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About earlier translate Portuguese

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Tell me, still on what we talked about earlier?
O que me disseste antes ainda é válido? - Claro!
Go to your assigned row according to the colors that you were told about earlier.
Vão para o vosso corredor de acordo com as cores que vocês receberam antes.
I'm sorry about earlier.
Desculpa por aquilo à bocado.
I mean about earlier.
Direi-lhe algo....
Er, Holly, those cargo bay doors we talked about earlier, would you mind opening them, please?
Hei, Holly, aquelas portas de que falámos, podias por favor abri-las?
You're not still thinking about earlier, are you?
Qual é o problema? Não estás a pensar no que se passou esta tarde, pois não?
I'm sorry about earlier.
about earlier... I think I overreacted...
Sobre hoje à tarde... acho que me excedi...
Um, about earlier... I think I overreacted...
Sobre hoje à tarde... acho que me excedi...
About earlier, I hope you didn't misunderstand what I was trying to say.
Acerca de há pouco, espero que não me tenhas entendido mal.
Eva has, of course, told me about her earlier life.
Eva tinha-me falado sobre a sua vida.
Don't be silly. He thinks it's embarrassing for me to ask you about that money I saw you with earlier on in the office.
Ele acha que ficas constrangida se te falar no dinheiro que estavas a contar no escritório.
Earlier today I was down at Apollo Creed's palatial gym, and, as usual, the champion was not at a loss for words about Rocky Balboa.
Hoje estive no ginásio do Apollo Creed, e, como sempre, o campeão não poupou palavras ao falar de Rocky Balboa.
The coroner estimates about 48 hours earlier, which would be the night you were there.
Calcula o médico umas 48 horas antes, na noite em que você lá foi.
Yeah, it was something about lunch,... an earlier break.
- Sim, algo sobre isso no almoço. - Um pouco antes.
I couldn't help overhearing on the radio earlier... about a couple of Colombians that got bumped this morning.
Ouvi na rádio que uns colombianos estiveram envolvidos num tiroteio hoje.
You're not still upset about South Carolina... trying to secede earlier this year, are you?
Não estão preocupados que a Carolina do Sul... tente a secessão mais cedo este ano, pois não?
I called earlier about a room for my patient.
Eu telefonei há pouco sobre um quarto para o meu paciente.
Oh, you're the lady that called earlier about my list.
- Foi quem ligou por causa da lista?
Now, earlier... I promised some inside stories about the stars.
Anteriormente eu já tinha prometido algumas histórias... confidenciais sobre as vedetas.
I was speaking earlier with Kramer and he mentioned something about a private jet to Paris.
Estive à conversa com o Kramer e ele falou-me numa viagenzita de avião privado, a Paris.
What you're about to see is unedited video footage... taken earlier today in the hills three miles southwest of Tenderfoot George.
O que está prestes a ver é um vídeo não editado, filmado hoje nas montanhas, 3 milhas a sudoeste de Tenderfoot George.
Dive a few million years earlier when life, this wonderful idea was about to become a reality.
Mergulhai alguns milhões de anos para trás quando o momento, ou a vida, eram uma ideia maravilhosa a tornar-se realidade.
I was thinking about what you said earlier.
Tive a pensar no que me disse antes.
I was in the restaurant earlier and I was wondering if I could talk to you about what happened.
Estava no restaurante, e gostaria de falar consigo sobre o que aconteceu.
Remember I called you earlier about that chess book?
Eu liguei-te por causa do tal livro...
As a matter of fact, she called me earlier in the day and it wasrt about her scheduled appointment.
Aliás, ela ligou-me nesse dia e não foi para falar da consulta.
Fras, a-about what I was saying earlier.
Fras, sobre o que estava a dizer à instantes atrás.
I'm very worried about him. You should have called me earlier.
Estou muito preocupada!
Why didn't you tell me about all this earlier?
Por que não me disseste acerca disto tudo antes?
I'm sorry about the blow-up earlier.
Desculpa a explosão que tive antes.
Now, Dr. Vinton sat here with Scott... he bought him ice cream... and he convinced Scott not to say anything about the abuse that he'd committed... moments earlier at his Greenwich Village office.
O Dr. Vinton sentou-se aqui com o Scott, pagou-lhe um gelado e convenceu-o a não dizer nada sobre os abusos sexuais que tinha cometido momentos antes no seu gabinete em Greenwich Village.
I called earlier about getting the yogurt tested?
Telefonei ainda há pouco, por causa do teste ao iogurte.
About a year earlier.
Como um ano antes.
They feel it's earlier than it really is. I wanted to ask you about that exact thing on the plane.
Eu queria-lhe perguntar isso mesmo no avião.
I'd told you earlier that I know nothing about acting.
Eu quero é ser cantora. Muito bem.
When you talked earlier about after a few years... how a couple would begin to hate each other... by anticipating their reactions, or getting tired of their mannerisms.
Quando falaste antes de como após alguns anos... um casal começaria a detestar-se, antecipando as suas reacções ou fartando-se dos seus trejeitos.
I knows you probably thinking about what Mr Brown said earlier and all.
Deves estar a pensar no que disse o Sr. Brown há bocado.
I'm real sorry about being so hard on you earlier.
Desculpa ter sido tão dura contigo.
If you'd told me about that stolen poison earlier, Miss Hobhouse, I wouldn't have had to.
Se me tivessem falado do veneno, não seria preciso, Miss Hobhouse.
I'm sorry about what happened earlier.
Lamento o que aconteceu.
- Listen, about what I said earlier...
- Escuta, sobre o que eu disse...
Salmoneus, you mentioned earlier about a third party.
Agora, aqui está sua chance de provar isto.
I phoned earlier about pallet 21.
Liguei para dizer que foram cerca de 21 paletes.
- I'm sorry about earlier.
Desculpa-me pelo que aconteceu.
I was thinking about our conversation earlier this evening.
Eu estava a pensar sobre a nossa conversa desta tarde.
- I'm sorry about what happened earlier.
- Lamento o que aconteceu hoje.
I was just thinking earlier about what you said about dating soccer players. Uh-huh.
Pensei no que disseste sobre namorar um futebolista.
Why would you think I was having an affair with George? Oh, because he said that he had to talk with you earlier about some problem that you were having.
Porque ele disse que tinha de falar contigo acerca de um problema qualquer com que estavas.
- Okay. You know what I said earlier about Angela?
Eles podem estar a par dos factos, mas sabem apenas aquilo que lhes disse.
I was thinking about what I said to you earlier, and I was wrong.
Pensei no que te disse há pouco e vi que estava errado.

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