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Translate.vc / English → French / [ Y ] / You wait right here

You wait right here translate French

325 parallel translation
You wait right here.
Attends là.
Well, you wait right here, and I'll see if Mr. Greene's busy.
Alors attends ici. Je vais voir si M. Greene est occupé.
You wait right here, you blackmailer, you.
Attendez ici, espèce de maître chanteur.
You wait right here, and I'll get the other boat.
Reste ici, je vais chercher l'autre.
Wait. You wait right here.
J'ai une idée sensationnelle.
Now, you wait right here.
Attendez-moi ici, je vous prie.
You wait right here.
Attendez-moi ici.
Now, look, you wait right here.
Attends ici.
You wait right here.
Attendez ici.
You wait right here!
Attendez ici!
You wait right here, honey.
Attends-moi ici, mon cœur.
You wait right here.
Attends-moi ici.
Aunt Clara, you wait right here.
Tante Clara, tu m'attends ici.
You'd better wait right here.
Attendez ici.
All right, you wait here. I'll get you some carfare.
- Attendez ici.
If it's the same to you I'm going to sit right here and wait until they come.
Si ça ne vous fait rien, je vais m'asseoir ici, en attendant qu'elles viennent.
- Why, of course. I'll wait for you right here.
- Je  attends ici.
All right, Johnny, you wait out here.
D'accord, Johnny, attendez-moi là.
Wait in here. Right you are. - Anything wrong?
Attendez-moi là.
You just wait right here.
Attendez ici.
You wait here and I'll be right back.
Attendez, je reviens tout de suite.
Wait here. - I'll be right with you.
- J'arrive tout de suite.
So I'll wait for him till 8 : 00 and, if he doesn't call, well, then I guess it would be all right, because, well, you're going to be here such a short time, and...
Je vais attendre jusqu'à 8h, et s'il n'a pas appelé... eh bien, ça pourrait se faire.
You wait here, I'll be right back.
Do you want to wait here until I go to Austin... or would you like to come with me right now?
Tu veux attendre ici ou venir avec moi?
If you will wait here, Mr. Devlin, I'll tell Mr. Sebastian. Right.
Si vous voulez bien attendre, je préviens M. Sebastian.
Well, all right, Red. Wait a minute. Here you are.
Tiens Red, pour t'avoir laissé seul.
Wait here, will you? I'll be right back.
Maintenant, Mlle Sturges, attendez-nous ici.
When she comes back, you tell her to wait right here.
Dites-lui de m'attendre ici.
If you don't mind, ladies I'm going back and say hello to them. Now, wait right here.
Mesdames, je vais aller leur dire bonsoir.
- Wait right here for me, will you?
- Attendez-moi.
You wait right here while I go find the C.O.
Ne bouge pas. Je cherche le capitaine.
Or you can wait right here if you like?
Vous pouvez l'attendre ici.
Wait here for a minute. You'll be all right?
Je reviens tout de suite.
All right, you wait here, I'll go get the money.
Attendez ici, je reviens avec l'argent.
I'll wait for you right here tomorrow.
Je vous attends ici demain.
Now, you just sit right down here and wait.
Tu t'assieds là et tu attends.
You wait here, and I'll be right back.
Attends ici, je reviens.
I was sitting right here and-wait, who are you brother?
J'étais assis juste là... Attends, tu es qui mon gars?
I'll wait for you here, right?
Je t'attends ici, Anna.
You wait for me right here.
Vous m'attendez ici.
Listen, you all wait right down here. I'll be down in two seconds flat with some candy and a cookie.
attendez ici, je redescends avec des bonbons et un biscuit
I'll wait for you right here.
Je vous attends ici.
Not until I get there, wait. All right, Dr. Brown. I'll try to hold on until you get here.
J'essaierai de tenir jusque-là, mais faites vite!
I'll wait right here for you to return.
Je vais attendre ici que vous reveniez.
You just wait right here.
Ne bougez surtout pas.
Major, I want you to wait right here.
Commandant, vous m'attendez ici.
You wait here, I'll be right back.
Attendez ici, je reviens.
You just wait right here and you keep your eyes open.
Reste ici et ouvre grand les yeux!
Wait right here. You'll get your reward right away.
Attendez ici, vous serez récompensé tout de suite.

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