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What about that one translate French

639 parallel translation
What about that one?
Et lui? - Pete!
What about that one monkey you told me about?
Et le singe dont tu m'as parlé?
And what about that one?
Et celui-là?
And what about that one?
Un avion approche. - Et ce truc-là, il y est, sur la carte?
- What about that one?
Et celui-là?
What about that one, over there?
Et celui-là?
- And what about that one?
- Et pour celui-là?
What about that one him?
Et lui, qui est-ce?
What will I give them if you don't buy anything? What about that one?
Qui va leur donner à manger, hein?
- What about that one there?
Que dis-tu de ça?
Only one thing tough about it. - What's that?
Il y a un seul obstacle.
Since we're getting everything out in the open, suppose we talk about that woman? What woman? You mean the one I "sold"?
Et puisqu on dit tout, si on parlait un peu de cette femme? Quelle femme? Ah, celle que j'ai vendue, hein? Ecoute, j'étais malade d'être seul, malade de ne pas trouver de travail. J'étais dans un petit hôtel, on habitait sur le même palier.
- Well, what I could say about that one.
Vous l'entendez, celle-lâ?
What about the cigarette butts? I found one in the living room and one here still smoking moistened by the swollen lips of some stranger who pressed his lips against yours your lips that used to be pure, touched only by me.
Que me dis tu des mégots trouvés dans Ie salon et ici encore chauds mouillés par Ies lèvres d'un inconnu posés sur tes lèvres, qui auparavant étaient pures et seulement touchés par moi?
What I could tell you about that one would fill a whole book — several books.
Je pourrais écrire plusieurs livres sur elle.
What about me? I'm the one that has to sing. I'm the one that gets the raspberries.
Et moi, je dois chanter, encaisser les quolibets!
There are a thousand and one little things that go on underneath the surface... That reminds me. What about my laundry?
A propos... mon linge.
What about the one that came down about 2?
- Oui merci. La nuit a été calme, non?
On the way back, we went over once more... what she was to do at the inquest... if they had one, and about the insurance, when that came up.
Sur le trajet, on a répété ce qu'elle dirait s'il y avait enquête et au sujet de l'assurance.
I was thinking during the night about that gown. - What gown? - The one Sister Bates was found in.
Cette nuit, j'ai réfléchi à la blouse dans laquelle Bates a été trouvée.
- What are you worrying about? - Is this the one that was on the floor?
C'est cette carte qui était tombée?
By that time no one knows what he's talking about.
Et alors, on ne sait plus de quoi on parle.
What was that one about?
- De quoi s'agissait-il?
- What about that one?
- Et celui-ci?
Nobody that is except one little boy who, for some strange reason, hadn't heard about the king's new magic suit, and didn't know what he was supposed to see.
Personne, sauf un gentil petit garçon qui, étrangement, n'avait pas entendu parler du costume magique du roi et ne savait pas ce qu'il était censé voir.
The one that looks like a hunting dog, what went before just about us is Soltan.
Celui qui ressemble à un basset, c'est Zoltan.
What's so different about it here from over there or anyplace you go that one person couldn't live in both places just as easily?
Qu'y a-t-il de si différent là où tu vas qui fait qu'on ne pourrait y vivre aussi facilement?
But what about all the fights after that one?
As-tu pensé aux combats qui suivront celui-ci?
Unless I can convince you that what I'm about to tell you is the absolute truth then in one hour from now I shall be dead.
Si vous ne croyez pas que je dis Ia vérité, dans une heure, je serai mort.
You know, no one remembers exactly what that last duel was about.
Tout le monde a oublié la raison de ce dernier duel.
What happened to all that talk about security and solidity and rich one day and poor the next?
Et tout ce discours sur la sécurité et la solidité, riche un jour, pauvre le lendemain?
Well, uh, would I be wrong in saying that these things aren't about what just one person wants?
Bien, aurais-je tort en disant que ces choses ne sont pas juste décidées par une seule personne?
What about that cyclone? - First one ever in Europe. Did you know that?
C'est le 1er cyclone en Europe, vous le saviez?
I propose that this lady here, who seems to be the only one who knows what she's talking about..
Bien, voici une résolution :
You don't know very much about the Litoff organization, do you? No, no one does. That's what's so intriguing.
Alors une perte de 50.000...
I'm sorry, but I remembered when you were dictating that one about Mrs. Hobbs'brother... what you really thought of him... it was so long, I ran right out of the book. Uh-huh.
La fois où vous aviez dicté votre opinion sur le frère de Mme Hobbs, mon bloc n'avait pas suffi.
And it seems a reasonable conjecture that if there are any television sets up in cowboy heaven any one of these rough and woolly nail-eaters could see with what careless abandon their names and exploits are being bandied about.
Il semble raisonnable de penser que s'il y a des télévisions au paradis des cow-boys, tous ces durs à cuire doivent voir avec quelle nonchalance on traite leur nom et leurs exploits.
- What about the one upstairs, the one that was locked?
- Et celle qui est fermée? - Pas elle.
What right have you to say that about the one I love?
De quel droit peux-tu juger une personne que j'aime?
What about the other one that's playing cards on the bed?
Et l'autre qui joue aux cartes sur le lit?
In the sense that one may learn a good deal about a man by his clothing I am, in fact, advertising myself in the same sense that you, by your appearance, proclaim what you are.
S'il est vrai que sa façon de se vêtir nous en apprend sur l'individu, je fais, en effet, ma promotion. De même pour vous qui par votre apparence, affirmez ce que vous êtes.
- That's it... we'll fight one a one against the black people in the Holy Land, and what... about you, my friend, what do you have?
qu'avez-vous? Tu es manchot. En quelle bataille l'as-tu perdu?
What do you think about that one, Major?
Que dites-vous de ça?
What I was saying about the bandits is that I think I recognise one of them from a wanted-poster.
Ce que je disais au sujet des bandits, c'est que je crois en avoir reconnu un... Sur un avis de recherche.
But since what you know about poetry... wouldn't cover one towel in a public lavatory... it is reasonable to suppose... that Mrs. Mercy bloody Croft's overpowering interest in you... is other than poetic.
Mais comme tes connaissances en poésie peuvent se résumer en trois lignes, on peut penser... que l'intérêt prononcé que te porte Mme Croft... n'ait rien de poétique.
You said once that what you liked about me was that God had made me in one piece... that I had whole feelings and whole thoughts.
Une fois, tu as dit que ce que tu aimais en moi, c'est que Dieu m'a faite d'une seule pièce... que j'ai des sentiments et des pensées intacts.
Do you know that you've not said one thing about what Bob has done?
Tu sais que tu n'as pas dit un mot sur ce que Bob a fait?
What the hell does the attorney general, the state department, or even the president of the united states know about one Goddamned thing that's going on up here in Harlem?
Que savent le Procureur général, le département d'État... et même le président de ce qui se passe dans Harlem?
And you can tell her when you get back, that Ed Plummer might take a ride out to see her, one of these moonshine nights. What's he talking about, Arch?
Tu peux lui dire qu'Ed Plummer viendra la voir un de ces soirs!
What about it? One more high-handed act like that, and I'll have you deported.
Encore un coup de tête et je vous fais expulser.
That's what you're doing, all wrapped in gray, sitting proud on that horse, chasing'one damn half-breed and thinkin'about that bastard grant and his Yankees.
C'est ça que vous faites, tout habillé de gris, chevauchant fièrement, à poursuivre un seul putain de métis en pensant à ce salaud de Grant et à ses Yankees.

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