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They can't hear you translate French

183 parallel translation
Don " t you know what can happen to you if they hear you?
Ne sais-tu pas ce qui peut t "arriver s" ils t " entendent?
Can't you hear me? They're dead, I tell you!
Vous ne voyez pas qu'ils sont tous morts!
Listen, I can tell these boys some things they'd like to hear, wouldn't you, boys?
Je peux parler de choses qui pourraient les intéresser, hein?
But they still can't see you or hear you, huh?
Mais ils ne vous voient et ne vous entendent pas.
Hey, they can't hear you.
Ils ne vous entendent pas. Non.
You can't see me or hear me, but they tell me I can get through to ya.
En dépit de tout bon sens, sans que tu le saches, il paraît que tu m'entends.
Don't worry. They can't hear you. Come on in.
Ne t'en fais pas, ils ne nous entendent pas.
They can't hear you.
Ils ne t'entendent pas.
You're off the air. They can't hear you.
C'est coupé, ils ne vous entendent pas.
You can't hear a thing. They're like cats.
On dirait des chats.
Don't you know what can happen to you if they hear you?
Ne sais-tu pas ce qui peut t'arriver s'ils t'entendent?
But on the contrary, I must go out. Otherwise you can't hear when they call you.
Il le faut bien pour entendre quand elles appellent.
You think they can't hear you?
- Eux aussi vous entendent.
- They can't hear you.
- Ils ne peuvent plus vous entendre.
- I told you, they can't hear us.
- Je vous dis qu'ils ne nous entendent pas.
The reason you can't hear me... is because you're firing your mortar at your end... and they're dropping here at our end!
Parce que tes obus partent de chez toi et explosent chez nous.
I think they can't hear you
Je crois qu'ils ne vous entendent pas.
I don't think they can hear you. Just a minute
Ils ne vous entendent pas, attendez une minute!
Now come on. Slow up. They can't hear you
Calmez-vous, ils ne vous entendent pas.
After a while you can't hear anything down there, they say. Who knows, maybe he was abscent-minded or concerned about something.
Qui sait, peut-être qu'il avait la tête ailleurs ou qu'il était préoccupé par quelque chose.
They're calling you, can't you hear?
On t'appelle, tu n'entends pas? Va-t'en!
They can't hear, so you shouldn't have trouble sneaking up on them.
Ils sont sourds, vous devriez arriver à les surprendre.
You can't hear them here, but they are coming.
Ici on n'entend rien.
- They can't hear you, Max.
- Ils ne t'entendent pas.
But they can't hear what you're saying.
... mais ils entendent pas ce que tu dis.
You can't even hear the Jordanaires, they've got my voice so loud!
On n'entend pas les Jordanaires, on n'entend que ma voix!
They can't hear you.
Ils peuvent pas t'entendre.
They can't hear you in the next room.
Viens par ici.
A little louder, they can't hear you in the back.
Plus fort! Les gens du fond n'entendent pas.
Go ahead, they can hear you.
Vas-y. Ils t'entendent.
They can hear you. They ain't allowed to help.
On peut vous entendre, mais on ne peut pas vous aider.
You can't believe everything you hear. Sometimes they put out a story, you know.
Crois pas tout ce qu'on dit, y a des faux bruits.
I don't know if you can hear me, but here they are, just like I promised.
Je ne sais pas si vous êtes là, mais les voilà, comme promis.
Would you yell a little louder They can't hear you in Cairl!
Gueule un peu plus fort et on t'entendra au Caire.
They can neither see nor hear you.
Elles ne peuvent ni te voir ni t'entendre.
Deanna, I don't know if you can hear me. I've heard doctors say that even when someone's in a coma, they may be able to hear when people talk to them.
Deanna, j'ignore si tu peux m'entendre, mais les docteurs disent que quelqu'un dans le coma a besoin qu'on lui parle,
Talk a little louder, they can't hear you down the block.
Parlez un peu plus fort, ils ne vous entendent pas au bout de la rue.
Can they even hear you in the back of the room when you're teaching?
Ils arrivent à t'entendre, au fond de la classe?
They can't hear you.
ils ne peuvent pas vous entendre.
What? You don't think they can hear sounds in there?
Tu ne crois pas qu'ils entendent les sons?
They can't hear you.
- Ils ne vous entendent pas.
You can't direct the actors, can't hear what they're saying.
Impossible de parler aux acteurs, de les entendre.
They can't fucking hear you! Cool it!
Ils t'entendent pas!
You can't hear them till they've gone.
On ne les entend qu'une fois partis.
They can't hear you.
Ils ne vous entendent pas.
I don't think they can hear you on the moon.
Je ne crois pas qu'on va t'entendre sur la lune.
He was like a blind person, you know? They can't see, but they hear real well.
Il ressemblait aux aveugles, il ne voyait rien, entendait tout.
They can't hear you. Their masks are off.
Ils ne peuvent vous entendre, ils ont ôté leurs masques.
- How can you communicate with them when they got flowers on their ears, - so they can't hear and hair down to their hip pockets,
Comment communiquer, avec des fleurs dans les oreilles, les cheveux jusqu'aux fesses!
Can they hear you?
Peuvent-ils t'entendre?
- They can't hear you anymore.
- Ils ne peuvent plus t'entendre.

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