Put it through translate French
796 parallel translation
You wanted us to put it through, didn't you?
Vous vouliez qu'on l'envoie, pas vrai?
Put it through to the dining room. Yes, madame.
Branchez dans la salle à manger!
Put it through as soon as it comes.
Passez-le moi quand vous l'avez en ligne.
Mr. Harris put it through. He wants to see it in his office right now.
M. Harris vient de demander à la voir d'urgence.
But I think we can all put it through.
Mais je crois qu'elle peut réussir.
All right, make out your claim and sign it. I'll put it through regular channels.
Elle suivra la filière.
But when you put it through the latch of a boxcar, you can't open the door from the inside.
Mais quand on le met dans le loquet d'un wagon, on ne peut plus ouvrir la porte de l'intérieur.
Put it through.
Put it through.
Je prends.
For you we put it through special.
Nettoyage spécial pour vous.
Put it through to my office.
Passez-le-moi dans mon bureau.
I hurt my head. Put it through the wall.
Je me suis fait mal à la tête, j'ai traversé le mur.
I put it through on this phone
Vous pouvez le prendre sur cet appareil
I put it through every test I've got.
J'ai fait des tas de tests.
Just fine. - Put it through immediately.
Faites-la tirer immédiatement.
Then use the radio. Put it through to my office.
Utilisez la radio.
Sergeant, get me Berlin on the radio and put it through to the general's office.
Contactez Berlin par radio et demandez le bureau du général.
And every night when it grows dark, I'll put a candle in the window to guide you through the jungle, Mr. Stanley.
Et chaque soir à la nuit tombée, je mettrai une bougie à la fenêtre.
It'll keep you going, and put the kids through college, without selling magazines.
Tu pourras tenir le coup et inscrire les enfants à l'université sans avoir à vendre des magazines.
If it's air they need, we can put a draft through their bow pretty quick.
Ils veulent de l'air? On va les trouer.
You mean, you want me to try and put a hole through it? Like this?
Dois-je la trouer, comme ceci?
I didn't think it would do any harm to put the kid through his paces.
J'ai juste voulu tester ce gosse.
Put me through to the police, it's very urgent miss.
Passez-moi le commissariat.
This must be a shock. I have no right to put you through it.
Mais je risquais de vous causer un choc.
Jackson put a go-devil through with it, there was hardly any sludge at all.
Jackson a utilisé un racleur, il n'y avait presque pas de dépôt.
If you'd put away your blackjacks long enough maybe I could get it through your heads that...
Si vous cessiez de m'effrayer, peut-être pourrais-je vous faire comprendre...
We'll tie a sash around it Put a ribbon through it
On va attacher une ceinture mettre un ruban en travers
No, you can put through your road and you can fortify it, but if one white man kills one Indian, that road's gonna come unraveled in your face.
Non, vous pouvez même fortifier votre route. Mais si un Blanc tue un Indien, elle vous reviendra en pleine face!
I realize it would be a very ugly business for you, and I regret to have to put you through it, however, I have no choice.
Je sais que ce serait vraiment atroce pour vous, et je regrette d'avoir à vous en mêler, mais je n'ai pas le choix.
Told them to put the call through, I'll monitor it here.
Que l'appel passe par ici, on va l'écouter.
It's like being put through a meat grinder. Once isn't enough.
C'est comme si on vous écrasait une seconde fois.
But if you ever put me through anything like that again, so help me, I'll get you, if it's the last thing I ever do.
Si tu me mets encore dans une telle situation, j'aurai ta peau.
Take this funnel, put it on your head and aim through the hole.
Prends cet entonnoir, tiens-le sur ta tête, vise par le trou.
And it's charged with electricity. Man put electricity through it.
C'est impossible... avec des barbelés électrifiés.
Please put it through.
Passez-le ici.
You try it and I'll put a bullet through your head.
Essayez et je vous tire une balle dans la tête.
Put me through to the Army, I'll get it in my office.
Le corps d'armée, d'urgence!
I'll have it put through to you.
Je vous le soumettrai.
I'm sorry to put her through this, but there's no other way to do it.
C'est regrettable pour elle mais il n'y a pas d'alternative.
If we don't open it up, we've got enough votes committed to put him through.
Nous avons assez de voix pour qu'il l'obtienne.
You deserve it, after all you put my poor father through!
Dire ça à sa mère! Je me souviens très bien comment papa a fini à cause de toi!
You throw the chairs around, you put your fists through all the glass, and it won't do you a bit of good.
Lancer des chaises, balancer ton poing dans une fenêtre ne t'aidera en rien.
Put me through to the same number as before. Just do it!
Rappelez le numéro précédent, dépêchez-vous.
Ladvise you to give it up and not put yourself... or this poor girl through any more.
Cesse de te rendre ridicule, renonce a cette idée.
Operator, you put that call through again and I will hold the line and wait if it takes all afternoon.
Redemandez-moi ce numéro, je reste en ligne. Je resterai en ligne tout l'après-midi, s'il le faut!
I know this probably sounds stupid to you... but what if we take a record... and we put it on and we play it through the, uh... the...
Si nous passions un disque sur le...
To put it... in lay language, cellular... dissemination means our bodies were broken up by some process or other shot through into the fourth dimension and at a given point reassembled again on this planet.
Dans un langage... plus compréhensible, la dissémination... cellulaire signifie que nos corps ont été dispersés par un quelconque processus, expédiés à travers la quatrième dimension et, à un moment donné, réassemblés sur cette planète.
Miss Azir, after all we've been through together, couldn't you find it in your heart to put in a small word on my behalf?
Mlle Azir, après tout ce que nous avons traversé, vous n'avez pas le cœur de prendre ma défense?
Put a call through for me to Elysees 3-2-2-6. It's my parents. My mother, Madame Bovera.
Téléphonez à Élysée-3226, chez ma mêre, Mme Beuvrat!
09 00 : 20 : 48 : 02 Because when I put this thing into gear... 05 00 : 20 : 49 : 17... and it smashes through that fence... 22 00 : 20 : 51 : 10... you're liable to find yourself hurt!
Parce que quand je mettrais de la vitesse à cette chose et qu'elle s'écrasera contre cette clôture vous risquez de vous trouver mal! Ou électrocuté.
I didn't wanna put you through it.
Je ne voulais pas te mêler à ça.
put it down 1121
put it on me 21
put it out 105
put it up 74
put it in 97
put it back 246
put it in your mouth 17
put it away 268
put it in the bag 22
put it over there 46
put it on me 21
put it out 105
put it up 74
put it in 97
put it back 246
put it in your mouth 17
put it away 268
put it in the bag 22
put it over there 46