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What's his translate French

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And now he's taking on the role of the abuser re-enacting what happened to his mother.
Et là, il prend le rôle d'agresseur rejouant ce qui est arrivé à sa mère.
And what did you say his name is?
Et comment vous dites qu'il s'appelle?
Jesus, what's up his butt?
Seigneur, qu'est ce qui lui prend?
What's his diagnosis?
Quel est son diagnostic?
The reputed head of what is left of the city's crime family invested through a shell corporation named after his niece.
Le chef de ce qu'il reste de la famille criminelle de la ville a investi dans une société écran portant le nom de sa nièce.
- What's that on his neck?
- C'est quoi dans son cou?
- What's his name?
- C'est quoi son prénom?
Smithers, "what profit a man if he gain the world, and lose his soul?"
Smithers, "À quoi ça servirait à un homme de gagner le monde, s'il perdait son âme?"
- What's his problem?
- Qu'est-ce qui lui prend?
He's Michael to me, which is what I told His Airness when he called.
Il est Michael pour moi, c'est ce que j'ai dit à "Sa majesté des airs" quand il a appelé.
What sort of person pretends that his wife's been missing for seven years?
Quelle personne fait croire que sa femme a disparue pendant 7 ans?
What's his name again? Spike?
Comment s'appelle-t-il?
What's his next move?
C'est quoi son prochain mouvement?
What's his plan?
C'est quoi son plan?
Now, nobody knows what happened between the two of them, but I do know that Sam Houston's never spoken a word against her, nor has he allowed one spoken in his presence.
Personne ne sait ce qu'il s'est passé entre eux deux, mais je sais que Sam Houston n'en a jamais dit de mal, ni laissé quiconque en dire en sa présence.
- That's what his voice sounds like.
- C'est comme ça que sonne sa voix.
But what's his weakness?
Quelle est son point faible?
Well, what if I'm not his type?
Et s'il est pas mon genre?
I'm not convinced he's faced up to what could happen with his mother or anybody, if it gets out.
Je ne sais pas s'il a bien compris ce qui arrivera, avec sa mère ou autre, si cela se sait.
And what's his legacy?
Et quel est son héritage?
What's his beef with me? "
Qu'est-ce qu'il a contre moi? "
What about what's-his-name? Uh, uh, uh, the oatmeal guy? Blah-blah-blah?
Et machin là, le mec des flocons d'avoine?
Sean Ramsey may not be what we asked for, but he was what was given to us, and his vision is what's saving the world.
Sean Ramsey n'était peut-être pas ce que nous avions demandé, mais il était celui qu'on nous avait envoyé, et c'est sa vision qui sauve le monde actuellement.
What's his story?
Quelle est son histoire?
What's his next move going to be?
Quel va être son prochain mouvement?
What's his temperature?
Quelle est sa température?
What if we put him in a drug-induced coma and when he wakes up, we'll tell him it's 10 years later - and that he lost his apartment? - ( Bonnie scoffs )
Et si on le mettait dans un coma artificiel et quand il se réveille, on lui dira que c'est 10 plus tard et qu'il a perdu son appartement?
What happened at The Centre when they heard it was the boy who killed his family?
Ce qui s'est passé au centre quand ils ont appris que c'est le fils qui a tué sa famille?
What's his name?
Son nom?
What was his name?
Comment s'appelait-il?
And what's worse is I found an e-mail to Hunter's account saying that his coffeehouse tour was canceled.
Et le pire c'est que j'ai trouvé un email sur le compte de Hunter disant que sa tournée avait été annulée.
What's his name?
Quel est son nom?
So if this guy's out there and he knows his partner got popped, no telling what he'll do with the family.
Si ce mec est dehors et apprend que son complice est tombé, impossible de dire ce qu'il fera à la famille.
- What's his name?
- Quel est son nom?
Look, I know what this looks like... like they parked the loony bird out back with his kiddy toys, but I'll have you know that these aren't just toys.
Je sais, on dirait un barjot qui joue avec ses jouets. Mais sache qu'il ne s'agit pas de simples jouets.
If he cannot give stability to his realm..... then it doesn't matter what else he can do.
S'il ne peut pas stabiliser son royaume... Alors, peu importe ce qu'il fait d'autre.
What's his name, your boyfriend?
Comment il s'appelle, ton copain?
What's his name?
Il s'appelle comment?
What's his name again?
C'est quoi son nom déjà?
That's what the assassin was trying to retrieve from his pocket.
C'est ce que le tueur tentait de récupérer dans sa poche.
What's his name?
Qui est-ce?
Take, for instance, what's-his-name--DuPont?
Prenez par exemple, quel est son nom... DuPont?
He's either gonna buy what I'm selling or cover his tracks.
Il va soit croire ce que je lui dis ou couvrir ses traces.
What's going on is, I just finished having them scrape Jeff's name off his door.
Ce qu'il se passe c'est, je viens juste de finir d'enlever le nom de Jeff de sa porte.
What I said was, you're an arrogant bastard who's spent his life manipulating people.
Ce que j'ai dit c'est que vous étiez un connard arrogant qui a passé sa vie à manipuler les gens.
What's his name?
Comment s'appelle-t-il?
What started out in his garage, has now grown to be the leading security software company in the entire world.
Ce qui a commencé dans son garage, s'est développé pour être à présent la principale entreprise de sécurité logicielle à travers le monde.
What if his memory collapses while you're trying your little experiment?
Si la mémoire s'effondre pendant ta petite expérience?
Guess what his real name is.
Devine comment il s'appelle en vrai.
That's what the bloody rags in his foot locker were all about.
C'est de ça dont s'agissait les chiffons ensanglantés dans son casier.
What's his profession?
Qu'est-ce qu'il fait, comme metier?

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