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You ruined it translate French

594 parallel translation
I came to buy you a birthday drink, and you ruined my birthday. You ruined it!
Je voulais t'offrir un verre et tu m'as gâché mon anniversaire!
Dear, you ruined it for so little.
Voyons, doudou. Tu as failli l'abîmer.
You ruined it.
Vous avez tout gâché.
You ruined it!
a t'est bien égal!
You ruined it for both of us.
Tu l'as fait pour nous deux.
and you ruined it!
Mourir? - Et vous l'avez empêché!
- You ruined it.
- T'as tout gâché.
You think I did you a bad turn and you've got me ruined for it, and you've got my family ruined and if anybody'd told me last year I'd say such a thing I'd call him a dang Iiar.
Vous pensez que je vous ai trahi, et vous me ruinez pour ça, ainsi que ma famille, et si quelqu'un m'avait dit l'année dernière que je dirais ça, je l'aurais traité de sacré menteur.
- What else is there to do... ever since you ruined the Governor's foot and our reputations with it?
Vous nous avez discrédités avec le pied du gouverneur.
It'll do you a lot more good than ruined temples.
ça vous fera plus de bien que les temples en ruine.
Read it, I've ruined you!
Lis, je t'ai bouffé!
What is it? This woman said Mr. Warriner permitted you to bring proceedings so that.... Well, so that your reputation wouldn't be ruined.
Cette dame disait que M. Warriner avait accepté les torts pour que votre honneur ne soit pas sali.
If you'd planned it, you couldn't have ruined my chances more completely.
Si vous l'aviez voulu, vous n'auriez pas pu faire pire.
No, this here machine's mine and Bessie's. And you nearby ruined it already.
Non, cette voiture est à nous et tu as failli la casser.
You just about ruined it already!
Tu viens de la foutre en l'air!
- He's ruined it. He's ruined it, I tell you.
- Il a tout détruit.
Will you have it on your conscience that you ruined the boy's future?
Réfléchissez bien. Vous tenez vraiment à ruiner l'avenir de ce garçon?
Their characters would be ruined if it was up to you.
Confiés à tes bons soins, ils seraient insupportables.
Now that you've practically ruined my health, at least tell me : who was it?
Dites-moi au moins de qui il s'agit?
You've ruined it!
Tu l'as déchirée!
Do you wanna see this town, which our grandfathers built over the years with such loving care, do you want to see it ruined?
Voulez-vous voir la ville, bâtie par nos ancêtres avec tant d'amour, mise à feu et à sang?
You go buy yourself whatever I've ruined... and I'II be glad to pay for it.
Allez racheter ce que j'ai abîmé, je vous rembourserai.
Oh, my lovely gown and now you've just ruined it. - Charles Bovary.
Charles Bovary!
All men are alike. You've ruined it all.
Tu as aussi détruit des vies.
I can't believe it! When I think I almost ruined my marriage for a liar like you.
C'est à cause d'une sale menteuse que j'ai failli rater mon mariage.
When I saw you with those three it felt like it ruined everything.
Quand je t'ai vu avec ces trois autres j'ai senti comme si tout était ruiné.
Everything you worked for, grabbed for, ruined people to get, it's all gonna die!
Tout ce que tu as toujours voulu, tout va mourir!
You've ruined my sleep as it is.
Vous avez déjà ruiné mon sommeil.
If it's of any interest to you, in 6 months, I will be ruined, there!
Si ça t'intéresse, dans six mois, je serai ruiné, voilà!
Wouldn't you know, it rained and ruined the cave... and after that, he moved away.
Mais la pluie a détruit notre grotte et après ça, il a déménagé.
You've near ruined my leave as it is.
Tu as assez gâché mes vacances comme ça.
You don't see it now, but she'd have ruined your whole life.
Elle aurait gâché votre vie.
It's ruined. You have any trouble getting out of East Berlin?
- Du mal à quitter Berlin-Est?
It's none of our business who you want to marry, and we ruined it.
C'est ta future femme, et on a tout gâché.
I wanted so much for you, and now I've nearly ruined it.
Je taisais de si grands projets pour vous et j'ai failli tout briser.
Yeah, I guess we ruined that speech you were making... but what could I do about it?
On a interrompu votre discours, mais j'y pouvais rien.
The happiest day of my life, and you two ruined it.
Le plus beau jour de ma vie! Vous avez tout gâché!
You're aware of course that if it doesn't go into production I shall be completely ruined?
Vous savez évidemment que si le DN6 n'est pas produit, je serai totalement ruiné?
It's not enough for you that you've ruined my life?
Ça ne te suffit pas de m'avoir gâché la vie?
You've quit your job and you've ruined our home life, and it's too much.
Tu as saboté ton travail et ta vie de famille. Assez.
You've ruined everything, it's all finished, wasted.
- Pas nécessairement...
You've ruined it.
Vous l'avez abîmée!
Yes, it is. You've ruined my evening.
Si, tu l'as invitée!
You ruined me. But you won't do it anymore.
Vous m'avez détruit, mais ça n'arrivera plus.
If you don't, it'll be ruined.
L'an dernier, tu l'as laissé au sec.
"You have ruined my life," she cried "And now it's time you paid"
" "Tu as brisé ma vie" ", cria-t-elle " "Et maintenant, tu vas payer" "
You make me feel terrible. Flying is wonderful, I've ruined it for you.
C'est formidable de voler et je vous ai fait détester ça.
You've ruined it!
Vous avez tout gâché!
You've ruined it.
Tu as tout détruit.
You made a big bourgeois deal out of everything... and ruined it completely.
Toi et ta façon bourgeoise de tout exagérer... tu as tout gâché!
It was easy with your alcohol-ruined memory to make you lose confidence in yourself.
C'était facile - avec ta mémoire minée par l'alcool - de te faire perdre confiance.

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