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Translate.vc / English → French / [ Y ] / You seen him

You seen him translate French

2,915 parallel translation
- Have you seen him?
- Vous l'avez vu?
And have you seen him since?
Et vous l'avez revu depuis?
- Freddie, have you seen him yet?
- Tu l'as vu?
Have you seen him? He's, like, 85 kilograms.
Vous l'avez vu?
- Any of you seen him before?
L'un d'entre vous l'aurait vu?
Teddy. Have you seen him?
Vous l'avez vu?
we're looking for Luiz. Have you seen him?
On cherche Luiz, vous l'avez vu?
Have you seen him?
Tu l'as vu?
- is a friend of yours? - Have you seen him?
- C'est votre ami?
You should have seen him, grant and his task force, everybody celebrating - -
Tu aurais dû les voir, Grant et son unité opérationnelle, en train de célébrer ça.
You've seen him before?
Tu l'as déjà vu?
Have you actually seen him drive?
Tu l'as vu conduire?
you've never seen him.
Mais vous n'avez pas pu le voir.
- To this guy, if you've seen him.
Cet homme, vous l'avez vu?
You should have seen him.
Vous auriez dû le voir.
Maybe I shouldn't have gone and seen Vintano but the only way you're gonna get this kid is if Happy Jack reels him in.
Je n'aurais pas dû y aller mais tu n'auras ce gosse que si Jack le gentil le ramène.
You haven't seen him in, like... It was almost ten years ago, and he had, like...
Depuis pratiquement dix ans.
I mean, you've seen him.
Vous l'avez vu.
But you should've seen the way he looked at him.
Ça se voyait dans ses yeux.
Don't bother acting like you've never seen him before.
Faîtes pas semblant de pas le connaitre.
- Have you ever seen him?
- Vous l'avez vu?
Jacqueline, I'm telling you, I've seen him twice in different parts of the city and now he's here.
Je l'ai vu deux fois à plusieurs endroits, il est là.
No, I haven't seen him this morning. I thought he was out with you.
Non, je ne l'ai pas vu depuis ce matin.
Oh, you should have seen him licking his chops.
And you haven't seen him for months?
Vous ne le voyez plus?
You haven't even seen him.
Tu ne l'as jamais vu.
You know, Bug, a lotta people have seen him already today.
tu sais, Bug, beaucoup de gens l'ont vu aujourd'hui.
Look at him. Have you even seen him?
You know, I seen the way you've been looking at him.
J'ai vu comment tu le regardais.
Say hello to your father, you haven't seen him in three weeks.
Va dire bonjour à ton pére. Ça fait trois semaines que tu l'as pas vu.
You've seen him.
Tu l'as vu.
I told him I haven't seen you. For all I know, you could be a crack ho.
J'ai dit que tu avais sombré dans le sexe et la drogue.
You haven't seen a guy in 14 years and you're not gonna have a drink with him?
Après 14 ans, tu bois pas un coup?
You know, the guy... At least we've seen him fight.
On l'a déjà vu combattre.
- You ever seen him smack her?
II la tapait?
Have you seen him?
Vous l'avez vu?
He was crying. You should have seen him.
Si vous l'aviez vu...
Because you're doing a lot of talking for him. But, I ain't ever seen you before.
Vous parlez à sa place mais je ne vous ai jamais vu.
You've probably seen him perform at the Promenade. He goes by the name of...
Il joue parfois dans le centre.
And have you ever seen him act like he did yesterday?
Tu l'as déjà vu agir comme il l'a fait hier?
Have you even seen him?
Tu l'as vu, au moins?
Can you tell me if you've seen him before?
L'avez-vous déjà vu auparavant?
You've never seen him before?
Vous n'avez jamais vu cet homme?
You've seen him before?
Tu l'avais déjà vu avant?
You should have seen him pay for it.
Si tu l'avais vu payer!
Have you ever seen him with Joe? Yes!
Vous l'avez déjà vu avec Joe?
Had you ever seen him before the trial?
L'aviez-vous déjà vu avant le procès?
You said you hadn't seen him in years.
Vous aviez perdu contact.
And this young man has done a lot of things wrong. I've seen him do a dozen things wrong. But let me tell you something right now, he is not a bad young man, and he's certainly not a criminal.
Il a fait des erreurs, je l'ai vu en faire un paquet, mais je vais vous dire une chose :
Hey, have you seen my dog? I lost him.
J'ai perdu mon chien.
I don't suppose you've seen him, have you? No.
- Vous ne l'avez pas vu?

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