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And his family translate Portuguese

2,338 parallel translation
Golf and his family haven't returned from Bangkok!
O Golf e a sua família não voltaram de Banguecoque.
Uh, it appears this Gulch character was a notorious pedophile in the area, and he was a resident of the same trailer park as Travis and his family.
Parece que esse Gulch era um conhecido pedófilo na zona e que morava no mesmo parque de roulottes do Travis e da família.
Taking him... and his family.
A apanhá-lo e à sua família.
Division collaborated with Sergei Semak to kill Nikolai Udinov and his family.
A Divisão colaborou com Sergei Semak para matar Nikolai Udinov e a família.
He and his family were a self-contained act, which was very unusual.
Ele e a família era um acto muito contido, o que era fora do vulgar.
And I think he will be remembered for the love that he had for the world, and especially for his fans, and his family.
E acho que ele será lembrado pelo amor que ele tinha pelo mundo, sobretudo pelos fãs dele e pela família.
And his family.
E para a família.
If they drag Mr. Fitzhugh and his family into the street, it's bad for all of us.
Se arrastarem o Sr. Fitzhugh e a família para a rua, será mau para todos nós.
Yeah, him and his family are the ones... that are always holding up signs outside of funerals and stuff.
Ele e a família são... os que se manifestam nos funerais.
You're thinking of Fred Phelps and his family up in Kansas.
Refere-se a Fred Phelps e à família dele, em Kansas.
They thought it'd be funny to take a page out of Revelations... and get Cooper and his family's hopes up with the trumpets.
Acharam que seria engraçado apanhar os dados do Apocalípse... e cumprir o desejo dele com as trombetas.
Your media would appear free but would secretly be controlled by one person and his family.
A mídia apareceria livremente mas seria secretamente controlada por uma pessoa e a família dela.
However Edward and his family went out to hunt, I spent time with Jacob.
Enquanto o Edward e a sua família saíam para caçar, eu passava tempo com o Jacob.
Shocking news in Ocean City tonight, where police arrested an international assassin for holding a government operative and his family at gunpoint.
Notícia chocante em Ocean City esta noite, onde a polícia prendeu um assassino internacional por tornar reféns um agente do governo e a sua família com uma arma.
All thanks to M. C and his family.
Tudo graças ao M. C e sua família.
- I'm sure that Mark and his family have enough food, honey.
Tenho a certeza de que o Mark e a sua família têm comida suficiente, querida.
And his family was so rich.
E a família dele é podre de rica!
And the militant Islamist group Al-Shabab took credit today for the murder of the exiled Somali politician Samata Rahim and his family.
Embora o grupo Al-Shabab islâmico militar já reivindicou o assassinato do Político somali no exílio Samata Rahim e sua família.
And friends and his family?
E os amigos e familiares dele?
They've asked the English lord and his family, the Astore, the Gordons, and the actress.
Convidaram os lordes ingleses e suas famílias, os Astor, os Gordon e a actriz.
I stayed'cause I knew that trying to be anything else would be a lie... and that's the worst thing a guy can do to his family.
Fiquei porque sabia que tentar ser outra pessoa seria uma mentira. E isso é a pior coisa que um gajo pode fazer à sua família.
You know, and I'm--I'm looking at these baby pictures, and, uh, these family medical histories and personality assessments, probably made by the 21-year-old intern who's Manning the desk at the cryobank that night when the 22-year-old sperm donor comes in to sell his sperm for cash.
Sabes, ponho-me a olhar para as fotos de bebés, históricos médicos da família, e avaliações de personalidade, se calhar feitas por um interno de 21 anos que tomava conta do banco de esperma naquela noite, quando o doador de 22 anos aparece para vender o esperma.
His friends and family are celebrating his life, and you... you were a part of that.
Os amigos e a família vão festejar a sua vida, e tu fazes parte disso.
November 5, 1955- - a man claims to have made all of his neighbors and most of his family disappear.
5 de novembro de 1955. Um homem alega ter feito desaparecer todos os vizinhos e parte da família.
According to her statement, she and Amir kept the pregnancy a secret from his family.
De acordo com o depoimento dela, ela e Amir esconderam a gravidez da família dele.
Mrs Arvizo claimed that she feared Michael Jackson so much that she thought he and his henchmen were gonna put she and her family on a hot air balloon and let them sail away to their demise.
A Sra. Arvizo alegou ter tanto medo de Michael Jackson que pensou que ele e os capangas dele iam metê-la a ela e à família num balão de ar quente e lançá-los à sua sorte.
The man was armed with a shotgun and demanded leave of stay for his family.
O homem estava armado com uma espingarda e exigiu asilo para a sua família.
Old Mr. Clarriker will tell Herbert he was touched by his obvious passion for ships and wants to support a young man looking to strike out on his own without the cushion of family money.
O velho Sr. Clarriker vai dizer ao Herbert que ficou tocado pela sua óbvia paixão por navios e que quer apoiar um jovem que procura vencer por conta própria, sem dinheiro da família.
He was mention volcano opening in 1960 and he has to evacuate his family. All this forest that we are now is just re-growing.
Ele estava a mencionar que na erupção do vulcão em 1960 teve de evacuar a família e toda esta floresta onde estamos agora está de novo a crescer
He runs his family's philanthropic foundation and he's overseeing the construction of a school there.
Ele comanda a fundação filantrópica da família e está a construir uma escola lá.
And you never go near his family again.
E nunca mais te aproximas da família dele.
He was valiante and always proud of his family.
Ele era valente e era sempre orgulhoso da sua família.
But he believed our family was cursed... and when his parents were killed, he went mad.
Mas acreditava que a nossa família fora amaldiçoada, e quando os pais foram mortos, enlouqueceu.
And he always said those were his family.
E ele dizia que aqueles é que era a sua família
Oscar's world revolves around Mom, but there are 35 other chimpanzees in his group that make a kind of extended family, and they're never far away.
O Mundo do Oscar gira á volta da mãe, mas há mais 35 chimpanzés no grupo o que faz dele uma familia numerosa, e nunca se afastam uns dos outros.
He's the original Vernian in the family he's been looking for the island half his life and nobody's heard from him in two years.
Ele é o original veriano da família ele tem andado meia vida à procura da ilha e ninguém tem notícias dele há cerca de 2 anos.
He managed almost. And there is one who tries to destroy the whole family so he finds his daughter.
E quase conseguiu exterminar a família inteira!
He was older than his 25 years and was the one his family relied upon since losing their father at an early age.
Ele era mais velho que os seus 25 anos e em quem a família dependia desde que perdeu o pai, muito cedo.
He undertook his responsibilities with dignity and strength and maintained a strong family bond.
Assumiu as suas responsabilidades com dignidade e força e manteve um forte vínculo familiar.
"Then I'm going to kill all his friends, his family, " and then second generation, everybody.
Depois, vou matar todos os seus amigos, a sua família e depois a segunda geração.
A man takes care of his family... and I respect that.
Um homem cuida da sua família e eu respeito isso.
What I don't want to do is send the body to the family and then they discover an almond in his head, and they say, "Why is there an almond in his head?"
Não quero enviar o corpo à família e depois eles descobrirem que tem uma amêndoa na cabeça dele e eles dizerem : "Porque é que tem uma amêndoa na cabeça dele?"
James Peaceful was a credit to his family and his village.
James Peaceful foi um crédito para a sua família e sua aldeia.
Someone who's out of work and wants to feed his family.
Alguém desempregado que quer alimentar a família.
" It was at the modest family home in hatticomb, where Carl's father would tie him to a bed and beat him viciously with a razor strap, sometimes burning his genitals with lit candles and cigars as punishment for minor behavioural offences.
Foi na casa modesta da família em Hatticomb, onde o pai de Carl iria amarrá-lo a uma cama e bater nele violentamente com uma correia de lamina de barbear, às vezes, queimando os órgãos genitais com velas acesas e charutos, como punição por ofensas comportamentais secundárias.
Four forgers, two lunatics and a deviant confined at his family's request.
Quatro falsificadores, dois loucos e um libertino encerrado a pedido da sua própria família.
My family went to the beach, and my dad took me out, and a huge wave knocked me out of his arms, and he couldn't find me and stuff.
A minha família foi à praia, e meu pai levou-me aao mar, e uma onda enorme derrubou-me dos seus braços, e ele não conseguia encontrar-me..
You know, that jail thing... you know, he had it worse than I did, you know, with his family and everything.
Ele passou por pior que eu, com a família e tudo mais.
So you just start an insurrection, hand out guns and massacre his family?
E começas uma insurreição? Entregas armas e massacras a família dele?
He felt that life really wasn't worth much without his family and his farm.
Ele sentiu que a vida não valia muito sem a sua família e a sua quinta.
He would always keep an empty bucket next to him when he cut the meat, because every time he would cut the meat with his machete, it would remind him of what happened to his family and he wanted to throw up.
Ele tem sempre um balde vazio ao seu lado, enquanto corta a carne. Pois, sempre que corta a carne com a sua catana, lembra-se do que aconteceu à sua família e sente vontade de vomitar.

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