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And she said translate Portuguese

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And she said, "Hey!" And she just has the word "fuck"
E ela diz : "Olá" e tem "FUCK"
We couldn't bring her in, but we talked to her on the phone, and she said that her nails were filed by the assistant at the photo shoot.
Não podíamos trazê-la, mas falei com ela ao telefone, e ela disse que as unhas foram limadas pela assistente durante a sessão de fotos.
And one day, she called me over, and she said,
E um dia ela chamou-me e disse,
And I happened to run into her, as luck would have it, and she said, "Why don't you go over to the mill and see Papa?"
E por acaso cruzei-me com ela, por sorte, e ela disse : "porque não vais até à fábrica ver o meu pai?"
Because Carl is very devoted to me, particularly now that he isn't feeling well, and she said if she was going to stay with him, she couldn't tell him because he'd go bananas.
Porque o Carl é muito dedicado a mim, particularmente agora, que não se sente bem, e ela disse que, se ia ter de ficar com ele, ela não podia dizer-lhe, porque ele iria enlouquecer.
And she said it was more vivid than life itself. WILCOCK : Betty Andreasson's reports are very detailed and thorough.
E ela disse que foi mais vivido que a própria vida. foram muito detalhados e minuciosos.
We used to talk about you over the years, and she said... if anyone could have figured a way out... a way to walk away from it all for good, you know... like a real fresh start... it would have been... you.
Costumávamos falar de ti ao longo dos anos, e ela dizia que se alguém conseguisse imaginar uma saída, uma forma de largar tudo de vez e começar de novo do nada esse alguém seria tu.
And she said that Morgan Stanley will buy them.
- E a Morgan Stanley compra-as.
My daughter gave me this the last time I saw her, and she said nothing bad would ever happen to me as long as I wear it.
A minha filha deu-me isto a última vez que a vi... E disse-me... Que nada de mal me iria acontecer enquanto eu o usasse.
She's sitting with her friends, and she said she'd rather not come back.
Está com os amigos e disse que preferia não vir. Certo.
And she said,
E disse :
No, no, no, she just called from a pay phone... and she said she's coming home soon.
Não, não, não, ela ligou de um telefone pago... e disse que em breve virá para casa.
Our maid went into my mother's wardrobe and took out the clothes, and she said to her,
A nossa empregada foi ao guarda-roupa da minha mãe e tirou as roupas e disse-lhe,
And she said, " i've got this great kid.
Foi ela que me falou nele.
We got talking and she said that her contract was up with 19 and she wanted to explore other possibilities.
Promotor Metropolis Music Ela disse-me que era representada pela Ant 19, mas queria explorar outras possibilidades.
And then she grabbed the bottle off me and she nicked her arm, and she said, "I'll do anything you do."
Depois ela tirou-me a garrafa e cortou-se também. E disse : "Faço tudo o que tu fizeres".
And she said, "No, I don't want to die."
E ela disse : "Não, não quero morrer".
And she said she hadn't been drinking and she can't wait to see the family, and Salaam, and some people that had been on the journey were gonna be there.
Disse que não tinha bebido e que estava mortinha por ver a família e o Salaam. Também iam lá estar algumas pessoas que sempre a tinham acompanhado.
I looked at my mom and she said it was okay.
Olhei para a minha mãe e ela disse que não havia problema.
She said she needed some space, got her own place, and took the kids.
Disse que precisava de espaço, arranjou um quarto para ela e levou os miúdos.
Catwoman and Skeletor said they came across the body, thought she was passed out.
A Catwoman e o Esqueleto disseram que se depararam com o corpo, pensaram que estava desmaiada.
So she never said a word about her and Mary working together? No.
Então, ela nunca disse uma palavra sobre ela e a Mary trabalharem juntas?
She said she was raped and she wanted to bring charges against Troy over there.
Disse que tinha sido violada e que queria denunciar ali o Troy.
I've never had the law on my side ; you know, it's refreshing. She and a reporter from the Herald talked with Vaziri who said the jewels weren't stolen.
Ela e um repórter do Herald falaram com o Vaziri que disse que as jóias não foram roubadas.
Leah pronounced my name, and Zilpah said she heard music in it.
A Leah pronunciou o meu nome, e a Zilpah disse que ouviu música nele.
Oh, when I was five, we went to this Christmas recital, and there was this girl and she was playing the oboe, and I like, turned to my mom and I said,
Oh, quando eu tinha cinco anos, Nós fomos a este recital de Natal. e lá estava uma rapariga e ela estava a tocar oboé, e eu tipo, virei me para a minha mãe e disse,
He said his wife was asking questions, and that she followed him to the condo that night.
Ele disse que a esposa estava a fazer perguntas, e que o seguiu até ao apartamento naquela noite.
She carried your message to Kazmir and offered him and his family a payday, provided his confession included the right pieces, that he once spoke to his employer, that said employer sounded Dutch, and that he wanted three witnesses dead.
Ela levou a sua mensagem ao Kazmir e ofereceu-lhe e à família um pagamento, desde que a sua confissão incluísse certas partes. Que a pessoa que o contratou parecia holandês e que queria três testemunhas mortas.
I was simply expressing gratitude for how well she fixed me up and I said, "I owe you a steak dinner," and then she says, "let's go out Friday."
Eu estava simplesmente a mostrar gratidão por ela me ter me tratado tão bem e disse "Devo-lhe um jantar de bife.", e então ela disse "Que tal sexta à noite?"
She never got off, and finally, I said,
Não desceu.
Uh, he had an investigation made and Ghandi himself said that he was satisfied that she was the reincarnation of this other woman.
Ele fez uma investigação e analisou por si mesmo. Ele disse que estava convencido que ela era a reencarnação da outra mulher.
I got to assume that she needed to process what I said to her and eventually came to the right decision.
Acho que ela processou tudo o que eu lhe disse e eventualmente tomou a decisão certa.
"Shakespeare once said,'If you take a great man... "'If you take a great man and cut off one of his hands... "' She is okay?
"Shakespeare disse um dia,'Se pegarmos num grande homem,'se pegarmos num grande homem e lhe cortarmos uma das mãos..."'
I mean, I've never seen her smoke, but Darlene wicker said she saw her at the mall, and she was...
Nunca a vi fumar, mas Darlene disse que a viu no shopping e ela...
" and she bowed low before Dorothy as she said,
" e ela curvou-se perante Dorothy e disse,
She knew that the ring you gave her was bugged and that you'd be listening to every word she said.
Ela sabia que o anel que lhe dera tinha uma escuta. e que estaria a escutar cada palavra que ela dissesse...
And then she said it.
- E depois ela disse-o.
And she just said, "I'm sending an Uber for you," in 90 minutes, so both of you.
E ela disse agora "Vou mandar-te um Uber buscar-te", daqui a 90 minutos, vocês...
I just said, "Let the soup be the most amazing thing Catherine's ever tasted, unlike anything she's tasted before", and... it is!
Eu disse apenas : "Que a sopa seja a coisa mais fantástica que a Catherine já provou". E é!
Then I brought you over to Mommy, and she held you for the first time, and I said,
Então levei-te para junto da mamã... E ela agarrou-te ao colo pela primeira vez e disse...
And she is not like you said.
E ela não é como disseste.
She said it, and I got the text.
Ela disse-o e recebi a mensagem.
And then she said,
E depois ela disse,
The guy said "Hello" and she'd make her own additions to give more color to the character.
O tipo disse : "Olá" e ela fazia as suas próprias adições, para dar mais cor à personagem.
" And she said,'Sarah, Ashley,
" E ela disse :
I think she's still reeling over the time when she didn't make it for Poms, and she came home that night and said, " Oh, it's... you know what it is?
Acho que ela ainda está a pensar na vez em que não ficou na equipa de dança e chegou a casa e disse : " Sabes qual é o problema?
Then she said her dad leaving her mum was what caused this, and her not really seeing her dad.
E dizia que tinha ficado assim porque o pai tinha deixado a mãe. Por ela não ver o pai.
She said she thinks she's got a problem, she was lost and out of her depth.
Disse que achava que tinha um problema, sentia-se perdida e desamparada.
And then she said, "So, listen, are you leaving 19 to manage me?"
E depois ela disse : "Deixas a Ant 19 para ser só meu manager?"
She said, "Would you like to do it?" And I was, like, "Well, yeah, let's talk about it."
E perguntou-me : "Queres tentar tu?" e eu respondi : "Vamos falar disso".
She said to tell you good-bye and good luck.
Pediu que déssemos adeus e boa sorte a ti por ela.

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