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They can't do this translate French

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They'll say I'm crazy. But I'm head of this family. - I can do what I want, right?
Je prendrai la charrette et le cheval, et je leur dirai que je t'ai emmené voir la foire aux bestiaux à Langeac.
Obviously, the person who's posting this has inside information, so they can do serious damage to our business, if they haven't already.
C'est sur que, ce gars qui poste ça à de très bonne infos, et peuvent nous faire de très gros dégats, si c'est pas déjà le cas.
They can't do this to me.
Je vais poursuivre cet hôtel!
They can't do this to me. I know where the body's buried.
S'ils me font le coup, je sors le cadavre du placard.
They can't do this to you, Dan.
Ils ne peuvent pas te faire ça.
They can't do this to me.
Ils ne peuvent pas me faire ça.
It's a miscarriage of justice. They can't do this.
- Quelle surprise de te voir ici!
They can't do this to me, I'm a civilian.
Tu vas aider à gagner celle-ci. C'est pas ma guerre.
- Don't worry, they can't do this.
Payez les 2 $.
You can't do this, mrs. Moore. Why, it'll be two days before they get a new wheel out here.
On n'aura pas une autre roue avant 2 jours.
No, you can't. These are only braceros. They have nothing to do with this.
Non, ces braceros n'ont rien à voir là-dedans.
- They can't do this.
- C'est intolérable.
They can't do this to me.
Ils peuvent pas me faire ça.
You can't do this, Antoine. They didn't start it. Phillipe did.
Ne fais pas ça, c'est Phillipe qui a commencé.
They can't do this!
Il ne peut pas faire ça!
- They can't do this to me.
- Ils ne peuvent pas faire ça!
But they can't do this to me.
Mais c'est impossible.
You can't do all this without knowing what they're after.
Vous ne pouvez pas faire ça sans savoir ce qu'ils veulent.
They can't do this to us, can they?
Ils ne peuvent faire ça.
- They can't do this to me!
Ils peuvent pas me faire ça!
It's amazing what they can do with this costume stuff these days, isn't it?
C'est inouï ce qu'on fait de nos jours avec les pierres artificielles.
Now, what about it, Tony? I can't take this girl home. If I do, they'll trace me right back to here.
Si c'est moi qui la raccompagne, on saura d'où elle vient.
They can't do this.
Ils n'ont pas pu faire ça.
- Can't you turn it on and connect it up? What we can do, this is between you and me, I shouldn't really be telling you this, we'll turn your gas on, make a hole in your pipe, you ring Hounslow emergency, they'll be around here in a couple of days. No.
Alors, pourquoi ne pas la brancher et l'allumer?
Are you trying to make it so they can't do this?
Ne vous perdez pas en conjectures, dites-moi ce que je peux faire.
They can't do this to us here in Nashville.
On ne peut pas nous faire ça à Nashville.
But they can't do in this little brain.
Mais ce petit cerveau n'est jamais à bout.
They can't do this to you.
Ils peuvent pas te faire ça.
Believe me, they can't do this to you.
Crois-moi, ils peuvent pas te faire ça.
You'll get back at them because they can't do this to you.
Tu le leur revaudras, parce qu'ils peuvent pas te faire ça.
You make it... you make it so they can't ever do anything like this again.
Fais en sorte qu'ils ne puissent plus jamais faire une chose pareille.
If someone finds out about this, they're gonna try to take it away, and they can't do that, because you dreamt it, I built it, and it's our secret.
Si quelqu'un découvre ça, il voudra nous le voler, or c'est impossible car tu l'as rêvé, je l'ai conçu : c'est notre secret.
You can't do that. This place is wide open. They're going to see you.
Cet endroit est découvert, ils vont te voir.
They can't do this, Paul. It's illegal search and seizure.
Ils ne peuvent pas, c'est illégal.
They can't do this.
Ils ne peuvent pas faire ça.
They can't do this!
Ils ne peuvent pas faire ça!
They can't do this to me!
Ils peuvent pas me faire ça!
- They can't do this!
- Oh, Mon Dieu!
They can't make us do this.
Ils peuvent pas nous faire faire ça.
- They can't do this, we are Belgians.
- Ils ne peuvent pas faire ça nous sommes Belges.
They can't do this to you, Arvid!
Ils ne peuvent pas te faire ça, Arvid!
A lot of good cops get to the point of... ... slapping their badge down on this desk... ... and find they just can't do it.
Beaucoup de bons flics... veulent balancer leur insigne... mais ils ne peuvent pas.
They can't do this to daddy.
Ils peuvent pas faire ca à papa.
- How can they do that? - Well, obviously, Toby, this particular question isn't in the bank vault.
Il faut croire que celle-là n'est pas dans le coffre!
Because most ships this size can't do it. They have to rely on a jumpgate.
La plupart des vaisseaux n'en sont pas capables.
- You can't do this. They're going to pay.
- Vous ne pouvez pas faire ça.
- I have to do this. It can't go on. You know what they'll do.
Leur bébé de 9 mois... est sur le point de mourir d'une déficience cardiaque.
Sgt. Gleason, I don't wanna do anything against the grain here but I've got some very good men who'll do anything they can to get out of this place.
Sergent Gleason, je ne voudrais pas faire un faux pas... mais j'ai de três bons hommes qui feraient n'importe quoi... pour sortir d'ici.
They can't drive a car... And they can do this, so we can do that.
"alors s'ils y arrivent, nous aussi!"
If I signal the fleet, this lot might pick it up. If they do and we can't get away....
Si je préviens notre flotte, ils nous détecteront, et on ne pourra pas fuir.
- Do we have to take this? They're treating this like real. We can't ignore it.
Ils vont credibiLiser ces ragots et on va accepter d'y participer?

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