Of his body translate French
1,436 parallel translation
30-year-old male, burns over most of his body. BP, 100 / 70.
30 ans, masculin, brûlé sur tout le corps.
But the rest of his body's intact.
Mais le reste de son corps est intact.
He makes it his own like it's an extension of his body.
Il s'en empare comme si... c'était une extension de son corps.
You've got a dead man who's got over one third of his body tissue eaten away, and until we figure out how and why, that tunnel cannot be reopened.
Les tissus cellulaires de la victime sont à moitié dissous. Tant qu'on ne saura pas pourquoi, on ne rouvrira pas ce tunnel.
Maybe you missed the fact that this victim's corpse washed ashore at Port Aransas, Texas. Massive flash burns on 90º / o of his body.
Savez-vous que le corps de la victime s'est échoué à Port Aransas, au Texas, et qu'il semble avoir été irradié?
Any door, any window... or any ledge, any opening or whatever... where he shows any part of his body or his head... I mean, I got him.
De n'importe quelle porte, n'importe quelle fenêtre... ou n'importe quelle ouverture, si je vois... sa tête ou une partie de son corps, il est fait.
And some of his body parts are rotten.
Et certaines parties de son corps sont invalides.
This thing drank the moisture out of his body.
Cette chose aspire toute l'eau du corps humain.
He's got external burns covering approximately 80 % of his body.
Il a des brûlures externes sur environ 80 % du corps.
Victim was like a leaky water balloon... heart slowly pumped blood right out of his body.
Exact. La victime était comme un ballon d'eau crevé. Le cœur pompait du sang que le corps rejetait.
Third-degree burns over 60 percent of his body.
Brûlé au 3e degré à 60 %.
Right side of his body.
Le côté droit du corps.
Golly, the whole left side of his body is as useless as tits on a boar hog. - He lingered in a vegetative state for years.
La moitié gauche aussi utile qu'une canne à un cul-de-jatte!
Free his spirit from the prison of his body.
Libérez son esprit... de sa prison corporelle.
Amongst places which allow closeness of same sex people there's also the the coranic school is where the child has his first contact with sacred texts the sexual dimension takes its place it's often with his body's favors
Dans les lieux qui favorisent le rapprochement entre les êtres de même sexe il y a aussi le [? ] l'école coranique institutionnalise le premier contact de l'enfant avec les textes la dimension sexuelle y occupe une place souvent, c'est avec les faveurs de son corps que l'enfant contourne l'aggressivité de son maître
And Maka can change his body into all sorts of weapons
Sans compter... que Maka peut transformer son corps en armes de toutes sortes.
Barry's upper body, all his internal organs are on the opposite side of typical placement.
Dans le tronc de Barry, tout les organes sont à l'opposé de l'endroit où ils sont d'habitude.
So this is the rest of his body?
Et voilà le reste du corps.
Roger Valenti's body offered up no resistance because of the excess iron in his blood.
Le corps de Valenti n'offrait pas de résistance au courant à cause de son taux de fer élevé.
What Poet's trying to tell you in his own surly style is that you've been snorting so much every day, combined with the size of your body, you have developed yourself a tolerance.
Ce que le Poète essaie de te dire dans son propre style, c'est que tu sniffes tellement par jour, plus la taille de ton corps, tu as développé une résistance.
Maybe the moral of the story is that those in power are just as fucked up as those who ain't, and the worst thing a body can do is give up his or her own power to some butt-heads on Mount Olympus,
La morale est peut-être que ceux qui ont le pouvoir sont aussi détraqués que ceux qui n'en ont pas, et la pire chose qu'on puisse faire, c'est abandonner son pouvoir à des idiots sur le Mont Olympe, parce que s'ils sont si puissants,
Let me get this straight. lf a 20 - year-old is supposed to serve 30 years, the drug physically transforms his body into that of a 50-year-old?
Si je comprends bien si un type de 20 ans doit faire 30 ans, la drogue lui donne un corps de 50 ans?
His body went into shock with the loss of fat.
Son corps a perdu trop de graisse.
Workmen found the body of 53-year-old Harry Odell outside his office at approximately 7 : 30 this morning.
Des ouvriers ont trouvé le corps de Harry Odell devant son bureau ce matin.
I would like him to hear it from you, his friend of many years... who received it personally from me... saw my expression and the language of my body as I spoke it.
Je veux qu'il l'entende de vous, son ami de longue date. Qui l'aura reçu de moi, qui aura vu mon expression et le langage de mon corps en vous le disant.
Your soft, cushy body helped absorb the force of his blow.
À mon tour de remplir ma part du marché.
I'll need to see them... and the photographs that were taken of the scene... and of course, his body.
J'aurais besoin de les voir... ainsi que les photos prises sur le lieu du crime... et bien sûr, son corps.
No, but he gave a concert and he ate a live rat at the concert... and he's got tattoos all over his body, and- - and we once had a discussion about music... and he threatened to push me down a flight of stairs.
Non, mais il a fait un concert et il a mangé un rat vivant... et il a des tatouages sur tout le corps et... et une fois on discutait à propos de la musique... et il m'a menacé de me balancer dans les escaliers.
Slim, take a look at this... The victim appears to be Roy Hamilton, the body was found in a parking lot near his place of work
Slim, viens voir! La victime, Roy Hamllton, gisait là, près de son bureau.
Most of his face was sticking up, and his body was buried and his shoulder was sticking up.
Sa tête sortait, mais son corps était enterré, et son épaule sortait.
He used his knowledge of black magic to try to flee, but he did something wrong, and his body was never recovered.
Il a utilisé ses connaissances en magie noire pour s'échapper, mais il s'est trompé. On n'a pas retrouvé son corps.
33 years later the patient died - - Unaware that it was because of the reactor in his body ".
33 ans après le malade est mort... sans savoir que c'était à cause du réactif dans son corps. "
There was a man marked with the scars of his love of country, a body active with the surge of a life far from spent, and in a moment, it was no more.
Il était un homme marqué par l'amour qu'il portait à son pays, un corps plein d'une vie loin de sa fin, puis, il ne fut plus.
And his body at the bottom of the pool with abrasions on his chest.
Et son corps au fond, marqué sur le torse.
And, according to the tox report, the bullet in his leg wasn't degraded enough to account for the amount of lead in his body.
Et selon le rapport d'analyse, la balle ne peut pas rejeter tout ce plomb.
So, his body went through four to six hours of healing
Son corps est passé par 4 à 6 heures de cicatrisation.
Yes, they do. They have a drug addict in a hospital... with burns over 50 percent of his body. No.
Si, il est là.
I'm on my second glass of good wine, I'm watching my boyfriend try to eat his body weight in meat, and I am extremely tickled that the only thing Dr Cox wants isn't on the menu.
J'en suis à mon second verre de bon vin, je regarde mon copain manger l'équivalent de son poids en viande, et je m'amuse beaucoup du fait que la seule chose que veut le Dr Cox n'est pas au menu.
As each Asgard's body fails, his consciousness is transferred into a newer, younger version of himself.
Lorsqu'un corps asgard faiblit, sa conscience est transférée dans une version rajeunie de lui-même.
The body of a man in his 20s has been found.
Nous avons trouvé le corps d'un jeune homme.
Careful with that body of his.
Faites attention à son corps.
Manhattan's body count this morning topped 21 4... including Union Official Robby Jones who was just one week... short of his 46th birthday, survived by wife and 3 children.
Le dernier bilan des victimes à Manhattan est de 214... Un instant!
Marco said that he didn't care about even my losing the ability of hearing and he didn't care about my body but I was sure that he told a lie, but his lie was so pleasant and he loved me so much that finally I loved me too
Marco dit qu'il s'en fiche, si je n'entends pas. Qu'il s'en fiche, de mon corps. Je crois qu'il ment.
Richard, drag his body off to the side of the road.
Richard, déplace son corps de l'autre coté de la route.
But it was thirst... that tested the strength of his mind, his body and his spirit.
Mais la soif mettait à l'épreuve la résistance de son esprit, de son corps et de son moral.
You were found with his body in the trunk of his car.
Vous vous souvenez? Vous n'êtes plus en prison?
His body was a map of scars.
Son corps était une carte de cicatrices.
Why his whole body smell of oil?
Pourquoi son corps est recouvert d'huile?
I'm thinking of taking his body back home.
Je vais prendre son corps pour le ramener chez lui.
You remind me of the guy with the skull-and-bones full-body tattoo caught in the crack house with his buck naked, shaved pussy, skinhead teenage girlfriend.
Tu me rappelles le mec avec une tête de mort tatouée sur le corps qui se fait gauler avec sa copine skinhead prépubère, le cul à l'air.
Police discovered the body of a man murdered inside his motor home.
... un homme assassiné dans son camping-car.
his body 44
body 247
bodyguard 57
body fat 19
body language 42
body parts 18
body strength 24
body and soul 43
body experience 27
bodyguards 21
body 247
bodyguard 57
body fat 19
body language 42
body parts 18
body strength 24
body and soul 43
body experience 27
bodyguards 21