You would do that translate French
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You would do well to remember that I continued fighting alongside the British army with those pig farmers.
Tu ferais bien de te rappeler que j'ai continué à me battre pour l'armée britannique avec ces éleveurs de porcs.
And what would you do, on that day? With all that power?
Et que feras-tu, ce jour-là avec tout ce pouvoir?
Can you imagine what we would do with that money?
Frank, tu imagines ce qu'on pourrait faire avec cet argent?
You promised when we came here to do this... that we would get a fair shake, and we got nothing from you but lies.
Vous aviez promis en venant ici... d'être juste envers lui, mais ce n'était que des mensonges.
Look, I know that you're scared, but you got to know that we would do everything we can to protect you.
Écoute, je sais que tu as peur, mais tu dois savoir que nous ferons notre possible pour que tu sois en sécurité.
You wouldn't happen to have anything on your phone that you would, you know, E-mail to a friend or show your Uncle Gary, do you?
Est-ce qu'il serait possible que tu es quelque chose sur ton téléphone que tu enverrais, tu sais, à un ami ou montrerais à ton oncle Gary, hein?
Thank you, thank you. If I had to ask the driver to do it, that would have been pretty awkward.
Si j'avais dû le demander au chauffeur, ça aurait été assez embarrassant.
Do you think he ever would have done that to Thackery?
Jamais il n'aurait fait ça à Thackery.
I thought the least that you would do would be...
Le moins que tu aurais pu faire aurais été de...
If you gave that glass to a man who was dying of thirst, he would be dead, do you know why?
Si tu donnais ce verre à un homme mourant de soif, il mourrait, tu sais pourquoi?
Why would you do that?
Pourquoi feriez vous cela?
You know as well as I do who the first casualty of that war would be.
Vous savez aussi bien que moi qui serait la première victime de cette guerre.
How do you think your wife would feel about that, huh?
Que pensez-vous que ça ferait à votre femme, hein?
Hey, do you think that that would be a good song title?
Ça ne ferait pas un bon titre de chanson?
Why would you do that?
Pourquoi tu ferais ça?
What would you and the kids do if Shawn had pulled that trigger?
Qu'auriez-vous fait les enfants et toi si Shawn avait appuyé sur la détente?
Um, if you were to do that- - and I don't want to be crass or, you know- - but how would that affect, uh, the...
Si tu fais ça, et je veux pas paraître grossier, mais est-ce que ça aurait un effet sur, euh...
[Cellphone clatters] I would never ask you to do that, sir.
Je ne vous demanderai jamais de faire ça, monsieur.
Why on earth would you do that, george?
Bon sang, pourquoi as-tu fait cela, George?
( laughs ) : Because you're the only person I know that would do something like this.
Parce que tu es la seule personne que je connaisse qui peut faire quelque chose comme ça.
If marrying me was the only way to keep you out of that bastard's hands, he would tell you to do it.
Si te marier à moi était le seul moyen de t'éloigner des mains de ce bâtard, il te dirait de le faire.
Why would you do that before getting the report?
Pourquoi faire ça sans attendre le rapport?
Why would you do that?
Non! Pourquoi tu ferais ça?
Why would he do that? Lat sahib wishes to see you after so many weeks.
Lat sahib veut vous voir après ces nombreuses semaines.
Alice. What would you do if you had a friend, and you discovered that friend was telling an untruth.
Que feriez-vous si vous aviez une amie et que vous découvriez qu'elle a menti?
Now, why would I do that when you already done so much for me?
Non, pourquoi je ferais ça alors que tu as fait tant de choses pour moi?
Why would you do that?
Pourquoi vous faites ça?
And how would you do that?
Et comment ferais-tu ça?
Do you think anyone else that's running would take issue with that?
Tu penses que ce ne sera pas un problème pour les autres qui concourent?
Why would you do that?
Pourquoi le ferais-tu?
Who would ask you to do that?
Qui vous demanderait de faire ça?
Why would you do that?
But why would you do that?
Pourquoi as-tu fais ça?
Do you really think that your family would want you to do this in revenge?
Pensez-vous vraiment que votre famille voudrait vous voir faire cela?
- Are you insane? I would never do that, and I liked Jason.
Je n'aurais jamais fait ça, et j'aimais bien Jason.
Because I'm wondering... are you willing to do the due diligence that it would take to prove that Roscoe is the culprit?
Parce que je me demande... voulez-vous vraiment faire toutes les démarches nécessaires pour prouver que Roscoe est le coupable?
You don't think that... She would hurt Carter, do you?
Tu ne penses pas que... qu'elle blesserait Carter, hein?
That you would do anything to be with your kids.
Que tu ferais n'importe quoi pour être avec tes enfants.
Why would you even do that, you freak!
Pourquoi tu fais ça, sale tordu?
- Look, I know you guys would rather do nothing and let the judge pick the sites himself, but the judge ain't buying that.
Merci. Vous voudriez laisser le juge choisir, mais le juge marche pas.
Well, I definitely would prefer you in that seat than him, but what are you- - what are we gonna do?
En tout cas, je préférerais bosser dans toi qu'avec lui. C'est la vie.
Because that would mean that you lived in Yonkers, that you worked in Yonkers like me, like they do.
Ils habitent à Yonkers, ils y travaillent. Comme moi, comme eux.
Now why would you want to do that?
Pourquoi tu veux participer à ça?
I really would do anything for you, Rachel, you know that.
Je ferais vraiment n'importe quoi pour toi Rachel, tu le sais.
No. Bellamy would have never told you to do that.
Bellamy ne t'aurait jamais dit de faire ça.
Why do you think that it's okay to go behind my back and be friends with someone who would rather see me dead than in love with another woman?
Pourquoi tu penses que c'est bon de faire les choses dans mon dos et d'être ami avec quelqu'un qui préférait me voir morte plutôt qu'amoureuse d'une autre femme?
- Pourquoi tu ferais ça?
Then I do hope you understand that anyone willing to stand aside and allow my family to be threatened I would be forced to consider an enemy.
J'espère que chacun comprend que se tenir en face et accepter que ma famille soit menacée m'oblige à le considérer comme ennemi.
You can't honestly believe that I would allow you to do this.
Tu ne peux pas honnêtement croire que je te permettrais de faire ça.
Or do you doubt that Ra's would release us both without conditions?
Ou tu doutes que Ra's nous ai relâché tous les deux sans conditions?
I think what she's trying to say is that Oliver would never do anything to hurt you, Felicity.
Ce qu'elle veut dire, c'est qu'Oliver ne te fera jamais de mal Felicity.
you would do that for me 49
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60