Many people translate French
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How many people we got patrolling Red Hook?
Combien de patrouilleurs dans Red Hook?
A being... that is willing to kill as many people as it takes to keep its own existence secret and its power intact, like your software engineer, Charles Wynn.
Quelque chose... qui est prêt à tuer autant de personnes qu'il le faudra pour garder son existence secrète et son pouvoir intact, comme votre ingénieur logiciel, Charles Wynn.
So many people came all this way to get him.
De nombreuses personnes ont fait tout ce chemin pour le retrouver.
So many people have tried to do this.
Tant de gens ont voulu faire ça.
Because there's too many people downstairs.
Parce qu'il y a trop de monde en bas.
Well, how many people are we talking about?
De combien de personnes sommes-nous en train de parler?
So many people.
Tellement de personnes.
So many people, all with opinions and judgments and arrogance and theories.
Autant de personnes que d'opinions, de jugements arrogants, de théories...
There can't be that many people our there that are this good.
Il ne peut pas y avoir tant de monde dehors qui sont aussi bons.
Many people find her troubling.
Beaucoup de gens la trouve troublante.
How many people has she killed?
Combien de personnes a t-elle tuées?
Your daughter's been very helpful to so many people who, without her and the doc, would've had no place else to turn.
Votre fille a aidé tellement de gens qui, sans elle et le docteur, seraient perdus.
Exposure like this- - it could draw who knows how many people in through these doors.
Une telle publicité... pourrait faire venir je ne sais combien de gens.
Turns out, not many people want to enjoy a lap dance with a cold glass of apple juice.
En fait, les gens aiment voir ce genre de spectacle en buvant un jus de pomme bien frais.
How many people?
Combien de personnes?
Too many people are falling ill.
Trop de personnes tombent malade.
And there are many people in show business who said,
Beaucoup de gens dans le show-business ont dit :
There are not many people left at the hospital.
Et il n'y a plus grand monde à l'hôpital.
Not too many people in this world can make that shot the way that you can.
Peu de personnes dans ce monde peuvent faire un tir tel que celui-là.
I have lost too many people that I loved, and I am not gonna lose you, too.
J'ai déjà perdu assez de personnes de j'aimais, et je ne veux pas te perdre aussi.
I guide many people.
Je sers de guide à beaucoup de gens.
I mean, this many people... command post, staging area... you're dividing into search teams...
Tant de personnes... poste de commande, zone de transit... vous vous divisez en équipes de recherche...
- I think that there are many people who think that Mr. Sweeney did kill his wife.
Beaucoup de gens pensent qu'il l'a tuée.
Tell me, Vincent, how many people have you killed?
Dis-moi Vincent, combien de personnes as-tu tuées?
I have taken many people to the sea, but not once, have I seen a man return.
J'ai accompagné beaucoup de gens jusqu'à la mer, mais pas une seule fois, j'ai vu quelqu'un repartir.
There's so many people.
Il y a tellement de monde.
- It's just too many people.
- Il y a trop de monde.
Look, Vic, the bottom line is you're in a position where so many people are gonna come at you with a brilliant fucking idea on how to double your cash.
Vic, tu es dans une position où plein de gens vont venir te dire qu'ils ont l'idée du siècle pour te faire gagner du fric.
Many people are very excited about dining with Mr. Bonesteel.
Beaucoup sont très exités à l'idée de dîner avec Mr. Bonesteel.
This whole part of the world, the Scandinavian inland, has a particular feeling to it, because not that many people live here.
Toute cette partie du monde, l'intérieur des terres scandinave, en a un sentiment particulier, car pas tant de gens que ça vivent ici.
How am I supposed to lose that many people?
Comment je suis supposée me débarrasser d'autant de monde?
How many people would that be?
Ça ferait combien de personnes? - Gordon!
How many people would that be?
Cela en fait combien?
How many people can you eat before that shtick gets old?
Combien de personnes peuvent vous mangez avant que shtick obtient vieux?
I just moved here and don't know many people.
Je viens d'arriver et je connais peu de monde.
How many people?
Combien de gens?
Not many people buy that tea, and only one has been doing so since the killings first began, and he has a record.
Peu sont ceux qui achètent ce thé, et un seul continue de le faire depuis le début des meurtres, et il a un casier.
There are so many office supplies, pens in particular, floating around the office, and people leave them everywhere.
Il y a tellement de fournitures, les stylos en particulier, et les gens les laissent partout.
She must have had... who knows how many owners, and people... tinkering around inside her.
Elle a du avoir... qui sait combien de propriétaires, et de personnes... La bricolant à l'intérieur.
How many... people are actually coming to this thing?
Combien de personnes vont en fait venir?
I know, but how many times have we seen good people do bad things?
Je sais, mais combien de fois avons-nous vu de bonnes personnes mal agirent?
There's too many innocent people between us To resolve our issues!
Il y a trop d'innocent entre nous pour résoudre nos conflits!
"The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people."
"La production de trop de choses utiles résulte en un trop grand nombre de gens inutiles."
Pretended to be so many different people.
Prétendu être tellement de personnes différentes.
Well, not too many months ago, because I was working on the beach in the Bahamas, giving white people black people braids.
Fin, pas trop de mois auparavant, car je travaillais sur la plage dans les Bahamas, faisant aux blancs des tresses de black.
He isn't safe, not from this. Liam doesn't care how many innocent people he kills to get what he wants. He's inhuman.
Liam s'en fiche du nombre d'innocents qu'il tue pour avoir ce qu'il veut.
Gross, why are there so many old people at school today?
Berk, pourquoi il y a t'il autant de vieux à l'école aujourd'hui?
In many big restaurants, there is a bunch of trainees doing all kinds of leaf picking, and then the mise en place gets filtered up through layers of people.
Dans plein de grands restaurants, il y a un tas de stagiaires qui font toutes sortes de poses de feuilles, et ensuite la mise en place est filtrée au travers de plusieurs couches de personnes.
How many times I got to tell you people?
Combien de fois dois-je vous le dire?
And I've spent all these many months making speeches to people I don't know, trying to get their support, and now I realize that my journey all this time has been to get me to look into the eyes of the one person
Et j'ai passé ces derniers mois à faire des discours à des personnes que je ne connais pas. essayant d'avoir leur soutien, et maintenant je réalise que mon but tout ce temps était de me regarder dans les yeux de la seule personne dont je ne peux me passer du soutien.
His king had him executed. Him and many other people who fought for Spain.
Son roi à ordonner son exécution, ainsi que celle de nombreux autres qui ont combattu pour l'Espagne.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people talk 81
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people talk 81
people are talking 31
people are scared 36
people get hurt 32
people make mistakes 71
people are watching 31
people are dying 81
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people lie 29
people are looking 23
people get hurt 32
people make mistakes 71
people are watching 31
people are dying 81
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people lie 29
people are looking 23