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And she was like translate Portuguese

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I think she was like a star, like a music and like TV star or something.
Eu acho que ela era famosa, talvez da música ou da TV.
- So, like, went to play in "Sweet" ljubièicu and there she was approached by a nice American in the 50's,
É que a minha mãe é antiquada. Ela fala da natureza. E então?
Now I just need to suture it up. This would be so much easier if I had, like, a nurse or something, but, you know, I asked my friend if she'd help me castrate a guy... and, well, she made all these, like, ooky sounds, like I was asking her to swallow worms or something.
Seria muito mais fácil se tivesse uma enfermeira, ou isso, mas... pedi à minha amiga que me ajudasse a castrar um tipo e ela... fez aqueles sons, como se estivesse a pedir-lhe que engolisse vermes.
And then one day, I got a letter from Anna saying that she was going to be in Amsterdam and asking if I would like to meet her there.
Então, um dia, recebi uma carta de Anna em que me dizia que ia a Amesterdão e perguntava se eu me queria encontrar lá com ela.
I put her in a hot bath and scrubbed her myself, like she was 2 years old.
Dei-lhe um banho quente e limpei-a, como se fosse um bebé de 3 anos.
She was like, "Let's not make an issue out of it." And I said, "No, fuck that."
Ela disse : "Não vamos falar disso." E eu disse : "Que se lixe isso."
As a man once taught her, whenever she was having a hard time... lapse on the floor like this She'd bend over and take five deep breaths
Como alguém lhe disse uma vez, sempre que ela estivesse a ter um mau momento... devia pôr-se assim no chão... dobrar-se e respirar fundo cinco vezes.
Now, this broad was expiring like spoiled milk, and she was looking for a way out.
Bem, esta gaja estava fora da validade como o leite azedo. Ela queria ter uma saída.
I mean, she was like... like limo hot. And, I mean, I'm not talking like garbage truck hot.
E não estou a falar da beleza que merece piropos dos homens do lixo.
But she was a pocha, a traitor, and people like that aren't taken lightly in Sinaloa.
Ela era uma americana, uma traidora, e pessoas assim não são levadas de ânimo leve no Sinaloa.
Supposed to look like it was an accident, like she got caught on her collar and choked.
Queriam que parecesse um acidente, como se a coleira dela tivesse ficado presa e a tivesse sufocado.
According to jenny's roommate, jenny was seeing someone who looks a lot like you. Until she moved onward and upward to dating mr. Costa.
de acordo com a companheira de quarto da Jenny, a Jenny andava a sair com alguém muito parecido consigo, até ter partido para outra e começar a sair com o Sr. Costa.
I mean, one second she was helping me warm up the milk, and the next, she was throwing me around here like a rag doll.
Está seguro. Está com o Leo. Neste momento, temos de descobrir como a ajudar.
She pulled a lamp out of the wall and she hit me in the head with it and she was just screaming like she was crazy.
Arrancou um candeeiro da parede e deu-me com ele na cabeça. E estava a gritar como se estivesse louca.
Like Collier, she was a computer scientist, and like him, she changed her identity.
Como o Collier, era cientista informática. E como ele, mudou de identidade.
Sometimes I felt like I took advantage of her because she was old and lonely.
Às vezes sinto que me aproveitei dela porque era idosa e solitária.
And if the blindfold was down, see the lady a-winking... while she told you, you done it like a man.
Se a venda estivesse caída, verias a senhora piscar-te o olho, enquanto te dizia que te comportaste como um homem.
Yeah, mine too. She took me up into her bedroom and performed like it was strictly business.
Levou-me para o quarto e foi tudo como se de um negócio se tratasse.
She's trolling for a fourth husband and you bit on that worm like it was made of sunshine.
Ela está a pescar um quarto marido e tu mordeste o isco como se ela fosse feita de mel.
It's not like the marriage started going downhill and she was boozing and sleeping around, do you know what I mean?
Não é como se o casamento tivesse começado a desmoronar-se e ela se andasse a embebedar e a dormir por aí, percebes?
I figured they were bitten down'cause she was all upset about having to give me away, like, maybe she was too young and her parents were forcing her to give me up.
E as unhas... pensei que estavam roidas, por ela estar nervosa, por me entregar. Por exemplo, ela fosse muito jovem e os pais a obrigassem a entregar-me.
And she totally promised me she was leaving me this emerald necklace.Like real emerald, melinda with diamonds all around it and everything
Perdi longos e difíceis finais de semana com aquela mulher até o fim... ela me prometeu que estava deixando para mim um colar de esmeraldas, esmeraldas verdadeiras, Melinda. Com diamantes em volta.
Even when I felt like a freak, she could look at me and I knew that everything was gonna be okay, no matter what.
Mesmo quando me sentia uma aberração. Quando ela olhava para mim eu sabia, que tudo ia ficar bem, não importava o quê...
First off, we call Yale, and we tell them something like... Rory had a chemical imbalance, and she was medically out of her mind... when she told them she was dropping out.
Primeiro que tudo, telefonamos para Yale a dizer... que a Rory teve um problema qualquer, que estava fora de si... quando lhes disse que ia desistir.
She did not want to see him hurt and humiliated like he was.
Não gostou de o ver magoado e humilhado como foi.
First time he hit her in the thigh... and she just kept going, like it was nothing.
Não deve ter conseguido chegar à arma a sério. A primeira vez acertou-lhe na coxa, mas ela continuou como se fosse nada.
Although this transvestite hooker said he / she would do you for half price because you kind of look like John Cusack and his / her favorite movie was Say Anything.
Embora um prostituto travesti tenha dito que só te cobrava metade do preço porque és parecido com o John Cusack e o filme preferido dele / dela era o "Say Anything".
It was her childhood home, she'd prefer to sell it to a young couple... -... like you and Joey.
Foi a sua casa de infância e ela preferia vendê-la a um jovem casal como vocês os dois.
She was like a Deltan and a Betazoid all rolled into one.
Ela era como um Deltan e um Betazoid em um.
And it was like she was so free.
E parecia que ela estava tão... livre.
When she came back, with child, she was already sick and men like Maybury preyed on her vulnerability.
Quando ela voltou, grávida, já estava doente e os homens como o Maybury abusaram da vulnerabilidade dela.
! I was nice to her, like you told me to, and she told me she loved me.
Eu fui bom para ela e ela disse-me que me amava.
Look, my friend was nothing but polite to you, and you treat her like she's a hooker?
A minha amiga foi educada para si... e você tratou-a como puta.
- Okay, well, um since you're just here delivering messages, you can let her know that in a few minutes, my dad is announcing he's adopting me and I'd really like it if she was there.
Está bem, bom... já que estás a aqui a entregar mensagens podes dizer-lhe que daqui a poucos minutos, o meu pai vai anunciar que está a adoptar-me e eu gostava muito que ela estivesse lá.
I mean, it was like, one minute she was there, talking about what we were gonna have for dinner, and the next, she was just gone.
Num minuto estava aqui... a falar sobre o que íamos comer ao jantar e no seguinte tinha... desaparecido.
And she complained I was like an elephant.
- Ela queixou-se que eu era como um elefante.
People were saying that you were acting freakishly like her, and Clark's mom was acting very Dawn-ish before she came back on-line at the Talon.
Estão por aí a dizer que tu estavas a agir como ela... e a mãe do Clark também estava meio Dawnistica até que voltou a si mesmo no Talon.
But Lily came home from the country club and she said there was this father-daughter dance, and your dad's like,
Mas a Lily chegou em casa de um clube de golfe e ela disse que lá havia um pai e a filha a dançar, e o teu pai tipo,
And she couldn't go to a hospital, because she knew that an orderly would text TMZ in, like, a hot minute, and also... she was really embarrassed.
E ela não podia ir num hospital, porque sabia que um enfermeiro ia mandar um SMS para os jornais. em, tipo, num piscar de olho, e também... ela estava muito envergonhada.
It's like she doesn't have clothes of her own. And, well... I noticed my card was missing after I went shopping with her.
É como se ela não tivesse roupas nenhumas e o meu cartão desapareceu depois de ir às compras com ela.
Drove the car back, made it seem like she had been abducted... and that was that.
Trouxe o carro de volta, fiz parecer que tinha sido um rapto e foi isso.
If he was in there with dick and beaver's real mom, I'd be bothered, but it's Kendall - she's like our age.
Se ele estivesse ali com a mãe do Dick e do Beaver incomodava-me. Mas é a Kendall, ela tem quase a nossa idade.
And, well, I have a Leopard Dog, Lulu, and I was looking to breed her... and it seemed like she and Steve had some real chemistry.
Tenho uma cadela Leopard, a Lulu e queria cruzá-la pareceu-me que ela e o Steve gostaram um do outro.
Because I was poor. And she did not like me.
Porque eu era pobre, e não gostava de mim.
And I looked over at Felicia while he was talking and she rolls her eyes like she's had it with this loser.
E olhei para a Felicia, enquanto ele estava a falar.. ... e ela revirou os olhos, como se estivesse farta daquele falhado.
But you could call me A.D.D on account of the fact that I have A.D.D which is Attention Deficit Disorder and you know everyone used to think it was just an addiction to sugar when I was six and my mom used to cry because she thought I would never be like, a fully functioning member of society like my neighbor who has Legionnaire's Disease.
Mas podes tratar-me por A.D.D., porque de facto eu sofro de A.D.D., que é um Distúrbio no Déficit de Atenção. Todos pensavam que eu era apenas viciado em açucar aos seis anos, e a minha mãe costumava chorar porque pensava que eu nunca viria a ser um normal membro da sociedade, como o meu vizinho que tinha a Doença do Legionário.
She was 11 years old, and she looked just like Georgie.
Ela tinha onze anos. - E era igualzinha ao Georgie.
When she started to cry like she never cried before, he thought that she knows he was leaving her for Marie-Christine, a passionate flight attendant, who he loved for a year and a half.
Quando ela começou a chorar como nunca tinha chorado até então... Então pensou que ela sabia, que iria ser trocada pela Marie-Christine... uma hospedeira de bordo fogosa, com que tinha uma relação à um ano e meio...
She's having a little birthday thing in the village tomorrow, and I was thinking that maybe you'd like to go.
Vai fazer uma pequena festa de aniversário na vila amanhã e... eu estava pensando se... talvez gostasse de ir.
Lynette loves that little girl like she was her own, and to tell you the truth,
A Lynette ama aquela criança.
You know, kid, I'd never say this to anyone, but it was almost like I could tell her right where I wanted to hit the ball and she'd make it happen.
Nunca o disse a ninguém... mas era como se Ihe pudesse dizer onde queria bater a bola... e ela tornava-o possível

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