une partie d'elle - et vice versa.
The ambulance just radioed that they are at the hospital and her guest is in surgery.
L'ambulance a envoyé par radio juste qu'ils sont à l'hôpital et son invité est dans la chirurgie.
Then we must keep pricking her till she do stop bleeding, at which time we will know that she is or is not a witch, possibly.
Il faut alors la piquer jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrête de saigner, nous saurons alors qu'elle est une sorcière, ou pas.
Yeah, yeah, he is, all I'm saying is that Nika Reid was his assistant, but he did not call 9-1-1 this morning to get her medical attention when he woke up and found her covered in blood beside him
Oui, oui il y a droit, tout ce que je dis c'est que Nika Reid était son assistante, mais il n'a pas appelé les secours ce matin pour qu'elle ait une assistance médicale quand il s'est réveillé et l'a trouvée couverte de sang à côté de lui
That mom thinks that I am a crappy doctor who screwed her kid out of a future, and she is not wrong, because all of this could have been avoided if I had just...
Cette mère pense que je suis un chirurgien merdique qui a foutu en l'air l'avenir de son enfant et elle n'a pas tort. Parce que tout ceci aurait pu être évité si seulement...
I know you helped her steal that drive back, and I know that this charade of an event is your alibi.
Je sais que tu l'as aidée à reprendre cette clé USB et je sais que cet espèce d'événement est ton alibi.
That is how a woman can defeat a man twice her size.
C'est ainsi qu'une femme peut battre un homme deux fois sa taille.
First step... convince her that my humanity is still off.
Premièrement... la convaincre que mon humanité est toujours éteinte.
I thought the whole point of this is that we were in control of her.
Je croyais que l'intérêt de tout ça, c'est qu'on l'avait sous contrôle.
That is being loved by her.
C'est qu'elle vous aime.
Previous posts also mention that her husband is deployed, which garnered a lot of support and well-wishes.
D'autres posts indiquent que son mari est déployé ce qui a recueilli pas mal de soutiens.
I just can't imagine her the way that she is.
Je ne peux juste pas imaginer comme elle se sent.
Do you think that baby is gonna have her beautiful eyes?
Penses-tu que le bébé va avoir ses beaux yeux?
Look, the only reason that he's with her now is'cause he cares about what happens to his baby.
La seule raison pour laquelle il est avec elle en ce moment c'est parce qu'il s'inquiète de ce qu'il va arriver à son bébé.
As long as there's even a chance that she is more me than them, I'm not gonna abandon her.
Tant qu'il y a une chance qu'elle tienne plus de moi que d'eux, je ne vais pas l'abandonner.
Well, that bitch was your woman once, so I don't know who the bigger snake is, you or her?
Ah? Cette garce a été ta femme, donc je ne sais pas qui est le plus gros serpent de vous deux?
Hey, whoever the hell this is, you need to know that if you gonna deal with Mimi, you gonna treat her with the love and respect that she deserve, or you gonna have to deal with me, and I'm Lucious Lyon, you got that?
Peu importe qui c'est, tu dois savoir que si tu passes un pacte avec Mimi, tu dois la traiter avec l'amour et le respect qu'elle mérite, où tu vas avoir affaire à moi, et je suis Lucious Lyon, tu saisis?
Ok, Daniel, if you have Patricia in there, you want to protect her, this is not the best way to do that.
Daniel, si vous avez Patricia avec vous, vous voulez la protéger, mais ce n'est pas la meilleure façon de le faire.
If we call her "Supergirl", something less than what she is, doesn't that make us guilty of being anti-feminist?
Si on l'appelle "Supergirl", ce qui est moins que ce qu'elle est, ne nous fait-il pas paraître coupable d'être anti-féministe?
Assuming that she's going after everyone who was involved in framing her husband, the question is, who's left?
En supposant qu'elle en a après chaque personne qui est impliquée dans le coup monté contre son mari, la question est, qui reste t'il?
My theory is that this probably was - you sending her some support.
J'ai une hypothèse : vous lui aviez probablement envoyé des fonds.
This is Carla, and that's her ex-husband Roddy...
C'est Carla, et ça c'est son ex-mari Roddy...
Is that why you were helping her?
Vous l'aidez pour ça?
And that's sad, because she is the daughter of a colleague and he has certain aspirations for her.
C'est triste. C'est la fille d'un collègue - qui a des attentes la concernant.
She said this is her father, that he works in a bank.
Elle disait que c'est son père, qu'il travaille dans une banque.
If there's a chance that this girl is yours, then you go and find her.
S'il y a une chance que cette fille soit de toi, tu dois la retrouver.
And then when you've got her safe, and I'm close enough, that is when I spray him.
Et quand tu l'auras mise en sécurité et que je serai assez près, C'est là que je l'aspergerai.
Shouldn't take her long to verify that Orlando is our guy.
- Ça ne devrait pas prendre longtemps pour vérifier qu'Orlando est notre type.
That woman will not forget Marigold while the girl is under her nose.
Cette femme ne pourra oublier Marigold si elle est sous son nez.
Everything we have worked for is going to go away if that little bitch and her harpy from Helena have their way.
Tout ce que nous avons construit va disparaitre si cette petite chienne et sa harpie d'Helena arrivent à leurs fins.
Maya is this man's sister, and her visit here Is a reminder that my future has already been decided for me.
Maya est la sœur de ce gars, et sa visite ici me rappelle que mon futur a déjà été décidé pour moi.
Or perhaps it's just a grieving mother who's desperately clinging to false hope that her son is still out there.
Ou bien, c'est simplement une mère en deuil qui s'accroche désespérément à ce faux espoir que son fils est toujours là.
I think it's equally possible that she's somehow being filed into your subconscious, and your brain is inserting her into these hallucinations, as you call them.
Il est également possible qu'elle soit d'une certaine manière liée à votre subconscient, et votre cerveau l'insère dans ces hallucinations, comme vous les appelez.
Hillary Clinton is relentless, Eleanor Roosevelt, relentless, that girl who got her arm bit off by a shark and is still surfing.
Hilary Clinton, Eleanor Roosevelt, la surfeuse qui a eu le bras arraché par un requin.
So is there a chance that her murder was retribution?
Alors son meutre pourrait être une vengeance?
That Mockingbird book is her favorite.
Ce livre sur les Moqueurs est son préféré.
That's the point. Safari Sandy is a stuffed animal, so is decidedly nonthreatening in her stuffed-ness.
C'est le but. donc carrément pas menaçante avec son air pelucheux.
You couldn't just back off and let the cards fall as they may. Robert, for 30 years, I've striven to let your mother have her own way but this is too important. I appreciate that her motives are honourable, but that's not enough when she's damaging people's lives.
Ne pourriez-vous pas simplement laisser les choses se passer? mais pas cette fois. mais c'est insuffisant si cela nuit à la population.
is that her name 27
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that what you want 740
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that what you want 740
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that what this is about 217
is that a 177
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that him 366
is that what this is about 217
is that a 177
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that him 366