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And his wife translate Portuguese

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I remember the name of the baker I stole the strawberry Bismarck from when I was 11 years old and his wife, Trudy Svoboda.
Lembro-me do nome do pasteleiro a quem roubei o Bismarck de morango, quando tinha 11 anos, e da mulher dele, Trudy Svoboda.
Got a double murder... same guy who found your victim's body and his wife, Troy and Betsy dodge.
Tenho um duplo homicídio. O tipo que encontrou o corpo da tua vítima e a mulher, Troy e Betsy Dodge.
And what about Troy dodge and his wife?
E o Troy Dodge e a mulher dele?
But I didn't kill Troy and his wife.
Mas não matei o Troy e a mulher.
Plus Doug Greathouse and his wife, Tatti, are hosting.
Além disso, o Doug Greathouse e a esposa, a Tatti, são os anfitriões.
And his wife and two kids?
E a sua mulher e dois filhos?
We're having lunch today with Colonel Henderson and his wife.
Nós vamos jantar hoje com o Coronel Henderson e sua mulher.
I'll leave it unlocked, you get in, take care of the Colonel and his wife, and then we'll have a little chat with Doyle.
Eu vou deixá-la aberta, tu entras, tomas conta do Coronel e da mulher, e de seguida vamos ter uma conversinha com o Doyle.
So, like you saw in the file, I had been Voight's C.I., so he knew me, and when I was 16, him and his wife took me in.
Como viste no ficheiro, fui informadora do Voight, então, ele conhecia-me, e quando fiz 16 anos, ele e a mulher acolheram-me.
The Imam and his wife are taking care of them.
O Imam e a esposa estão a cuidar deles.
In a tragic scene described by one investigator... as reminiscent of a horrific occult ritual... a man and his wife were brutally stabbed to death... by their estranged daughter, Annabelle Higgins, and her unidentified boyfriend.
Numa cena trágica descrita por um investigador como reminiscente de um terrível ritual ocultista, um casal foi mortalmente esfaqueado pela filha desavinda, Annabelle Higgins, e o namorado, ainda por identificar.
I'm dining with Philip, and his wife sulks all night if you're a minute late.
Vou jantar com o Philip e a mulher dele amua a noite toda se me atraso um minuto.
The President and his wife have never once attended your church.
O Presidente e a sua esposa nunca vieram à sua igreja.
In my opinion, he and his wife were dealing with standard marital issues.
Na minha opinião, ele e a mulher estavam a lidar com problemas no casamento.
If we don't find the Major and his wife...
E se não encontrarmos o Major e a sua esposa?
Right, these lads and lady are from the ICC, and need our help in rescuing their leader and his wife from a Russian gangster.
Certo. Este pessoal é do TPI e precisam da nossa ajuda para resgatar o seu líder e a sua esposa de um gângster russo.
And his wife, Ruth ;
E a mulher dele, Ruth.
It had been tossed, and his wife and kid were missing.
Tinha sido revirada, e a esposa e o filho estavam desaparecidos.
So he took two hours to go black, filled the drop, was arrested, and his wife took an extra two hours grace time and called us.
Por isso, levou 2 horas a esconder-se, fez a entrega, foi detido, e a esposa demorou 2 horas extra para nos comunicar.
We learned today that Aldrich Ames and his wife were arrested yesterday.
soubemos hoje que Aldrich Ames e sua esposa foram detidos ontem.
The death of your brother and his wife was enough revenge for me.
A morte do teu irmão e da mulher dele foi vingança que chegue para mim.
Virginia, please don't mock me when I'm trying to be serious with our son and his wife!
Virginia, não gozes comigo enquanto estou a falar a sério.
My son Thomas and his wife live on the other side of those hills. In Carlsbad.
O meu filho Thomas e a mulher dele, vivem do outro lado das montanhas, em Carlsbad.
Hines and his wife moved to Cleveland from Hawaii last month.
O Hines e a esposa mudaram-se para Cleveland, do Hawaii, o mês passado.
Savin Mubari and his wife Nadia.
O Savin Mubari e a sua mulher Nadia.
He risked his child's life and murdered his wife for what?
Ele arriscou a vida da filha e assassinou a esposa pelo quê?
And the whole time, there sat his wife, completely unsuspecting.
E durante esse tempo, lá esteve a mulher dele, sem suspeitar de nada.
Where I point out that he can't win if his chief of staff and his wife go to jail with Sally Langston!
É agora que dizes que...
A democrat who shot his wife's rapist and Sally Langston, who might love guns even more than she loves Jesus.
E a Sally Langston, que deve amar as armas, mais do que a Jesus.
Thank you. My wife and I appreciate your concern, Officers, but this isn't the first time Jake's lost his bracelet.
A minha esposa e eu agradecemos a vossa preocupação, Agentes, mas, esta não é a primeira vez que o Jake perdeu a sua pulseira.
Inside his wife and family were sleeping.
Lá dentro a sua mulher e família dormiam.
Whoa, is that Bruce Willis and his new hot young wife?
É o Bruce Willis e a sua jovem mulher escaldante?
I'm his wife and lead deacon.
Sou a mulher dele e diaconisa principal.
I mean, except for that thing between Castle and his ex-wife. I mean, it's...
Só naquela coisa entre o Castle e a ex-mulher dele.
Man, how does a guy like that go home and have sex with his wife?
Como é que um tipo destes vai para casa fazer sexo com a mulher?
Haley finds Anderson on the islands after all these years, and then hires Yamada to avenge his wife's death?
O Haley descobre que o Anderson está na ilha após todos estes anos, e contrata o Yamada para vingar a morte da esposa?
Would he do that and not tell his wife?
Ele faria isso e não diria à esposa?
I got a soldier who beat up his wife and kidnapped his own son.
Tenho um soldado que espancou a esposa e raptou o filho.
But in six months'time, his wife and his boys will have enough money to give them a leg up in this life.
Mas daqui a seis meses a mulher e os filhos dele terão dinheiro que chegue para mudarem de vida.
He also handed him a letter saying he wanted to leave his wife and come to America, so until we can exfiltrate him, we are treating him as a full-blown KGB volunteer.
Também lhe deu uma carta a dizer que queria deixar a mulher e vir para a America, assim, até conseguirmos exfiltrá-lo, Tratámo-lo com um voluntário KGB.
I knew his first wife, Lagertha, and their son Bjorn. I know his strengths, and I know his weaknesses.
Nesta ocasião, o fio de prata é cortado, o cálice de ouro parte e o balde é partido na Primavera.
He has abandoned them to the care of his wife and his drunken brother.
Ele abandonou-as ao cuidado da sua mulher e do seu irmão bêbedo.
Oever will deliver me the whereabouts of Ragnar's wife, his children, and his brother, will be paid his or her own weight in silver and gold.
Quem me disser o paradeiro da esposa de Ragnar, dos seus filhos e do seu irmão, será pago com o valor do seu peso em prata e ouro.
Your boss took his wife and kid.
O teu chefe apanhou a mulher e a filha dele.
I will leave you for this short, earnest man and his ex-wife's new boyfriend's apartment.
Se ocultares alguma coisa de mim outra vez, vou-te deixar por este homem baixinho e sincero, e pelo apartamento do namorado da ex.
Well, taking these photos of Albert and your mom and sending them to his ex-wife Ingrid- - that sounds like a happy family, right?
Bem, tirar estas fotografias do Albert e da tua mãe e mandá-las para a ex-mulher dele parece uma coisa de uma família feliz.
10 years ago Walsh lost his wife and his 14-year-old son in a home invasion robbery.
Há 10 anos atrás, o Walsh perdeu a mulher e o filho de 14 anos, num roubo doméstico.
You know, Walsh lost his wife and his child.
Sabes, o Walsh perdeu a esposa e o filho.
Because Walsh's wife was athletic and his son played junior varsity football.
A esposa do Walsh era atlética, e o filho jogava na equipa de futebol júnior.
And the suicide note was addressed only to his wife.
E o bilhete de suicídio foi dirigido apenas à esposa.
I don't get it. The Guy I know would never stand by and watch his wife go to pieces like this.
O Guy que eu conheço nunca ficaria ali impávido a ver a mulher a desaparecer neste estado.

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