It was just a translate French
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After the bomb went off, I knew it was just a matter of time before I was found out, and I felt horrible.
Après la bombe a explosé, je savais qu'il était juste une question de temps avant que je sois découvert, et je me sentais horrible.
It was just a theory.
C'était juste une théorie.
It was just a joke. A joke.
C'était une plaisanterie.
It was just a weird atmosphere from then on.
Depuis, l'ambiance a toujours été bizarre.
But it was just a small cut.
C'était juste une coupure.
Maybe it was just a momentary lapse of... magical juju.
Peut-être qu'il était juste un moment d'inattention de... juju magique.
You said it was just a matter of crossing "T" s and dotting "I" s.
Vous disiez qu'il fallait juste mettre des barres aux "t" et des points sur les "i".
And then I knew it was just all a goddamn manipulation.
J'ai donc su que ce n'était que manipulation.
It was just a small cut.
C'était juste une coupure.
I knew it was just a matter of time before you tried controlling me.
Je savais que c'était juste une question de temps avant que tu essayes de me contrôler.
At first, it was just drinks after work and a lot of talking.
Dans un premier temps, il a été boit juste après le travail et beaucoup de parler.
I-I thought it was a game and I didn't want to mess that up, so I just kept my mouth shut.
II pensait qu'il était un jeu et je ne voulais pas louper ça, alors je me suis gardé ma bouche fermée.
It's just there was a time I would have said,
À une époque, j'aurais dit :
It's our first baby and I was just a little nervous.
C'est notre premier bébé et j'étais juste nerveux.
Just as you left it... made sure not even a post-it note was moved,'cause I know how particular you can be about it.
Rien n'a bougé depuis ton départ... pas même un post-it n'a été déplacé je sais à quel point tu peux être stricte à ce sujet.
I'm sorry this has caused so much trouble, but I want you to know how much it means to me, not getting you and Jesus baptized was just another reminder of the million ways I was a terrible mother.
Je suis désolée, ça a causé beaucoup de problèmes, mais je veux que tu saches, à quel point c'est important pour moi, que toi et Jésus n'ayez pas été baptisés était un autre rappel de l'horrible mère que j'étais.
It was just like the lions in L.A.
Comme les lions de L.A.
It was just like the lions in L.A., they communicate over long distances.
Comme les lions à L.A., ils communiquent à distance.
I saw that she had left her stuff there. I figured she changed her mind, so I left her a message on her room phone, said it was fine, just let me know the new departure date.
J'ai vu ses affaires, supposé qu'elle avait changé d'avis, et laissé un message sur son téléphone, disant qu'il n'y avait pas de souci pour repousser son départ.
Pretty much from then on it was just never talked about.
À partir de ce moment, le sujet a toujours été...
- No, it's just copious examples of how this group was evil and used Will as a blood offering.
- Non, c'est juste plein d'exemples qui montrent comment un groupe a utilisé Will comme offrande de sang.
It was just meant to be a bit of fun!
C'était juste un petit jeu amusant!
Jack tells the judge that he just this moment found evidence exonerating his client, so it was too late to be included in discovery.
Jack a dit au juge qu'il venait juste de trouver une preuve innocentant son client, trop tard pour l'ajouter aux pièces communiquées.
It was probably a mistake, me just popping in on you like this.
C'était peut-être une erreur, de vous surprendre comme ça.
But it doesn't add up, because the man was Tanner and you just told me what he said about her the same day that you had that dream.
Ce n'est pas logique car l'homme était Tanner vous m'avez dit ce qu'il a dit sur elle le jour ou vous avez fait ce rêve.
It's good. I was just gonna go and canvas the area, see what else I can dig up, and Barry here agreed to run some tests for me.
J'allais justement y aller pour ratisser les environs, voir si je trouvais d'autres choses, et Barry a accepté de faire quelques tests pour moi.
Yeah, Brennan said it was just some kind of napalm.
Brennan a dit que c'est un genre de napalm.
We had a hearing on it in seven weeks, and that C-section bullshit was just the tip of the iceberg.
On avait une audience dans 7 semaines, et cette histoire de césarienne n'était que le sommet de l'iceberg.
I was just doing it to kiss your ass so Jessica would forgive me.
Donc pour te dire la vérité, quand on a commencé cela c'était juste pour te botter les fesses pour que Jessica me pardonne
It was just such a nice feeling, being connected to something bigger than myself.
C'était un agréable sentiment, d'être connecté à quelqu'un de plus grand que moi.
But it doesn't add up, because the man was Tanner And you just told me what he said about her the same day
Ce n'est pas logique car l'homme était Tanner vous m'avez dit ce qu'il a dit sur elle le jour ou vous avez fait ce rêve.
I wish I could tell you that it was just growing pains, but your son has a serious disease.
J'aurais aimé pouvoir vous dire qu'il ne s'agissait juste que des douleurs de croissance, mais votre fils a une maladie sérieuse.
It's--it's been a while since it was just the three of us.
Ça fait un moment que ça n'a pas été juste nous trois.
No, it's just that ever since I was a little kid, he was constantly making fun of handicapped people.
En fait, quand j'étais petit, il se moquait tout le temps des infirmes.
The document it uncovered was a just-declassified electronic memo, heavily redacted.
Le document découvert était un mémo électronique juste décalcifié, lourdement rédigé.
It was just something mom said about how I got lost when I was walking home from school once, and--and how I promised that I'd always come back.
Il était juste quelque chose maman a dit sur la façon dont je me suis perdu quand je rentrais de l'école, une fois, et - et comment je promis que je reviens toujours.
I thought it was just like a date or something.
Je pensais qu'il était juste comme une date ou quelque chose.
Just remember who it was made sure you didn't get thrown on that plane.
Rappelez-vous qui il a été fait en sorte vous ne serez pas jeté sur ce plan.
It was all just a trap for you.
Il était tout simplement un piège pour vous.
I mean, it was all just a game, wasn't it, ouch.
Je veux dire, il était tout juste un jeu, était-ce pas? - Aïe.
She was your mom, Stefan, and if you think it's easy to let something like that go, take it from a girl who just got back from her mom's grave, it's... it's not.
C'était ta mère Stefan, et si tu penses que c'est facile de laisser tomber quelque chose comme ça, prend-le comme venant d'une fille qui vient juste de revenir de la tombe de sa mère, ce n'est pas facile... Vraiment pas.
What just happened was a national tragedy, but it's nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to Andrea the Giant!
Ce qui s'est passé est un drame national. Mais ce n'est rien comparé à ce qu'Andrea la Géante va prendre!
Well, much as I'm sure your client would enjoy playing volleyball with a gaggle of white-collar criminals, we're talking about murder here, and we have reason to believe that it was more than just Criolla.
Bien que votre client aimerait jouer au volley-ball avec un tas de criminels en col blanc, nous parlons de meurtre là, et nous avons des raisons de croire que c'était plus que Criolla.
And for you, for all intensive purposes, your spark was just handed to you at a school gala, so you didn't choose it.
Et pour vous, pour toutes les utilisations intensives, votre étincelle vous a juste été remise lors d'un gala d'école, donc nous ne l'avez pas chosie.
It was over three years ago, and I was just trying to protect my family.
C'était il y a environ trois ans, et j'essayais juste te protéger ma famille.
I mean, I told her Lily was sick and she just gave it to me.
Je lui ai dit que Lily était malade et elle me l'a juste donné.
It's just that when I broke into your apartment and like, you told me that if you were me, you would just forget about him and move on, that I was like, too good for him anyway, that really helped me.
C'est quand j'étais à ton appartement et que tu m'a dis que si tu étais moi, tu voudrais oublier tout de lui et avancer, que j'étais genre, trop bien pour lui, ça m'a vraiment aidée.
- Yeah, it was our thing, and it was fun, silly, nerdy bullshit, and it got us through high school. - I guess I'm just a silly, bullshit nerd, then, huh?
Oui, c'était notre truc, et c'était amusant, idiot, des conneries ringardes, et ça nous a suivi pendant tout le lycée.
You just said it was a nine millimeter.
Vous avez parlé d'un 9 mm.
If the reporter knows it was the guy that shot him, why wouldn't he just say so?
Si le journaliste sait qui lui a tiré dessus, pourquoi il ne l'a pas dit?
You know, I just thought it was... like a rabbit's foot...
Vous savez, j'ai juste pensé que c'était... Comme une patte de lapin...
it was just a dream 72
it was just a joke 92
it was just a mistake 21
it was just a kiss 38
it was just an accident 40
it was just a misunderstanding 17
it was just an idea 33
it was just a suggestion 24
it was just a thought 31
it was just a question 16
it was just a joke 92
it was just a mistake 21
it was just a kiss 38
it was just an accident 40
it was just a misunderstanding 17
it was just an idea 33
it was just a suggestion 24
it was just a thought 31
it was just a question 16
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it wasn't that bad 112
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it wasn't hard 37
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it wasn't that bad 112
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it wasn't hard 37
it was good 635
it was beautiful 226
it was a 305
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was beautiful 226
it was a 305
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233