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Was that a joke translate French

837 parallel translation
Oh, that was a joke.
Oh, c'était une blague.
That was a good joke on all of us, wasn't it?
C'était une bonne blague, hein?
Do you want to have Württemberg, and I should take it seriously? That was only a joke.
Moi, vous donner le Wurtemberg, pour des bijoux?
Look, that was just a little joke...
Voyons... C ´ était juste une plaisanterie.
- That was a very funny joke of yours.
- Tu parles d'une blague.
That was a joke in the first place.
Quelle plaisanterie.
Well, don't be like that. It was just a joke.
Te fâche pas, c'était une blague.
It's true that Brom liked a joke as well as the next, but enough was too much.
Il est vrai que Brom aimait les plaisanteries, mais ça commençait à suffire.
No, that was a bad joke, wasn't it?
Non, c'était de mauvais goût, hein?
I've never betrayed you, that was a joke.
Je ne t'ai jamais trahi, c'était une plaisanterie.
[Lt was logical that a joke of this kind could not be tolerated...] [... easily by Peppone and his comrades.
Naturellement, une farce comme celle-là ne pouvait pas passer toute seule auprès de Peppone et consorts.
It was a practical joke that Gatt and Koble and I were playing on Georgie.
Gatt, Koble et moi avons joué un tour à Georgie.
I'm sorry Jeff, that was a bad joke.
Pardon, elle est mauvaise.
That was a joke.
Je plaisantais.
Tell them anything, that it was a joke...
Tu diras n'importe quoi. C'était une blague...
It was harmless, like a joke that didn't come off.
Pas plus que par une blague un peu vaine.
- Joke? You think that was a joke?
- Tu crois que c'était une blague?
But that was old Creepy. He could always take a joke. Well...
Parce qu'elle n'en peut plus de cette maison de fous!
That was a very cute joke you made about getting your dinner.
Je riais de ta blague sur le fait de préparer ton dîner.
Well if that collision course was their idea of a joke, I'd hate to be one of their enemies.
Eh bien si cette course à la collision était leur idée de ce que peut être une blague, je détesterais être l'un de leurs ennemis.
That was not a very good joke, boss.
Ce n'est pas drôle, patron.
That was just a joke.
Je plaisante.
And imagine that her husband was able to get on a train in order to kill someone... That really is a joke.
Et s'imaginer que son mari était capable de monter dans un train pour assassiner quelqu'un, il y a de quoi se marrer.
But I tried to explain to your wife that it was just a joke.
J'ai essayé d'expliquer à votre femme que c'était une plaisanterie.
That was a stupid joke.
Quelle blague idiote.
I thought that was a joke.
- Je croyais que c'était une plaisanterie.
Was that meant to be a password, or simply a joke?
C'était un mot de passe ou une blague?
That was just a joke.
Je plaisantais.
That was a joke!
C'était pour rire.
What was that, a joke?
C'est une farce?
That was a tasteless joke, Inspector!
- C'est une plaisanterie de mauvais goût, Inspecteur!
That was a pretty good joke, wasn't it?
C'était drôle, non?
- No - that was a joke - a joke!
- Mais non, c'était une blague!
A bad joke would be that your boyfriend was a bit overzealous in his passion.
Je ne voudrais pas que ton petit ami en ait trop fait dans le feu de l'action.
That sure was a lousy joke you pulled back there about the plane crashing.
- Je suis sûr que c'est une blague idiote, votre histoire d'avion qui s'écrase.
I understand that for you it was a joke, maybe.
Je comprends que pour vous il était une blague, peut-être.
I cant really joke about that, It was a bitch, It was a bitch, baby, you know?
J'ai pas envie de rire avec ça, c'était l'enfer.
If that was supposed to be a joke, Spock, I have to remind you Vulcans don't tell jokes.
Si c'était une blague, Spock, je vous rappelle que les Vulcains n'en font pas.
I was just trying to ease the tension, and I noticed that you were a man who appreciated a good joke over there.
J'essayais juste d'évacuer la tension, et j'ai remarqué que vous étiez homme à apprécier une bonne plaisanterie.
That was a good joke! [i.e. sesso = sex sasso = stone]
C'était une bonne plaisanterie!
- That was a joke.
- Je blaguais.
That was a joke for you.
Je blaguais pour te faire rire.
I thought it was a poor joke. I couldn't believe that anybody could be that cruel.
J'ai trouvé que c'était une plaisanterie macabre et des plus cruelles.
that was just a joke, Doctor.
C'était juste une blague, Docteur.
That was a joke. Most doctors love kids.
La plupart des médecins aiment les enfants, ils ont des photos partout dans leur bureau.
That was.... That was a joke.
Ça, c'était... une blague.
"Respect," he muttered, sure now that he was the butt of a practical joke so he smoothed out the soil and set the cross back upright, at the head of the grave.
"Respect," marmonna-t-il... certain maintenant d'avoir été le dindon de la farce. Alors, il lissa le sol... et remis la croix sur pied à la tête de la tombe... et puis, il retourna se coucher.
Sam, come on, that was a joke!
Je plaisante!
No, that was a joke.
Non, c'était une blague.
- That was a joke.
C'était une blague.
That was just a practical joke.
C'était une blague.

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