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And she was gone translate Portuguese

397 parallel translation
Suddenly, I looked around and she was gone.
De repente, olhei e não a vi.
Went into the washroom, took my Rollie off, set her on the basin stepped back to shake the dew off my lily turned around, and she was gone like that.
Fui a casa-de-banho, tirei o Rolex, pousei-o no lavatório, afastei-me para sacudir a minha pila, virei-me e tinha desaparecido.
So, I went into my sister's room and she was gone.
Então fui ao quarto da minha irmã. E ela tinha desaparecido.
I went to get her and she was gone.
Fui chamá-la e não estava lá.
I woke up one mornin'... and she was gone.
Eu acordei uma manhã... e ela tinha-se ido embora.
I came home one night, and she was gone.
Cheguei a casa numa noite e ela tinha desaparecido.
Almost nine months later, you were here and she was gone.
Cerca de nove meses mais tarde, vieste tu e ela foi-se.
I got out of bed to check on Sophie, and she was gone.
Levantei-me para ver a Sophie e ela tinha desaparecido.
- As for the stewards, if they don't do what they're told... they've got a nice cozy brick wall to lean up against. Well, that's just what stumps us, but all we know is that she was here on this train... and now she's... gone. But
- E se os empregados não cooperarem, têm um agradável muro de tijolos à sua espera.
and... she was gone.
Antes que a pudesse deter, pôs-se de pé no barco. Atirei-me à água, mas já era tarde demais.
I was pleased and surprised she had gone back to it
Fiquei contente e surpreso por ter voltado a tocar.
I caught a glimpse and then she was gone.
Olhei de relance e ela tinha desaparecido.
And when I found next day that she'd really gone... I was desperate.
E quando me dei conta de que realmente se foi... estava desesperado.
While she was gone, I looked around the jars and the cupboard for dough.
Quando se afastou, pus-me à procura da "massa".
And when I wiped them away, she was gone.
E quando as limpei, ela tinha desaparecido.
It's like when my mama was still alive. I remember I used to mash my finger and she'd kiss it and tell me the pain was all gone.
Quando a minha mãe era viva eu lembro-me de me ter magoado num dedo e de ela dar um beijinho e dizer que já não ia doer.
He said he was from the Britannia, and that she'd gone down with all hands.
Pertencia ao Britannia. Disse que o navio se afundou, e morreu naquela noite.
I arrived at her place 15 minutes later, but she was gone and the house was a mess.
Eram 11 : 30. Cheguei a casa dela 15 minutos depois.
I bent down to fix my knickers and when I came up she was gone.
Baixei-me para arranjar as calças e quando voltei ela tinha desaparecido.
And now the girl was gone, she figured there was nothin'to stop her.
E agora que a rapariga tinha ido embora, não havia nada que a impedisse.
The murderer'd have gone back to the gallery to see if she was dead and we can't rule out the possibility that he is a pervert.
O assassino pode ter voltado à galeria para ver se ela estava morta e não podemos excluir a possibilidade de ser um pervertido.
Vipsania was the second and she's gone.
A Vipsânia era a segunda e partiu.
And then I'd remember that she was gone.
Estou a monitorar uma frequência ascendente de partículas ionizadas.
And then I'd remember that she was gone :
E depois lembrava-me que ela tinha partido.
She said she was going to hurt me. My patient was slashed to death, and my razor's gone.
A minha paciente morreu e a minha navalha desapareceu.
And she ended up crazy herself, you know - - after my father was gone.
E acabou sendo ela a louca, quando ficou sem meu pai.
She was gone for good, and I never found out why.
Ela foi-se embora para sempre e eu nunca soube porquê.
And after she was gone he come up from Charleston and took the boy away.
Quando ela morreu... ... veio de Charleston e levou-o.
She was next to me, and "Poof!" she's gone
Desapareceu de repente.
She was with some man and I just must have gone crazy.
Ela estava com um homem e eu devo ter enlouquecido.
She said he was happy and he'd gone to the same place as me goldfish.
Ela disse que ele estava contente e tinha ido para o mesmo sitio do meu peixe vermelho.
She'd seen the dingo and the baby was gone.
Ela tinha visto o dingo. E o bebé... tinha desaparecido.
And that day when you saw her in the bathroom With the traces of bandage across "her belly, she was six months gone then"
E naquele dia em que a viste na casa-de-banho com vestígios de ligaduras à volta da barriga, no seu sexto mês, tu começaste a gritar.
And when I got back, she was gone.
E quando eu recebi de volta, ela tinha ido.
And then she was gone. And his rage began to grow.
E depois, também ela desapareceu e a raiva dele começou a aumentar.
And then she was gone.
E depois ela morreu.
As she unbound her hair, her heart, too, was unchained, though she found comfort in constraint, and that was gone forever.
Assim como soltara a massa dos seus cabelos castanhos, também o coração perdia uma espécie de constrangimento, onde, no entanto, ele bebia uma felicidade nunca mais recuperável.
Her mama had gone to heaven when she was five, and her daddy was some kind of a farmer.
A mãe dela fôra para o Céu quando ela tinha cinco anos, e o pai era uma espécie de lavrador.
And just like that, she was gone.
E sem mais, foi-se embora.
And just like that, she was gone out of my life again.
E, sem mais nem menos, desapareceu de novo da minha vida.
Then she was murdered, and it was gone.
Daí ela foi assassinada, e sumiu.
I was kind of excited about seeing her again. But when I got there she and her brother had picked up and gone.
Estava entusiasmado com a ideia de a voltar a ver, mas quando lá cheguei, ela e o irmão tinham partido.
She was dotty but she wasn't so far gone that she couldn't tell a stranger from her own flesh and blood.
Era velhita, mas não estava assim tão cheché que não percebesse a diferença entre um estranho e alguém do seu próprio sangue.
Sure, Faith was the best woman you could ever hope to get, and it's... humiliating that she's gone, but you got to face that it's over.
A Faith foi a melhor rapariga que alguma vez podias ter arranjado. É humilhante que ela tenha partido, mas tens de perceber que acabou.
If those cops had gotten her, they'd have found out who she was wearing for and gone after them.
Para apagar a pista. Senão, ficavam a saber quem era e iam atrás dele.
And then she was gone.
E depois ela desapareceu.
I was in a cafe waiting for you, Ethan. And there she was standing in the rain, alive and beautiful, thinking I'm dead and gone.
Estava no café à tua espera, Ethan e lá estava ela à chuva, viva e linda, a pensar que estou morto.
And then I found out the next year that she had died. And I was real sorry that I hadn't gone back to say goodbye.
E depois descobri no ano seguinte, que ela tinha morrido e... e lamentei muito não ter ido lá despedir-me.
She woke up and gone, like, "Was that you?"
E acordou e perguntou, "Esse barulho foste tu?"
Once the fire department was gone and Mrs. Popowski came to, she asked me to leave.
Quando os bombeiros saíram e a Sra. Popowsky chegou, convidou-me a sair.
- and then she was just gone. - I'm getting no reading.
- Não estou a detectar nada.

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