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And he said no translate Portuguese

1,275 parallel translation
One day, I asked him to be my boyfriend and he said no.
Um dia, pedi-lhe para ser meu namorado e ele disse que não.
- And he said no.
- E ele disse não.
I was just sitting at the piano, figuring out the chords and Mikey Dread tapped me on the shoulder, and I said, "What?" And he said, "We have to run."
Estava sentado ao piano, pensando nos acordes, e Mikey Dread me deu uma palmadinha no ombro, e disse : "Que?" E disse : "Temos que ir-nos".
John said when Gena did not look at Peter... and in fact seemed distracted, as if she was thinking about other things... he at first wanted to call "cut" and stop the scene... because he had no idea what that could mean.
O John disse que quando a Gena não olhou para o Peter parecia de facto distraída como se estivesse a pensar noutras coisas. Ao início queria cortar e parar a cena porque não sabia o que isso poderia significar.
I'd watch and watch and watch and finally he said...
E no entanto não deixava de ver. Até que ele disse :
He said, " Yeah, he took one look at me and said,'Oh, no.
Que o médico lhe tinha dito :
My neighbor works at the free clinic, And he said that he sawer over there the other day.
O meu vizinho trabalha na clínica gratuita e ele disse que a viu lá no outro dia.
And he said that i wanted to nail amy And you're here to tell me that it'll never happen. No.
E ele disse que eu queria "comer" a Amy, e tu estás aqui para me dizer que isso nunca vai acontecer.
My dad loved to give advice and I was going out with this girl and he said, " Ben, no matter how beautiful you think she is,
O meu pai gostava de me dar conselhos quando saia com a miúda e ele dizia, "Ben, não importa, o quanto a achas bela..."
The sheriff said he knew you, and that you'd had trouble with her in the past.
O xerife disse que os conhecia, e que tinham tido problemas com ela no passado.
Tony said you saw Jesus and He took you to see your father in heaven.
O Tony disse que viste Jesus e que Ele te mostrou o teu pai, no Céu.
He wants me to go down to the network and complain about this whole kiss thing and I said no and he's mad at me.
Ele queria que eu fosse com ele ao canal reclamar com essa história do beijo e eu disse que não e ele passou-se.
He said that it would come get me in my sleep and that... and that it would sting me to death.
Ele disse que viria me pegar no meu sono e me picaria até a morte.
I asked the doctor about the clicking in my jaw when I chew sometimes, and he said there isn't much I could really do about it.
Falei ao médico dos estalidos no maxilar, quando mastigo, às vezes, e ele disse que não há muito que possa fazer quanto a isso.
No. He said he'd be back before 11 : 00, and I should wait.
Disse que voltaria antes das 11 : 00 e que o esperasse.
Skip Muck died and Eugene Roe came to me about 10 minutes after he was killed. He wanted to see if I wanted to go look at him. I said, " No.
O Skip Muck morreu e o Eugene Roe veio... ter comigo uns 10 minutos depois da morte dele... e perguntou-me se eu queria vê-lo, eu disse que não suportaria... então não o fui ver.
He said no, and you still let her believe... that he went for a soil sample?
Ele recusou, e mesmo assim disse a ela que ele quis?
One day... I was standing in the middle of the church, and he came up to me and said...
Um dia estava eu no meio da igreja e ele veio ter comigo e disse-me :
He said, "I thought there was no girl." And what you were doing... in the room with her, which is an excellent question.
E o que estavas tu a fazer... no quarto com ela, que, por acaso, é uma excelente pergunta.
And then right when he said that, Marty just walked up to him, and - wacked him in the heart with his knife.
Quando ele disse isso, o Marty avançou para ele e atingiu-o no coração com a faca de mergulhar.
And then he said the facts had no meaning.
E depois disse que os factos não tinham significado.
He was all burnt up in his car near East-River and the police said it was suicide.
Trabalhavam juntos nos elevadores. Encontraram-no ao pé do rio morto e queimado dentro do carro.
You said they still had skin on them... and he had a ring on his finger.
Disseste que ainda tinham pele e ele tinha um anel no dedo.
In the 19th century there was this rivalry between the inheritors and the scholarship boys. In the struggles among writers, to infer that someone was dim-witted, you said he was a scholarship boy.
Então no século XIX, havia a oposição, enfim... os herdeiros e os bolsistas, nas lutas entre escritores, pra dizer que não era vivo, diziam "é bolsista".
When I worked as a janitor at the La Reina Theater... I asked Mr. Jenkins if I could be a ticket-taker... and he said he would think about it.
Quando trabalhava como porteiro no Teatro de La Reina... eu perguntei ao Sr. Jenkins se eu podia ser o bilheteiro... e ele disse que iria pensar nisso.
I remember walking around Beckton Gas Works by myself and he drove up in the jeep and said :
Lembro-me de estar a passear por Beckton Gas Works sozinho... ... quando ele passou no jipe e disse :
My first day out, he gave me a blank sheet of paper and he said, "That's your future."
No dia em que saí, deu-me uma folha de papel em branco, e disse : " Isto é o teu futuro.
Jean said if you come for lunch some Sunday, just let us know and he'll make sure to be elsewhere.
O Jean disse-me que se quisesses vir almoçar lá a casa no Domingo só tinhas de avisar e ele fazia de forma a não estar lá nesse dia.
he said it's unusual to find someone with all the qualifications and no home commitments.
Ele disse que é difícil encontrar alguém com todos os requisitos e sem compromissos com a família.
He said there was no evidence pertaining to Rambaldi, and we were there first.
Disseram que não há provas relativamente a Rambaldi, e fomos os primeiros a chegar.
No, he got away. And he had this wild hair and these intense, bulging eyes, and he said he was gonna come back.
E tinha um cabelo esgadelhado e uns olhos grandes e disse que ia voltar.
I wanted it back and begged Dad to get it, but he said no if I really wanted it, I'd never have thrown it in the first place.
Depois qui-lo de volta e pedi ao pai que fosse buscá-lo, mas ele disse que não porque se eu o quisesse não o tinha atirado.
He said he once saw a guy at the camp kneeling and praying.
Ele disse que uma vez viu um homem no campo, ajoelhado a rezar.
He said he's doing a press conference tomorrow on antitrust and he'll take questions at the end.
Disse que ia dar uma conferência de imprensa amanhã e que responderia às perguntas no fim.
No. He said abductees were being returned and left for dead.
Disse que os raptados eram devolvidos e dados como mortos.
He said stay with the bed, and me on the couch.
Ele disse fique com a cama, e eu no sofá.
He'll come out of there with all kinds of stories about who he met in the tunnel... and what they said.
Sairia dali com todo o tipo de histórias sobre com quem ele se encontrou no túnel e o que eles disseram.
but we just turned up the volume and ignored the burning smell we should all rot in hell i went to high school with whitey as a joke i told him to meet me at the prom when he got there i said, "i can't believe you thought i was serious"
mas nós só aumentámos o volume e ignorámos o cheiro a queimado devíamos arder no inferno eu andava na escola com o Whitey e como piada combinei ir com ele ao baile de finalistas que a gente tinha quando lá chegou eu disse-lhe : "Nem acredito que pensaste que era a sério"
He grabbed the guy and said, "Want to clean your car, brother of a whore?"
Ele agarra no gajo e diz-lhe : "Queres limpar o caixote, filho da puta?"
Another guy kept ordering me to pee on his patio, and when I refused, he said...
Outro só me mandava fazer chichi no pátio dele e quando me recusei, disse-me :
And in the dream, I spoke to my shrink... and I asked him how long it would last, and he said indefinitely.
E no meu sonho, eu falei com o meu psiquiatra... e eu perguntei-lhe por quanto tempo isto iria durar, e ele disse para sempre.
He said we'd be like Adam and Eve... rolling in the sticks and dirt and being one with the wilderness.
Ele disse que seríamos como Adão e Eva... a rebolar nos paus e no pó e a ser uno com a Natureza.
And being a bit of a believer he said that his soul still belonged to God but his flesh, well, his flesh was way beyond redemption and it was up to Satan to save his skin.
Todos vimos o que se passou. Quero dizer, estava no ponto. Disse que sua alma ainda pertencia a Deus... mas a sua carne estava para lá da redenção... e que Satanás se encarregava de lhe salvar a carne.
And said in case Zuo Lengchan returns, he can protect me.
E disse que no caso do Zuo Lengchan voltar, ele irá proteger-me.
He went to college here, and the will said I had to too.
Ele licenciou-se cá, e no testamento dizia que eu também tinha que vir.
People said... that Mom hid in the attic. And the boy, he was just two years old.
As pessoas dizem... que minha mãe escondeu-se no sótão... e o garoto, ele tinha apenas dois anos...
About two days before he died... he felt a wee bit better, and when I came in that morning... he suddenly grabbed my hand and he opened his eyes, and he said, "Wilbur."
Dois dias antes de ele morrer ele sentiu-se um pouco melhor, eu entrei no seu quarto de manhã, ele pegou na minha mão, abriu bem os olhos e disse : "Wilbur"
On the morning of the 30th, he packed his suitcases, said goodbye and left the flat vacant.
No dia 30 de manhã, meteu a sua roupa num par de malas despediu-se e deixou o sitio vago.
And he said that's what I could expect every time I said no.
E disse que eu poderia esperar aquilo sempre que dissesse não.
I talked to Two Tears and he said he ain't never even heard of no Deaqon Hayes in Chino.
Falei com o Two Tears, ele diz que nem nunca ouviu, falar de um, Deaqon Hayes em Chino.
He said, "Are you seeing someone?" and I said, "No."
Ele perguntou : "Tens namorado?" e eu respondi : "Não."

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