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And he said that translate Portuguese

3,170 parallel translation
And he said that was mercy.
E disse que isso era misericórdia.
And he said that they did.
Ele disse que tinha achado.
No. But he was very excited, and he said that he was finally going to be able... to publish something of real scientific merit.
Não, mas estava muito empolgado, disse que finalmente podia publicar alguma coisa de mérito científico verdadeiro.
But I called the doorman, and he said that Peter was gone.
Mas eu telefonei ao porteiro, e ele disse que o Peter não estava.
Someone called and said that he detonate five bombs in Colombo.
Acabo de receber um telefonema de alguém que vai explodir 5 bombas em Colombo.
And he said, "That's okay, won't take long."
E ele disse, " Tudo bem, mas não vai demorar.
He said my report was flawed and that I was responsible for the incident.
Ele alegou que o meu relatório foi negligente, e que fui responsável pelo o que aconteceu.
He had never said anything definite, so if he could convey the impression that it was Franklin and Judith that he saw, not Allerton and Judith, then that could open up an interesting new angle on the suicide case,
Ele nunca disse nada de concreto. Então, se ele conseguisse passar a impressão de que viu o Franklin e a Judith, não o Allerton e a Judith, então isso poderia abrir um interessante e novo ângulo no caso do suicídio.
Madame, you said before that he and his uncle, they did not get on?
Madame, anteriormente disse que ele e o tio não se davam bem?
And then he said that things started to get really weird.
E que depressa as coisas começam a ficar estranhas.
He said we go in with the Colombian deal on him and that's it.
Ele disse que nos iria meter a lidar com colombianos e agora...
- And yet they said that he was- -
- E mesmo assim elas dizem que foi...
He said that life's a bitch and then you die, bleeding like a stuck pig.
Ele disse que a vida é uma porcaria e que, quando morremos, sangramos como porcos.
He said he would get even with me, And I knew that he would try, So I wore kevlar every day.
Ele disse que ia vigar-se de mim, e eu sabia que ele ia tentar, por isso eu usava colete a prova de balas todos os dias.
You know, I shouldn't really tell you this, but I was talking to Josh and, um, he said that the sex between him and Nat is amazing.
Sabes, não te devia dizer isto mas, estive a falar com o Josh... e ele disse que o sexo entre ele e o Nat é espectacular.
I take it, from what you said yesterday, that King Horik is prepared to compromise and offer some deal regarding those lands of mine, which he still occupies?
Relembrando o que me dissestes ontem, que o Rei Horik está preparado para condescender e oferecer um acordo no que diz respeito às minhas terras, as quais ainda ocupa?
He said he thinks we need to go back and pay him for every single tooth that he lost.
Acha ter direito a receber retroactivos por todos os dentes que já perdeu.
After the inauguration service... he wept... and said that God was calling him to save the people of South Africa.
Após tomar posse, ele chorou e disse que Deus o estava a chamar para salvar o povo da África do Sul.
And that's why in the end he said, "Who wants steak for dinner?"
E por isso ele disse, no fim, "Quem quer um bife para o jantar?"
And they said that he doesn't work there anymore.
E dissera-me que ele já não trabalhava lá.
So this morning I asked Pastor Tim, and he said it was fine if I could play a song for you that I wrote.
Então esta manhã perguntei ao pastor Tim, e ele consentiu que eu tocasse uma música que compus.
He wanted to be a singer and said I couldn't understand, that I didn't know the "in" sound...
Ele disse que queria ser cantor, eu disse que não entendia... que não via muito sentido... E não sei o que aconteceu!
- She said that there was gonna be this guy there named tom And that he's active in the industry, So she thought that maybe it would be a good person
Ela disse que estaria lá um rapaz chamado Tom e que ele era influente no meio, então ela pensou que seria uma boa pessoa para conhecer.
And tom said that he just kept saying no - -
E o Tom disse que ele só dizia que não, " Eu não posso mudar de ideias.
He said I had to so that Amber and Mommy would be okay and we could all be a family.
Ele disse que eu tinha que o fazer para que a Amber e a mãe ficassem bem e, podermos ser todos uma familia.
He said that you and your husband have been notified multiple times over the past month to either pack lunch for him or give him lunch money.
Ele disse que tu e o teu marido foram notificados várias vezes, durante o último mês, para lhe arranjarem o almoço, ou lhe darem dinheiro para almoçar.
I said that we could go public with the truth... that he was fooled into thinking the Wallace case was closed, that if it wasn't for you and me,
Disse-lhe que podia ir a público com a verdade. Que foi enganado a pensar que o caso Wallace estava encerrado e que se não fosse por nós dois, o Karl Simmons teria explodido um avião cheio de gente...
He said he got so close to Garret Jacob Hobbs and what he had done that he felt he was becoming him.
Diz que se aproximou tanto do Garret J. Hobbs e do que fizera que sentia que se estava a transformar nele.
Well, he said that he wanted to cut someone's throat and play it like a violin.
Disse que queria cortar a garganta a alguém e tocá-la como um violino.
He found you and said, "that's who I want."
Encontrou-te e disse, "É ela quem eu quero".
And he said,'Well, that's not how it works. "
E ele vira-se : "As coisas não são assim."
And I said, "Well, yes, of course." But little did I know he meant that week.
Eu respondi que sim, não imaginando que seria logo naquela semana!
And then when I got to AM, I was coming down the stairs from Lou's office. Joe was coming on the lot from that front gate and he said,
Cheguei à AM e vinha a descer do escritório do Lou, e o Joe vinha a entrar pelo portão da frente e exclamou :
And then he said that I wasn't a real New Yorker until I had my first makeover, and I was, like, what does that even mean?
E depois ele disse que eu não era uma verdadeira Nova Iorquina, até ter a minha primeira renovação de visual, e eu fiquei tipo, o que significa isso?
I told you, he said that he got a job as a cater waiter on the side, and he was embarrassed about it, so he kept it a secret.
Esquece isso, Santana. Já te disse que ele disse que arranjou trabalho como empregado em part-time, e tinha vergonha disso, por isso manteve-o em segredo.
He was crying and she said that's how she makes it stop. So I got out my tit and...
O menino estava a chorar e ela disse que quando ele chorava lhe dava de mamar e eu tirei a mama e...
That's 350 years ago he drank that, and he said,
Foi à 350 anos atrás que ele a bebeu e disse,
Chelsea Charles dropped out today and he said'cause she had mono, but I heard that she threw up at the Teen Choice Awards'cause maybe she's pregnant.
A Chelsea Charles abdicou hoje ele disse que ela tinha mononucleose mas ouvi que ela vomitou no Teen Choice Awards - porque talvez esteja grávida.
I spoke to the woman that lived in the room next to Frank's and she said that she heard voices coming from his room the night he died.
Falei com a mulher que vivia no quarto ao lado do Frank, e disse-me que ouviu vozes vindas do quarto dele na noite em que ele morreu.
And the woman from the nursing home said that she heard somebody talking to Frank the night he died.
E a mulher do sanatório disse que ouviu alguém falar com o Frank, na noite em que morreu.
He said your son is there with him... and that he is looking forward to being with his mommy when the time comes.
Ele disse... que o teu está lá com ele. E está ansioso de estar com a sua mãe quando chegar o momento.
He said he had some job for him, he was some kind of pilot, and that Waldo wasn't coming back.
Tinha um trabalho para ele, era piloto, e que o Waldo nunca mais voltava.
No, it just seems that way because he showed up last week and now he won't go home. Said something about a problem with his plumbing.
Não, parece-te isso porque ele apareceu a semana passada e agora não quer ir para casa.
Peter said that when you were out on that campaign trail, you had so much enthusiasm and energy that he thought you maybe missed being the Governor.
O Peter disse que quando estava na campanha, tinha muito mais entusiasmo e energia, que ele pensava que sentia saudades de quando era Governador.
And that bloke that we met in London, who you said was a Frenchman, he was Russian.
E aquele sujeito que conhecemos em Londres e que disseste que era francês. Ele era russo.
He also said he was on that road around the same time and saw an SUV similar to yours.
Disse também que esteve nessa estrada por volta da mesma hora e que viu um veículo desportivo parecido com o teu.
" That's when he turned to me and said,
Foi aí que ele se virou para mim e disse :
He said his name was Charlie, and he told me that he was hired to follow me and to report back to Joe.
Disse que se chamava Charlie, que fora contratado para me seguir e informar o Joe.
He said that you drove into the city the night that Michelle was killed, and he also identified the murder weapon as a mahogany-handled ice pick missing from your kitchen.
Ele disse que você foi à cidade na noite do assassinato. E ele identificou a arma do crime como o picador de gelo com cabo de mogno que desapareceu da sua cozinha.
But we have an eyewitness who was driving by here who said he saw him standing right here on your front lawn and that you and your son were talking to him.
Temos uma testemunha ocular que passou aqui de carro e que nos disse que o viu aqui, na sua entrada. E que a senhora e o seu filho estavam a falar com ele.
I thought you said that he already knew and that he didn't care.
Pensei que tinhas dito que ele já sabia e que não se importava.

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