Whit translate French
642 parallel translation
As for the prosecution's case not one whit of evidence has been produced to refute the defendant's testimony.
L'accusation n'a pu produire la moindre preuve pour réfuter le témoignage de l'accusée.
Are you gonna buy us a whit?
Vous nous offrez à boire?
It might be old Mrs. Plummett, you know. She died on Whit Monday.
Mme Plummet, peut-être...
Keeping the peace is no whit less important.
L'ordre, c'est important. Allons-y, soeurette.
- Whit used to look at me... shake his head, and wish I had brains like you.
Whit voudrait que j'aie ton intelligence.
I'm still working for that guy, Jeff. - Whit?
Je travaille toujours pour lui...
- He'd like to see you.
- Whit? - Il veut te voir.
No one ever thought more of you than Whit.
Il pense toujours à toi!
Look, Whit never steered you into anything bad, did he?
Il ne t'a jamais fait de coup fourré!
And then I saw her coming out of the sun... and I knew why Whit didn't care about that 40 grand.
Puis je la vis venant du soleil et je compris pourquoi Whit se moquait de ses 40000 $.
I went to send a wire to Whit that I'd found her... but the telegraph office was closed for the siesta.
J'allai télégraphier à Whit mais le bureau était fermé pour la sieste.
Whit didn't die.
Whit n'est pas mort.
I wired Whit, but I didn't tell him.
Je télégraphiai à Whit, sans rien lui dire.
- Why? To make a life for ourselves, to get away from Whit.
Pour faire notre vie à nous.
Can we get away with it? - Let's find out.
Tu crois qu'on peut fuir Whit?
- You don't know Whit.
- On pourra. - Tu ne le connais pas.
Not Whit.
Pas Whit.
Whit, my friend, there's a million dames in this world, and they all look like her.
Whit, vieux frère, il y a un million de filles comme elle.
You tell Whit where we are, he might slip you a sawbuck. Jeff.
Donne-nous à Whit, tu auras au moins un billet.
He isn't going to tell Whit anything.
Il n'ira rien dire à Whit.
Of course Whit's broad-minded.
Whit est large d'esprit.
You know Whit and you know how far he can reach.
Tu sais jusqu'où peut aller Whit.
He'd have been against us, gone to Whit.
Il nous aurait donnés à Whit.
- I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Whit.
- Je vous ai choqué?
- What did you tell him? About us? - Uh...
Qu'as-tu dit à Whit sur nous?
- Whit told me you'd be charming. Really?
- Whit m'a dit que vous êtes charmante.
Whit said you'd tell me the other.
Whit dit que nous ne nous arrêterons pas là.
Whit even trusts me twice.
Whit lui-même me croit une deuxième fois...
Whit wants Eels out of the picture and to square an account with me.
Whit élimine Eels de la scène en réglant un vieux compte avec moi!
The papers go back to Whit. I'm the fall guy.
Ils arrivent, Whit, et moi je suis le pigeon.
That Whit can really hate, can't he? You said it once, he can remember.
Tu m'avais averti que quand Whit en voulait à quelqu'un, il s'en souvenait.
Save Whit from doing 10 years in a federal pen.
Et notre pote Whit n'ira pas en tôle.
Of course, the government may just pat Whit on the back and say :
Possible! Les Contributions pourraient le remercier.
Four of us knew about that affidavit outside of Whit.
On était que 4 au courant.
- Put in a call for Whit Sterling... - No, sit down.
M. Whit Sterling, s.v.p.
- We better keep Whit out of this. - He's right, Kathie.
Il vaut mieux laisser Whit en dehors.
- And you won't need Whit. All you'll need is Meta to unlock that safe in Eels'office.
- Débrouille-toi, que Meta sorte le papier du coffre de Eels.
Whit Sterling at the Blue Sky Club in Reno.
A Reno au Blue Sky!
No, Whit.
- What are you gonna do? Talk to Whit.
Que vas-tu faire?
Don't you think I should?
Discuter avec Whit, tu ne crois pas?
You'll be happier if you let the cops have her.
Tu seras plus heureux en la laissant aux flics, Whit!
I wouldn't try it, Whit. You're out of shape.
Je n'essaierais pas, Whit!
- He was gonna kill you. See, Whit?
- Il allait te tuer.
Whit best wishes for your future happines!
Aux heureux mariés
Not a whit.
Pas le moins du monde.
He knows I'm here.
Pour fuir Whit... Il sait où je suis.
You might remember that, Whit.
Vous devriez vous en souvenir, Whit!
Whit should've got her back.
Whit aurait dû la récupérer.
Whit owns a club.
Whit a un club.
That's right.
Whit Sterling!
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white boy 86
white and blue 25
white guy 31
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