You would know translate French
19,196 parallel translation
Which you would know, because now that Tim's gone, you took control.
Ce que vous savez, car maintenant que Tim est mort, vous en prenez le contrôle.
... which you would know a lot about, wouldn't you?
... et vous vous y connaissez, n'est-ce pas?
If you knew me at all, you would know that I hate the name Caitlin.
Si vous me connaissiez pas du tout, vous sauriez que je déteste le nom Caitlin.
Quiet spot, which of course you would know since you helped set up this cordon.
Un coin tranquille, ce que vous savez puisque vous avez aidé à mettre le cordon en place.
But whoever did knew that Frank would take the blame, and what do you know, every cop in New York City wants Punisher's head on a stick.
Le tueur savait qu'on accuserait Frank, et tous les flics veulent la peau du Punisher.
You know what, I'm gonna need about as much black coffee as this place would pump out. So, just keep it coming.
Je vais avoir besoin d'un max de café noir, alors continuez d'en faire.
You know, I would've stayed for you.
Tu sais, je serais rester pour toi.
If I didn't know any better, I would say that you don't respect your buyers'faith.
Si je ne vous connaissais pas mieux, je dirais que vous ne respectez pas la croyance de vos acheteurs.
So... you know of any reason why someone would want to do that?
Auriez-vous une idée de pourquoi quelqu'un voudrait faire ça?
I mean, ever since I, you know, went to hell, it's just... There's been things in my head That no one would understand.
Depuis que, tu sais, je suis allé en Enfer, c'est juste... qu'il y a des choses dans ma tête que personne pourrait comprendre.
But you know who would want him dead?
Mais tu sais qui voudrait le voir mort?
You'd never know that Lux was a den of iniquity, would you?
Vous n'iriez jamais imaginer que le Lux est un lieu de débauche, n'est-ce pas?
You know, if she could go back and do it all over again, what would she do differently.
Vous savez, si elle pouvait revenir en arrière et tout recommencer, qu'est-ce qu'elle ferait différemment.
Would you like to know why I haven't killed you?
Vous voulez savoir pourquoi je ne vous ai pas tuée?
You know what would cheer me up?
Tu sais ce qui me ferait du bien?
And you, of all people, would know what it's like not to have a license.
Toi pourtant, tu sais ce que c'est d'être sans permis.
You mean, you don't know if I would be enough for you.
Tu ne sais pas si je te suffirais.
You know what would really help us both right now?
Vous savez ce qui nous aiderait vraiment en ce moment?
Interesting to know what would happen in the unlikely event that you ever tie the knot, but I am limited by what Patrice will let me spend, and she keeps lowering the budget.
Intéressant de savoir ce qui arriverait si tu te mariais, cas fort peu probable, mais je suis limité par ce que Patrice me laisse dépenser, et elle n'arrête pas de diminuer le budget.
What would you like us to know, Mark?
Qu'aimeriez-vous que nous sachions, Mark?
Andrea, if you would ask around your office and see if there's anything else I need to know about D.D.A. Gray.
Andrea, pouvez-vous demander à vos collègues s'il y a autre chose que je devrais savoir concernant la procureur Gray.
What would you like to know?
Qu'aimeriez-vous savoir?
Well, hey, bro, if you could, uh... take care of the weeds and shit out front, I know me and the fellas would really appreciate it.
Si tu pouvais t'occuper des mauvaises herbes devant, mes amis et moi, on apprécierait.
You know, I knew you would.
Tu sais, je savais que tu le ferais.
But you know what would really help you learn your lesson?
Mais tu sais ce qui t'aiderait vraiment à comprendre à leçon?
You know, like, Weekend Live would be lucky to have you.
Vous savez, Weekend Live aurait de la chance de vous avoir.
How'd you know the trash would be spilled?
Vous l'aviez deviné, les déchets renversés.
I know that that would be chaos for all of you.
Car ce serait le chaos pour vous tous.
But he doesn't know it was you, or else he would have arrested your ass.
Mais il ne sait pas que c'était toi, ou il t'aurais déjà arrêté.
'Cause who would want to know that... that magic exists if there's nothing you can do about it, you know, if there's no one to teach you or help you.
Qui voudrait savoir que la magie existe s'il ne peut rien faire, si personne ne peut lui enseigner.
Of course you don't, because nobody would rather not know.
Bien sur que non, parce que qui voudrait ne pas savoir.
You know, Georgia and I would be completely fine if you just made us, like, a bologna sandwich.
Tu sais, Georgia et moi ça nous irait Si tu nous faisais un sandwich de Bologne.
You know, I think my mom would totally be fine seeing me beat down Judy King.
Ma mère serait contente de me voir tabasser Judy King.
I know that, but you didn't really think I would leave this behind, did you?
Je le sais, mais tu ne pensais pas que j'allais laisser ça derrière nous, n'est-ce pas?
Do you think your nanites would protect you from something like that? I don't know.
Tu penses que tes nanites te protégeront de quelque chose comme ça?
Would you like to know the day of your death?
Tu voudrais connaître le jour de ta mort?
Do you know what would have been better for me?
Sais-tu ce qui aurait été mieux pour moi?
You know Catherine would never harm Francis.
Catherine n'aurait jamais blessé Francis.
Look, just so you know, we thought palm oil would be a better alternative for women's health.
On pensait que l'huile de palme était meilleure pour la santé.
You know what Captain Freedom would say in a situation like this?
Vous savez ce que Capitaine Freedom dirait dans une situation comme celle-ci?
How well would you say you know her?
Vous diriez que vous la connaissez bien?
How would you know I was assisting unless you yourself were committing a felony?
Comment le sauriez-vous sans commettre vous-même un délit?
Just so you know, you would be very disappointed in you right now.
Juste pour que vous le savez, vous seriez très déçu en vous en ce moment.
Though I know I would never have peace again were I to send you to stand beside him at the gallows.
Je sais que je n'aurai plus jamais la paix si je vous envoyais derrière lui à la potence.
Hey! You know what would go great with these?
Hé, tu sais ce qui irait bien avec cela?
You know, Bud, if you ever wanted to... we would host a brunch for you, too.
Bud, si tu veux, on organisera un brunch pour toi aussi.
Well, how would I know what you'd want?
Comment savoir ce que tu veux?
Okay. Well, you know, it got me to thinking a little foot relaxation would be good for you.
Et, tu vois, ça m'a fait penser que les détendre te ferait du bien.
Me, when I had to tell my kids who are stuck here that I have no idea when they get to go home, and you know what would make all of that just a tiny bit better?
Moi, quand j'ai dû dire aux enfants qui sont coincés ici que je ne sais pas quand ils rentreront chez eux, et tu sais ce qui rendrait tout ça supportable?
I want to know how you would do it.
Comment feriez-vous?
Hey, you know what I think Thomas would love, guys?
Vous savez ce que je pense que Thomas aimerait?
you would know that 16
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53