And she loved me translate Portuguese
170 parallel translation
Everything I did for her was because I loved her and she loved me.
Tudo o que fiz por ela foi porque a amava e ela amava-me a mim.
I loved her and she loved me.
Amava-a e ela amava-me.
- And she loved me.
- E ela amava-me a mim.
I loved that woman and she loved me.
Amava aquela mulher. E ela amava-me.
She raised Welsh corgis and she took up watercolors and she loved me.
Criava Corgis e aprendeu a pintar e gostava de mim.
But the fact was, I loved her too much to fret long over the other girls she might have loved before me, for she loved me best, and she loved me now.
Mas a verdade era que, eu amava-a em demasia para perguntar se ela tinha gostado de outras raparigas antes de mim.
Yes, and she loved me, too, only not in the same way.
Sim, e ela amava-me também, ainda que não da mesma forma.
She was so pure, and she loved me.
Tão pura, e me amava.
She would have loved to come back to England. But it seemed to me that I would be letting down my country in its greatest need. And so she stayed at my side.
Adoraria ter voltado... à Inglaterra mas, para mim, seria abandonar meu país... quando ele mais necessitava.
And even though she told me that she loved me,
E embora me dissesse que me amava. Eu sabia que nunca poderia ser minha.
She thanked me, and bade me if i had a friend that loved her i should but teach him how to tell my story and that would woo her.
Agradeceu-me, e disse-me que... quando algum amigo eu viesse a ter, que a amasse... bastaria ensinar-lhe o modo simples de contar minha história... para que ele, sem falta, a conquistasse.
and i loved her that she did pity them.
Ela me amou por causa dos perigos por que passei... e muito amor lhe tive, por se ter revelado compassiva.
Mark me with what violence she first loved the moor but for bragging and dealing a fantastical lie.
Recorda a violência com que de inicio ela amou o Mouro... só por causa de suas fanfarronadas... e de suas aventuras mentirosas.
Mrs. Gillespie was just telling me how she loved the house and I...
A Sra. Gillespie estava a dizer-me o quanto adora a casa...
She never loved me, and I knew that.
Ela nunca me amou e eu sabia.
And I thought deep down, she really loved me.
Pensei que lá no fundo ela gostasse.
Exactly. She's loved me for 30 years, has never called me on the phone and left me in peace.
Exactamente, já há 30 anos que me ama, que não tem telefone e que me deixa em paz!
She said she loved me and wanted to marry me.
Disse-me que me amava e que queria casar comigo.
She loved me, and I blew it.
Ela amava-me e eu dei cabo de tudo!
I can only think of my cousin Ruthie... and how much she loved it.
Só me consigo lembrar de minha prima Ruthie... e do quanto ela gostava.
And she still loved me, but the nagging and the... oh, my God, about this women's clothes.
É um vexame. " Ela gostava de mim, mas as queixas e o" ó meu Deus " sobre as roupas de mulher.
I gave her the best time she's had in years, and I believe she loved it.
Disse-me que nunca tinha tido tanto prazer há anos, e acredito que tenha adorado.
I want my ex-wife to remember that at one point in our lives she loved me, and I want my little girl to be safe.
E quero que a minha ex-mulher se lembre que em determinada altura da nossa vida ela me amou. Quero que a minha filhota esteja em segurança.
" She'd have loved to see me foam and scream the insults she deserved... to give her a pretext to call me mad... so she could have me locked away at Charenton.
Ela teria adorado ver-me espumando e gritando os insultos que ela merecia para dar-lhe um pretexto de me chamar de louco então ela poderia ter me trancado em Charenton.
And just as afraid to find out that maybe she still loved me like I still loved her.
E medo de descobrir que talvez ela ainda me ame...
She loved you and she made me hate you.
Ela amava-te e fez-me odiar-te.
And that call meant she loved me.
E aquela ligaçäo significou que ela me amava.
She loved me for the dangers I had passed and I loved her that she did pity them.
Ela me amou pelos perigos que enfrentei e eu a amei por ter-se com eles comovido.
That she loved me and I was gonna live with my new daddy.
Que me adorava e que eu ia viver com o meu novo pai.
I had a mother who loved me. And maybe she's still out there somewhere.
Eu tive uma mãe que me amava e talvez ela ainda esteja por aí, em algum lugar.
My dad loved to give advice and I was going out with this girl and he said, " Ben, no matter how beautiful you think she is,
O meu pai gostava de me dar conselhos quando saia com a miúda e ele dizia, "Ben, não importa, o quanto a achas bela..."
.. she would've accepted before the whole.. .. world that she loved me. She'd have danced and screamed.
O seu véu escorregou da sua cabeça
She loved me, and I loved her.
Ela amava-me e eu amava-a.
He loved your mother, and yet she chose me.
Ele amava a tua mãe, contudo ela escolheu-me a mim.
In fact, she'd come over in a hurry, to bring me the cat and the goldfinch that she loved so much.
Tanto assim é, que a Sra. Giopollo veio trazer-me os seus animaizitos a toda a pressa um gato e um canário aos quais tem um grande afecto.
I wanted to speak because I really loved her and I wanted to talk about who she was to me, to us, which is this brave, brazen, totally heroic person.
Quis falar porque a adorava e queria falar do que ela era para mim, para nós, que era uma pessoa corajosa, orgulhosa e completamente heróica.
- She... told me that she loved me, and that... all she wanted was to be with me.
- Ela... disse que me amava e que... tudo o que queria era estar comigo. Ela estava em apuros.
I told her that you loved her and she said she knew and that she loved you, too.
Eu disse-lhe que tu a amavas e ela respondeu-me que sabia e disse que te amava também.
I don't love her the way she needs to be loved and I don't even see a future for us, but then I look at my little boy sitting across from me, and I think I'd suffer any torture to be with him for all the minutes of his life.
Eu não a amo da maneira que ela necessita ser amada. Nem sequer acredito no nosso casamento, mas, depois, olho para o meu garoto, sentado à mesa diante de mim, e penso que sofreria qualquer tortura para estar com ele, todos os minutos da vida dele.
There was this one time, this is my favorite, when we were engaged in an alley, and she called you to tell you she loved you.
Lembro-me de uma vez, esta é a minha favorita estávamos juntos num beco, e ligou-te a dizer que te amava.
You know, Tara told me that once she almost died... and she thought of those who loved her.
Sabes, a Tara disse-me que, uma vez, quase morreu. E ela pensou naqueles que a amavam.
And although she loved me back, she married me... somehow I always knew I was... never quite up to snuff.
E apesar dela também me amar, e ter casado comigo... De alguma forma eu sempre soube que eu... nunca estaria à altura.
And the littlest one... the daughter, Lynnie... She... she loved me.
E a mais pequena, a filha, Lynnie, gostava muito de mim.
She told me she loved him... and that she and Mount were gonna take Maya away, out of DC, give her a better life, one we never had.
Ela disse-me que o amava, que ela e o Mount iam levar a Maya daqui, para longe de DC, dar-lhe uma vida melhor, a que nunca tivemos.
Afterwards, she said that she loved me, and when i didn't reciprocate or say anything back to her, she got really upset.
Depois, ela disse que me amava. E quando não lhe respondi, ela ficou perturbada.
I had a girlfriend and I loved her but she dumped me on holiday.
Tinha uma namorada e amava-a mas ela deixou-me nas férias.
What Marie did not know at this time was that in two weeks she would come to my house to give me a piece of her mind. I would tell her I loved her and we would do it.
O que a Marie não sabia por essa altura é que dentro de duas semanas iria a minha casa para me desancar, eu iria dizer-lhe que a amava e nós iríamos fazê-lo.
We loved each other and then she leaves me.
Amámo-nos ou ao outro e agora ela abandonou-me.
! I was nice to her, like you told me to, and she told me she loved me.
Eu fui bom para ela e ela disse-me que me amava.
She said she loved me, and that it wasn't about Chris.
Disse que me amava, e que não tinha a ver com o Chris.
- She loved me for the dangers I'd pass'd and I loved her that she did pity them.
- "Ela amou-me pelos perigos que passei..."
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she is 39
and she 275
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she is 39
and she 275
and she didn't 24
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27