You would say that translate French
3,113 parallel translation
Now you would say that.
Il fallait que tu dises ça.
Yes, you would say that.
Oui, vous diriez ça.
- Why would you say that?
Pourquoi diriez-vous ça?
Why the hell would you say that?
Pour quelle foutue raison diriez vous ça?
And what would you say to metal fans that aren't white?
Et que diriez-vous aux fans de métal qui ne sont pas blancs?
But you don't want to do something or say something - that would hurt someone you don't know. - Right.
Et tu veux pas t'en prendre à un inconnu.
You want to say things that would hurt me.
Tu veux t'en prendre à moi.
Would you say that the Chance family was addicted to illegal sports gambling?
Est-ce que tu dirais que la famille Chance était accro aux jeux sur les sports illégaux?
What do you think your dad would say if he knew that your little experiment would cause the deaths of thousands of people?
Pense-tu que ton père le dirait s'il savait que ta petite expérience aurait causé la mort de milliers de personnes?
Would you have anything to say about that?
Avez-vous quoi que ce soit à dire à ce sujet?
Why would you say that?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait dire ça?
He said that I should say that he was camping and that, if I said anything else, he would kill Katrina. I need you to calm down and tell me where he took her. CARRIE :
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de si mauvais dans le fait d'être vous qui vous pousse à prendre la vie de quelqu'un d'autre?
Gloria, is there anything th Hector could say or do that would allow you to forgive him?
Gloria, y a-t-il quoi que se soit qu'Hector pourrait dire ou faire qui te permettrai de lui pardonner?
Why would you say that?
Pourquoi tu dis ça?
If I were to say I'd live with you while Sybbie's little, and that we wouldn't move out until she's older, would you mind?
Si je vous disais que j'aimerais vivre avec vous quelque temps et que nous ne partirions que lorsque Sybbie sera plus grande, - accepteriez-vous?
You know, doc, uh, if I were more paranoid, I would say that you staged that entire thing just to keep me around.
Tu sais, doc, euh, si j'étais plus parano, je dirais que vous avez mis en scène toute cette affaire juste pour me garder dans le coin.
Why would you say that?
Pourquoi dites-vous ça?
Suffice it to say it would be bad, and that's all you get.
Y'a qu'à dire que c'est une mauvaise chose, et c'est tout ce que tu sauras
Well, under normal circumstances, you'd be right to say that, but in this case, cheating would be the only fair thing.
En temps normal, tu aurais raison, - mais là, tromper Bonnie serait juste.
A woman, who would have to be you, dragging in a man and yet you say that I'm the first person you've seen in weeks.
Une femme, qui doit être vous, portant un homme, et malgré tout vous dites que je suis la premià ¨ re personne que vous voyez depuis des semaines.
Why would you say that?
Pourquoi dirais-tu ça?
It's actually kind of weird, and then I thought, well, if I don't say something, that would be weird, you know?
C'est en fait bizarre, et j'ai pensé, bon si je ne dis rien, ça serait bizarre, vous voyez?
Would you care to look me in the face and say that?
Tu pourrais me regarder dans les yeux et dire ça?
Okay, okay, okay, you're flirting with me, which is really sweet or would be really sweet if you were into ladies, but I'm guessing that you're not a lady lover,'cause you also look terrified that I might say yes.
Ok, ok, ok, tu me dragues, ce qui est vraiment agréable ou serait vraiment agréable si tu étais intéressée par les femmes, mais j'imagine que tu n'aime pas les femmes, parce que tu as aussi l'air terrifié à l'idée que je dise oui.
You know, that sounds like something a woman would say.
Tu sais, ça ressemble à quelque chose que pourrait dire une femme.
I would say that's an invitation. Wouldn't you?
Pour moi, c'est une invitation.
Some would say you owe all of that to me.
On pourrait dire que tu me dois tout.
If I were at your side, I fear you would not like all that I have to say.
Si j'étais à tes côtés, je crains que tu n'apprécierais pas tout ce que j'ai à dire.
Yes, I have given it quite a lot of thought, and please, what would you say if I just suggested that I could solve your panic issues in 10 days?
Oui, je l'ai considéré longuement, et s'il vous plait, que diriez-vous si je suggérais juste que je pourrais résoudre vos problèmes de panique en 10 jours?
Unless, of course, you would rather me say that the wingmen had to pull out.
À moins bien sûr que vous préférez que je dise que les équipiers ont dû sortir.
Would you say that?
Dirais-tu cela?
Let's just say we did things, things that would make it hard for you to sing the national anthem and mean it.
Disons seulement que nous avons fait des choses, choses qui pourraient rendre difficile pour toi de chanter l'hymne national
And it's expected that he will never operate again. Um, I didn't say that. But if it is true, and you can help establish that as a fact, it would raise the award tremendously, for everyone.
On peut donc dire qu'il n'opérera plus. le montant augmenterait beaucoup.
And considering the brevity of yours and your recent troubles, I would say that you...
Et en considérant la brièveté de la vôtre et vos ennuis récents, j'aimerais dire que vous...
Why would you say that?
And when exactly is that, would you say?
Quand exactement, tu dirais quoi?
[Cell phone rings] And if you went with that, then he would say there was another part that was tense that needed massaging.
Et si vous en arriviez jusque là, alors il disait qu'une autre partie était tendue et avait besoin d'être massée.
Why would you say that?
Eh ben quoi?
Why would you say that?
Pourquoi dis-tu cela?
Why would you say that?
- Pourquoi tu dis ça?
This is stupid, why would you say that?
C'est stupide, pourquoi dis-tu cela?
No, why would you say that?
Non, pourquoi tu dis ça?
And when you say quality of teaching, well, that would be you, Teacher Kang.
Et quand on dit des "qualités d'enseignement", bien, ça doit être pour vous, professeur Kang.
Judgment, you say? What crime have I committed that you would say such a thing?
Rester au même endroit trop longtemps ne me sied guère.
Why would you say that?
Pourquoi dis-tu ça?
Is that how you would say it in Virginia?
C'est ce que vous diriez, en Virginie?
I think that's what you would say about me, that I care too much.
Moi, je suis trop gentil, ça saute aux yeux.
You knew I would say that.
Tu savais que je dirais ça.
What would you say that I bought us a house in?
Que dirais-tu si je nous achetais une maison?
Did I not say... that you would be a burden?
N'ai-je pas dit que vous seriez un fardeau?
Well, if what you say is true, that would mean I attacked the Comanche for no reason.
Si ce que vous dites est vrai, Je vais donc attaquer les Comanches sans aucune raison.
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't know 44