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Two seconds translate French

1,984 parallel translation
I just paged you guys two seconds ago.
- Je vous ai bipés il y a deux secondes.
You can't honestly tell me you enjoy running in blazing hot pads trying to catch a pass two seconds before some 2000-pound mongoloid...
Ne me dis pas que tu aimes courir en plein soleil pour choper un ballon juste avant qu'un mastodonte
We got lunch with my mom in, like, two seconds.
On va dîner avec ma mère.
Sorry, love. Two seconds.
Deux secondes.
Daddy's working. I'll call you back in two seconds.
Je vous rappelle tout de suite.
And I'm about two seconds away from expending your brains all over this floor if you don't tell me what the hell that is.
Et je suis à deux doigts de sacrifier votre cervelle sur le sol si vous ne me dites pas ce qu'est ceci.
You have two seconds to tell me what's going on before I scream my head off and wake up the whole castle.
Tu as deux secondes pour me dire de quoi il en retourne avant que j'hurle et réveille tout le château.
Nine minutes and twenty two seconds.
9 minutes et 22 secondes.
- for two seconds.
Restons zen.
Two seconds.
- Juste deux secondes, voir si ça avance.
- Tu as 2 secondes.
- a fucking responsible father for two seconds?
- un père responsable 2 minutes?
I was relaxed about two seconds ago.
J'étais... détendu il y a deux secondes.
Two seconds later, it happened.
Deux secondes plus tard, c'est arrivé.
Another two seconds faster.
T'as encore gagné deux secondes.
Twenty-two seconds into high school and my social life is already over.
Le secondaire est commencé depuis 22 secondes, et ma vie est finie.
All in two seconds, you're done?
- En deux secondes, t'as fini?
All in two seconds.
- En deux secondes.
We can really influence these kids, but if you give them two seconds of your time, they can really turn your life around. And so I just wanted to thank you for coming into my life, Marie. Thank you.
Nous pouvons réellement influencer ces enfants mais mais si vous leur donner un peu de votre temps ils peuvent vraiment changer votre vie c'est pour ça que je voulais te remercier d'être entrer dans ma vie Mary, Merci!
- Ricky, relax for two seconds.
- Ricky, relaxe, là, deux secondes!
Flatfoot, you'd get your ass fragged In two seconds you ever saw any real action.
Poulet, tu te serais fait exploser le cul en deux secondes si t'avais été dans l'action.
Two seconds, think of your family.
Pense 2 secondes à ta famille.
You can take care of this guy in two seconds.
Tu peux te charger de lui en 2 secondes.
Look, I saw her hair by accident. For about two seconds.
J'ai vu ses cheveux par accident, pendant genre deux secondes.
You can't go two seconds without criticizing me, can you?
Tu ne tiens pas 2 secondes sans me critiquer, n'est-ce pas?
Maybe, madam, if you were to look at the photograph for more than two seconds, it would jog your memory. You have sold some of these coats.
Peut-être, madame, si vous regardiez la photo plus de 2 secondes,
- I talked to the guy for two seconds.
- Je lui ai parlé deux secondes!
- Just for two seconds?
- Juste un instant?
why don't you grab that booth over there, honey. i'll be there in two seconds.
Va t'asseoir là-bas, j'arrive.
Well, I'm no doctor, but I could have you springing up and out of there in two seconds.
Je sais comment te faire sortir de là d'un seul bond.
Wait, no, can we just stop for two seconds, please?
Attendez, on peut faire une pause?
In two seconds over some stupid game.
En deux secondes, au milieu d'un jeu stupide.
It'll take two seconds.
{ \ pos ( 240,235 ) } Ça prendra deux secondes.
- It'll take two seconds.
- Ça va prendre deux secondes.
I mean, I understand grabbing the artifact Before it causes trouble. But he couldn't spare two seconds
C'est normal d'écarter un artefact avant qu'il pose problème, mais il a pas le temps de nous dire où on met les pieds?
I don't know, okay? 'cause I was about two seconds away from passing out.
{ \ pos ( 192,215 ) } J'étais à deux doigts de m'évanouir.
You'll hear a dial tone in about two seconds if you don't tell me what's on your mind.
Je t'entends marcher. Tu entendras la tonalité dans deux secondes si tu ne me dis pas ce que tu veux.
Uh, two minutes, eighteen seconds.
Euh, deux minutes, 10 secondes.
"immediately and gently push the white over the yolk with a wooden spoon " for two to three seconds. " immediately.
"Ramenez délicatement le blanc sur le jaune pendant 3 secondes."
But if my thumb leaves the surface of this screen for any reason... and I don't put it back within 10 seconds or less... well, then you lose the round, and two things happen.
Mais si mon pouce lâche la surface de l'écran, par maladresse ou autre, et que je ne le remets pas avant dix secondes max, eh bien, tu perds le round et il arrive deux choses.
Two minutes, 29 seconds.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Dans 2 minutes et 29 secondes.
Two seconds!
- 2 secondes!
- Two minutes, twenty seconds.
- Deux minutes, 20 secondes.
Louisville's down by two with 10 seconds to play.
Louisville est mené de deux points 10 secondes avant la fin.
At two minutes and 45 seconds into the tape, the Dodge revs and drives away.
À 2 minutes et 45 secondes, sur la cassette, la Dodge part.
Roy resists for two seconds too long, gets himself dead, then...
Veut récupérer l'argent.
- Here, maybe, two, three seconds.
Peut-être deux, trois secondes.
All right. Eight seconds left, down by two.
Il reste huit secondes, on est menés de 2 points.
It gives the time, the date and with a push of a button, turns into a stopwatch that records lap times and one-two finishes in tenths of seconds.
Il donne l'heure, la date et en appuyant sur un bouton, se transforme en chronomètre qui enregistre les temps au tour et les doublés en dixièmes de secondes.
- Got two minutes, 13 seconds.
On a 2 minutes, 13 secondes.
Building resident in the stairwell heard two gunshots and then, about 10 seconds later, saw a woman run past her.
Des locataires dans la cage d'escalier ont entendu 2 coups de feu, puis environ 10 secondes après ont vu une femme s'enfuir.

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