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Translate.vc / English → French / [ Y ] / You heard him

You heard him translate French

2,406 parallel translation
You heard him, Kort.
Tu l'as entendu, Kort.
- have you heard him play the piano?
L'avez-vous déjà entendu jouer du piano? Non.
You heard him!
Vous l'avez entendu!
- You heard him, he said no!
Tu n'entends pas?
You heard him.
Tu as entendu.
You heard him. Fire.
Tu l'as entendu.
You heard him.
La paix à n'importe quel prix.
- You heard him.
- Quoi? C'est bien ça.
You heard him. Get down.
Obéissez, à genoux.
You heard him.
Vous avez entendu.
You heard him, Waxer.
Tu l'as entendu, Waxer.
You heard him- - he's been looking for her.
Tu l'as entendu... il la cherchait.
You heard him.
Tu l'as entendu.
- You heard him, right?
- Vous l'avez entendu?
He wants to die in action. No. You heard him.
- Mais mourir dans le feu de l'action.
Well, you heard him, boys.
Vous avez entendu, les gars.
You heard of him?
T'en as entendu parler?
You heard Lennox was back in town.What happened when you found him?
Vous avez appris que Lennox était en ville. Que s'est-il passé quand vous l'avez trouvé?
I never even heard of rollins until you thought of him as a suspect.
Je n'avais jamais entendu parler de Rollins avant qu'il soit suspecté.
When was The last time you heard from him?
- Quand avez-vous eu de ses nouvelles?
You've heard of him.
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Tu as entendu parler de lui.
Have you heard from him? "
As-tu de ses nouvelles? "
We heard you slept with him last night.
On dit que tu as couché avec lui hier soir.
- You still haven't heard from him?
Toujours pas de nouvelles?
You still haven't heard from him? No word?
Toujours aucune nouvelle de lui?
her manager heard you two fighting And called this amateur hour. i agreed with him
Son manager vous a entendus vous disputer et a appelé un amateur payé à l'heure J'étais pas d'accord avec lui alors j'ai offert un massage des pieds à Adèle qui n'a pas marché alors elle est partie Qui appelles tu?
Your marine friend seems to not have heard you when you pronounced him dead.
Ton ami le marine ne semble pas t'avoir entendu... quand tu l'as prononcé mort.
- You've never heard of him?
Tu le connais pas?
- OK, you see, ever since I first heard about him, when I was a little boy, and then as I got older, I swear to you more and more things started making sense. And now, this...
O.K., depuis la première fois que j'ai entendu parler de lui, quand j'étais tout petit, puis après ça, en vieillissant, je vous jure que... de plus en plus de choses prenaient tout leur sens.
I heard you tell Mom you didn't know where Grandpa was, so I used the Internet to find him.
Je t'ai entendu dire à maman que tu ignorais où grand-papa était... alors je l'ai cherché sur l'Internet.
I heard you asked him to ask out Grace so you could keep her dad at your church and keep his money at your church.
J'ai entendu dire que vous lui avez demandé de sortir avec Grace pour que son père reste à l'église et y mette de l'argent dedans.
You must have heard of him.
Même à Montréal, vous avez dû entendre parler de lui.
Look at you, letting him be heard.
Regarde-toi, tout à son écoute!
Have you seen or heard from him?
Tu as eu de ses nouvelles?
I heard you went out with him.
Il paraît que tu sortais avec lui.
I heard some old guy at a liquor store few nights ago... You shot him up, left him for dead. Stuck scissors in his hands.
On m'a dit que récemment, tu avais tué et planté un vieux avec des ciseaux.
Jimmy Fantucci, a famous mobster, I'm sure you've heard of him.
Jimmy Fantucci, un célèbre gangster, vous devez le connaître.
You heard what they're saying about him - his genes are rotten.
Vous avez entendu ce qu'ils disent de lui. Ses gènes sont pourris.
Soon as he heard about the bomb, he knew you people would be on him.
Dès qu'il a appris pour la bombe, il savait que vous viendriez.
William Bell, you've heard of him?
William Bell, vous le connaissez?
Turns out Xander called him twice before the call you just heard, and according to the phone records, he answered both of those calls.
Xander l'a appelé deux fois avant l'appel que tu as entendu, et selon les fichiers téléphoniques, il a répondu aux deux appels.
Did he speak to anyone or has anyone contacted him that you've never heard of?
A-t-il parlé ou été contacté par quelqu'un - qui vous est étranger?
She was setting him up. No. You heard the Captain.
Vous deviez juste les éplucher.
- You ever heard of him?
- Ça te dit quelque chose?
You should have heard him screaming.
- Si tu avais entendu ses cris.
I heard you talking to him.
Je vous ai entendu lui parler.
You've been drafting on us, And when you heard lundy was on to your father, You shot him.
Vous enquêtiez sur nous, et quand vous avez su que Lundy traquait votre père, vous l'avez tué.
I assume you've heard about him and Debbie.
Tu es au courant pour lui et Debbie?
Maybe you've heard of him.Spence montgomery.
Peut être avez-vous entendu parler de lui? Spence Montgomery.
Lois, I heard you talking to him.
Je t'ai entendu lui parler.
So, you finally heard from him.
Tu as enfin eu de ses nouvelles.

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