It would be better translate French
1,507 parallel translation
Maybe it would be better for you to take Deputy Yndar.
Vous feriez mieux d'emmener l'assistant Yndar.
With things the way they are, Odo thought it would be better if he stayed at Starfleet Headquarters.
Odo a jugé préférable de rester au siège de Starfleet.
Perhaps it would be better to wait till after the signing.
Peut-être vaudrait-il mieux revenir après la signature?
Thank you. It would be better if you and your crew continued on your journey.
Continuez votre voyage.
I thought it would be better to meet here instead of the precinct - less official, if you know what I mean.
Je préférais vous voir ici, c'est moins officiel.
I think it would be better to take her home.
Je pense qu'il serait mieux de la ramener chez vous.
Hey, honey, don't you think it would be better if you stayed in the house until we're ready to get out of here?
Hey, chéri, tu crois pas que tu ferais meiux de rester dans la maison le temps que tout soit prêt?
It would be better if I never existed.
Mieux vaudrait que je n'aie jamais existé.
It would be better if you sought refuge within some convent's holy doors.
Il vaudrait mieux que s'ouvrent à vous les saintes portes d'un cloître.
Don't you think it would be better if we talked on a more personal level?
Ce ne serait pas mieux de parler sur un mode plus personnel?
I did it for her because I knew it would be better for her to be here than being a soldier fighting in your private little war with the Klingons.
Je l'ai fait pour elle. Je savais qu'elle serait mieux ici qu'avec vous à se battre dans votre guerre contre les Klingons.
Jadzia. Yes. I think it would be better to part company here on the station.
Jadzia, je crois qu'il vaudrait mieux nous séparer ici, sur la station.
I can tell you it would be better if we both forget about it.
Je crois que ce serait mieux d'oublier tout ça.
Ah, I just thought it would be better.
Ah, je pensais juste que ce serait mieux.
She sees her father naked with another woman for the first time and you think it would be better for her if everyone pretends nothing happened?
Elle voit son père nu avec une autre femme pour la première fois et vous pensez que c'est mieux de faire comme si de rien n'était?
Sure, but I think it would be better for Simon if you did.
Bien sûr, mais ce serait mieux pour lui si vous lui apportiez vous-même.
It would be better.
Ça vaudrait mieux.
Do you think it would be better... if maybe you took over all the arrangements?
Tu crois pas que ce serait mieux si tu t'occupais de tout?
It would be better that you return tomorrow, my lord.
Revenez demain, mon seigneur.
It would be better if you'd tell her to get off her knees and show some civility... to her six-day lord and master!
Dites-lui de montrer plus de courtoisie envers son seigneur et maître!
In many ways, it would be better than now.
Ça sera mieux que maintenant.
I thought it would be better if you gave it to her.
Je crois qu'il vaut mieux que ce soit vous qui les lui donniez.
Listen Dougal, I've been thinking about things and I think it would be better if I didn't go to America.
Ecoute Dougal, j'ai réfléchi à tout ça et je pense que ce serait mieux si je n'allais pas en Amérique.
Ted decided it would be better if we didn't go.
Ted a décidé que ce serait mieux de ne pas partir.
- It would be better if you two stayed here.
- Il vaut mieux que vous dormiez ici.
I think it would be better to make a surgical strike with a small force, not a big raid like this morning.
Mieux vaut une frappe chirurgicale qu'un grand raid comme ce matin.
I thought it would be better to be discreet.
Je pense qu'il valait mieux être discrets.
It would be better if he called us.
Ce serait mieux s'il nous appelait.
It would be better if you called me'Colonel'in public
- Écoute... en public, il vaut mieux ne pas me tutoyer, appelles-moi plutôt "Herr Standartenführer" ( "M. le Colonel SS" )
Oh, no. It would be better if the family brought the news to him.
Il vaudrait mieux que la famille lui annonce la nouvelle.
I think it would be better... to keep your distance from her.
D'ailleurs, je pense que c'est préférable de garder tes distances avec elle.
Georges shouted that he left the field to his sister, that he could live with the allowance, that it would be better for me to be alone.
Georges a crié qu'il cédait la place à sa soeur, qu'il pouvait vivre de sa pension, que je serais mieux toute seule.
I think that it would be better... if he left this environment for a while.
Vu son état, il vaut mieux qu'il change d'environnement.
It would be better to work even in the fields.
C'est bien mieux de travailler meme dans le champ ici.
- In a minute. - It would be better if...
- Ce serait mieux si...
It would be better to leave.
- Eh oui. Partons.
I think it would be better if we didn't anymore.
Mais je préférerais ne plus en parler.
I suppose it would be better if I never opened my mouth.
Vous préféreriez que je n'ouvre pas la bouche, je suppose.
Perhaps it would be better for Tomin to return.
Il vaudrait peut-être mieux que Tomin revienne.
Until I can gain a better understanding of your situation, I believe it would be best to get you safely back to Voyager.
- En attendant d'en savoir plus, je ferais mieux de vous emmener sur le Voyager.
It promised no communist would go to jail... that the party's parallel work would not be disturbed... meaning the organizations, the class movements... and the influence on the working unions. The administration pretended the communists did not exist... for better, for worse.
Ie gouvernement avait les moyens pour anéantir Ie PCB... mais a promis ne rien faire, de n'arrêter personne... de ne pas interférer aux mouvements parallèles... plusieurs organisations, mouvements de classes... une certaine influence syndicale... soit, ce serait comme si Ies communistes n'existaient pas... ni bien, ni mal.
I'm not trying to forget. It would just be better if we don't see each other.
Je préfère seulement qu'on ne se voie pas.
Would it be all right if I kept this portrait to remind me of better times?
Pourrais-je garder ce portrait pour me rappeler les temps meilleurs?
It's better than I thought it would be.
Je m'attendais à pire. J'ai tout essayé.
I figured it would be better if you did the thinking for both of us.
Et bien...
It seems even death would have to be better than this.
Il me semble qu'il vaut mieux mourir que de vivre comme ça.
Would it be better if I was dressed, Mr Kelly?
C'est peut-être mieux si je m'habille?
Ifit could be by telegraph, it would be much better, ma'am.
Si vous pouviez télégraphier, ce serait encore mieux.
Freezing to death in the water, everybody will understand it would have been better to serve than to be servile.
Et seule l'eau gelée leur ferait comprendre à tous : mieux vaut servir que d'être servile.
Five people dead, and it's all my fault lt would be better if I were gone
Cinq morts, et c'est de ma faute Ils iraient mieux si je n'avais pas existé
- I thought it was a one-sided view of a story that would be better left untold.
Que c'était une vision partiale... d'une histoire qui n'aurait pas dû être racontée.
it wouldn't matter 49
it would be nice 40
it would have been 21
it would be great 34
it would be my honor 25
it would be a pleasure 19
it would be my pleasure 61
it wouldn't be the first time 64
it would be 199
it wouldn't be fair 20
it would be nice 40
it would have been 21
it would be great 34
it would be my honor 25
it would be a pleasure 19
it would be my pleasure 61
it wouldn't be the first time 64
it would be 199
it wouldn't be fair 20