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Translate.vc / English → French / [ Y ] / You're leaving now

You're leaving now translate French

268 parallel translation
And now that you've said you love me, you're leaving.
Aujourd'hui que tu me parles, c'est pour me dire que tu m'aimes et que tu t'en vas.
You're leaving town right now.
Quittez la ville maintenant.
They flipped for the whole field, Miss Betsy and now that big, dumb pit dog you're leaving ain't worth much more than that lead dollar that they tossed with.
Ils ont mis le terrain en jeu, Mme Betsy et ce bouledogue que vous quittez ne vaut guère mieux que la fausse pièce qui a tout décidé.
You're leaving us now? I do hope you'll come and see us again.
Revenez bientôt.
And I've also decided that you're leaving, and I mean now.
Et j'ai décidé que toi, tu pars, et tout de suite!
You're leaving now?
Vous partez tout de suite?
Now that you're leaving, let's not lie to each other.
Maintenant que tu pars, parlons franchement.
- Kay, you're not leaving now? I've got a million things to talk to you about. I never get you two alone.
Nous avons tant à discuter et vous partez.
You're leaving right now...!
Va t'en immédiatement!
Why? And now you're leaving.
Pourquoi êtes-vous partie?
Now that you're leaving, how about saying goodbye?
Puisque tu pars, on se dit au revoir?
Now tell me you're leaving me.
Dis-moi maintenant que tu veux partir.
- You're leaving town now.
- Vous quittez la ville.
You leaving? Maybe I'll have some luck now that you're going.
Je vais peut-être enfin gagner.
You can start getting the cases down. - Very good, sir. - You're leaving now?
Apportez les bagages, la voiture arrive.
- Don't be a wuss. You're not leaving now.
- Ne sois pas lâche ne te débine pas.
No, well then, now how come you're leaving?
Comment se fait-il que vous partiez?
- That's why you're leaving now.
- Je veux que vous partiez.
Now you're leaving out a deedle.
Maintenant, il manque un lala.
You're leaving me now. Mr. Habershaw?
Vous m'abandonnez maintenant, M. Habershaw?
We're leaving now. - On a clear day, you can see right across the bay.
Descends, nous partons.
We're leaving right now, I'll explain to you later.
On pars maintenant.
- Then you're leaving now, sir?
Vous nous quittez?
OK, you're leaving now.
OK, départ immédiat.
Now you're leaving too.
Tu m'écriras, des fois?
Enough now, you're leaving me nothing to wash.
Ça suffit, tu ne me laisses rien à laver.
You're not leaving now, sir?
Vous partez déjà?
You're not leaving now, are you?
Vous ne partez pas maintenant, n'est-ce pas?
And now you're leaving alone, and dressed as a German!
Et maintenant vous partez, seul, et habillé comme un Allemand!
But now you're leaving me :
Mais maintenant, tu me quittes.
You're leaving us now.
Vous nous quittez maintenant.
You're not leaving now.
Rasseyez-vous, maitre.
But we're not leaving you completely alone now.
Nous ne vous laissons pas vraiment seul.
You don't have to do this now. Charlie, you're leaving with her, aren't you?
Charlie, tu t'en vas avec elle, n'est-ce pas?
I don't know what I'm gonna do with Buddy now that you're leaving.
Je ne sais pas ce que je vais faire de Buddy sans vous.
- You're leaving now?
- Tu repars tout de suite?
I don't have anybody that I can really talk to... except for you, and now you're leaving.
Je n'ai que toi... et tu t'en vas.
Now you're leaving properly, not secretly like before.
Cette fois, tu pars vraiment. Pas aussi secrètement qu'autrefois.
You're leaving us now.
Tu nous quittes déjà.
You're not leaving now, are you?
Vous allez pas partir comme ça.
You're leaving me now?
- Oui. Tu me quittes maintenant?
Now, I really hope you're not thinking about leaving town.
On espère bien que tu restes en ville.
You're leaving now, aren't you?
Vous partez maintenant, n'est-ce pas?
I feel a oneness with you, and now that you're leaving I just... have this sense that life will be empty, hollow, and meaningless.
J'ai découvert quelqu'un en toi et aujourd'hui alors que tu t'en vas j'ai l'impression que ma vie va devenir vide, sinistre et bien triste.
Now it's seven hours later, you can tell that by the clock, and you're leaving.
7 heures plus tard d'après la pendule, vous partez.
You're packing up and leaving right now
Tu fais tes bagages et tu pars tout de suite.
You're leaving right now?
Tu pars tout de suite?
Now, you're the one who's leaving.
Maintenant, c'est toi qui pars.
You're not leaving now?
Tu ne vas pas partir comme ça?
Now you'll tell me you're leaving.
Vous allez me dire que vous partez?
You're leaving now?
Mais vous partez maintenant?

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