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Translate.vc / English → French / [ S ] / See you tomorrow night

See you tomorrow night translate French

281 parallel translation
Can't tonight, see you tomorrow night.
Pas ce soir. Demain soir. T'en fais pas.
I'll see you tomorrow night at the annual party.
Je te verrai demain soir à la fête annuelle.
I'll see you tomorrow night.
A demain soir.
See you tomorrow night.
I'll see you tomorrow night? At the restaurant?
À demain soir, au restaurant?
Bye, Dennis, I'll see you tomorrow night.
Au revoir, Dennis. A demain soir.
I'll see you tomorrow night.
Je te verrai demain soir.
I come to see you tomorrow night.
Je viens vous voir demain soir.
Darling, I'll see you tomorrow night about 7 : 00.
Je te verrai demain soir à 19 h.
Well, I'll see you tomorrow night at seven.
Je vous verrai demain soir à 7h, M. Meegles, d'accord?
I'll see you tomorrow night.
- Je te verrai demain soir.
Will I see you tomorrow night?
Je pourrai vous voir demain soir?
Ok, so I'll see you tomorrow night.
Alors, à demain soir.
Will we see you tomorrow night?
On vous voit demain soir?
See you tomorrow night, 8, at the Select.
A demain soir, 8 h, au Select.
I'll see you tomorrow night at the party.
Venez à la réception, demain.
See you tomorrow night.
Alors, à demain soir?
- I'll see you tomorrow night at the plant.
On se verra demain soir.
See you tomorrow. Good night, Dan.
Bonsoir et à demain.
But you're going to see me tomorrow night at the Aviator's Club.
Mais tu me verras demain au club des Aviateurs.
You go to bed early and get a good night's rest, and I'll see you tomorrow.
Va te coucher tôt et dors bien. Je te verrai demain. Oui.
You're coming to see me dance tomorrow night?
Viendrez-vous me voir danser demain soir?
Can you see me tomorrow at night?
- Pouvez-vous me voir demain soir?
And you're gonna see one tomorrow night.
Il y en aura une en rouge, demain.
Good night, see you tomorrow... - only once we ´ re finished the play!
Bonsoir, à demain, C ´ est après le deuxième acte.
- Then you nip off home, see. - Okay. What about tomorrow night?
- Et pour demain soir?
See you tomorrow after church, Alison. - Good night.
À demain après la messe, Alison.
If he goes upstairs tomorrow night while you are here Will you try to follow him? Will you see if you can...
Si Nick monte voir l'enfant, s'il monte demain soir quand vous serez ici, pourriez-vous le suivre et voir si...
Good night. I'll see you tomorrow.
Nous nous verrons demain.
And I'll be around again tomorrow night, just to see what luck you have.
Je reviendrai demain soir. Juste pour voir.
See you tomorrow. Good night.
Bonne nuit, à demain!
I'll see you tomorrow after the indictment. Come on. Good night, Governor.
On se voit demain à l'audience.
Good night, jeb I'll see you tomorrow?
Bonne nuit, Jeb. - Je te vois demain?
You know, we could come back tomorrow night to see the third act.
Nous pourrions revenir demain pour le 3e acte.
I'll see you tomorrow night!
Je vous verrai demain soir.
- Good night. - See you tomorrow.
- Bonne nuit à demain.
See you tomorrow... g'night.
Alors à demain, bonsoir!
Night, Uncle Cam. See you tomorrow.
- Bonne nuit, oncle Cam, à demain!
Let me see you. Tomorrow night?
- Donnez-moi rendez-vous.
Because, as you'll see tomorrow... Tomorrow night I have to win.
Tu iras le voir demain, car je dois gagner demain.
- See you tomorrow. - Night, Phil.
A demain.
You know what? Let's meet tomorrow night. Give it to me then, and I'll see it gets delivered.
Demain soir, vous me la donnez et je la remettrai moi-même.
You'll see him tomorrow night. There's always another sunset.
Tu y retourneras demain, au Pincio.
- Will I see you tomorrow night?
On se voit demain soir?
Good night. See you tomorrow.
aller, bonne nuit, à demain.
Good night. I'll see you tomorrow.
À demain.
- But I'll see you tomorrow. Good night. - See you tomorrow.
À demain, au Quartier Général.
- Night, Nadiuska. See you tomorrow.
Musique grave
It's tough you missed G's first night. She was swell. - I'll see her tomorrow.
Quel dommage.
That way you'll see two of us on the Strip tomorrow night.
Comme ça, nous serons deux sur Sunset Boulevard demain soir.
And may I see you again tomorrow night?
Puis-je vous revoir demain soir?

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