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Translate.vc / English → French / [ Y ] / You hear that

You hear that translate French

14,223 parallel translation
Did you hear that, Edie?
Tu as entendu ça, Edie?
- Did you hear that?
- Tu l'as entendu?
Did you hear that?
Tu as entendu?
- Where did you hear that?
- Comment tu sais ça?
Thanks, buddy. You hear that?
Tu entends ça?
Everyone quiet. McGee, you hear that?
McGee, tu entends ça?
- Did you hear that?
- Vous entendez?
Did you hear that, madam?
Vous entendez, madame?
Did you hear that?
Vous avez entendu?
Did you hear that?
As-tu entendu cela?
Can't you hear that?
Tu ne l'entends pas?
You hear that?
C'est vrai?
Uh, yeah. Where'd you hear that?
D'où le savez-vous?
Did you hear that?
T'entends ça?
Kev, you hear that?
Kev, tu entends ça?
Do you hear that?
Entendez-vous ça?
Did you hear that?
As-tu entendu?
- Where did you hear that?
- Où avez-vous entendu ça?
Where'd you hear that.
Où avez-vous entendu cela?
- Who'd you hear that from?
{ \ 1cH00ffff } - Qui l'a dit?
Vanessa, that makes me angry to hear you say that.
Vanessa, ça me met en colère de t'entendre dire ça.
Mr. Hodda, I need to hear that from you.
M. Hodda, j'ai besoin de l'entendre venant de votre part.
But after everything that went down between us, can't you just hear me out?
Mais après tout ce qu'il s'est passé entre nous, peux-tu juste m'écouter?
I'm sorry, I know that's not what you wanted to hear.
Je suis désolée, je sais que ce n'est pas ce que tu voulais entendre.
And you don't have to like everything that you hear, but...
Et tu n'as pas aimé tout ce que tu as entendu, mais...
Oh, whoa. Did you hear that?
Vous entendez?
You know, I hear that's a thing.
Ça, c'est certain!
You have no idea how good it feels, to hear you say that to me.
Tu n'as pas idée comme ça me fait plaisir de t'entendre dire ça.
Well, I'm happy to hear you guys say that.
Ravi de vous entendre dire ça.
I'm also getting the feeling you're gonna tell me something that I really don't want to hear right now.
Je sens aussi que tu vas me dire un truc que je ne veux pas vraiment entendre là.
You ever hear that joke about the Irish guy who goes to confession?
Tu connais cette blague sur un irlandais qui va se confesser?
I have a bit of a past and it's important to me that you hear it from me.
Ça fait partie de mon passé mais c'est important que ce soit moi qui t'en parle.
I'm so sorry you had to hear that, sweet baby.
Je suis désolé que t'aies eu à entendre ça, petit bébé.
It's just very odd that we... we didn't hear from her for the last two days when she didn't return calls, you know?
C'était très étrange... qu'elle ne nous ait pas appelés depuis deux jours. Elle ne nous a pas rappelés.
- Did you hear me on that talker thing?
- Tu m'as entendue dans l'interphone?
What you're asking the dispatch is to run a plate that's "Sam-William-Henry-582"? Did I hear that correctly?
Vous demandez au standard de chercher la plaque immatriculée "Sam-William-Henry 582"?
[Kratz] Yeah, and until my closing argument, you're not gonna hear a summary from me as to how I believe that this entire crime occurred.
Il faudra attendre ma conclusion pour entendre comment je crois que ce crime a été commis.
They did say during the whole Dassey, you know, scenario that he got off the bus, he got the mail, rode over and could hear the screams.
Selon le scénario de Dassey, il est descendu du car, a pris le courrier et a entendu des cris.
Now, you're gonna hear in this case that there was nothing unique about the March 1st interrogation of Brendan Dassey.
Vous allez entendre dans cette affaire qu'il n'y avait rien d'unique dans l'interrogatoire du 1er mars de Brendan Dassey.
This first statement that you're gonna hear is going to be from an officer who was up in Marinette and spoke to Brendan in... somewhere between November 4th and November 10th.
Le premier témoignage que vous allez entendre vient d'un policier qui était à Marinette et a parlé à Brendan... entre le 4 novembre et le 10 novembre.
That's Miles Davis there. Do you hear me?
C'est Miles Davis, vous m'entendez?
This is one of the few times that you're actually going to hear me be honest.
Pour une fois, je vais être sincère.
I want you to blow that as loud as you can as soon as you hear them riding up.
- dès que vous les entendez.
- You hear that?
T'as entendu ça?
I never want to hear you say that again.
Ne dis plus jamais ça.
I bet that guy told you exactly who he was. You just didn't want to hear it.
Il t'a dit qui il était, mais tu voulais pas l'entendre.
It means he's faking it, because he knows that's what you want to hear.
Il sait ce que t'as envie d'entendre.
No, i--i would actually- - oh, Henry, I'm so glad to hear you say that.
Non, je voudrais en fait... Je suis contente de t'entendre dire ça.
What is up with me is, I don't want to hear you bitch and moan that your employer makes you act in a professional manner.
Ce qui ne va pas avec moi, je ne veux pas t'entendre gémir que ton employeur te fait agir de manière professionnelle.
Did you hear that?
- Est ce que tu as entendu ça?
Did you guys just hear that?
Vous avez entendu ça?

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