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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ B ] / Breathe deeply

Breathe deeply translate Portuguese

161 parallel translation
- Breathe deeply, son.
- Respira fundo.
- Breathe deeply.
- Respire profundamente.
Breathe deeply. Sit tight.
- Inspira profundamente.
- Sit down and breathe deeply.
- Sente-se e respire fundo.
Breathe deeply, Chekov.
Respire fundo, Chekov.
Continue to breathe deeply.
Continue a respirar fundo.
Try to breathe deeply and evenly.
Tente respirar fundo e regularmente.
- Now, breathe deeply.
- Agora respire fundo.
Breathe deeply.
Respire fundo.
Breathe deeply. Try to relax.
Respire profundamente e tente relaxar.
Breathe deeply.
- Ainda bem. Respire fundo.
Breathe deeply, ladies and gentlemen...
Respirem, senhores...
Breathe deeply, ladies and gentlemen.
Senhores, respirem, não se distraiam.
Breathe deeply, the cold air will revive you.
Respira fundo. O ar frio reanima-te.
Let your eyes follow this pen. Just let yourself breathe deeply.
Leonard, quero que os seus olhos sigam esta caneta... e respire fundo.
Breathe deeply, sir
Senhor, respire bem fundo.
Breathe deeply, Robin.
Respira fundo, Robin.
Now, breathe deeply, Mr. Clarke.
Respire fundo, Sr. Clarke.
Breathe deeply.
Respire profundamente.
Breathe deeply and relax.
Respirem fundo e relaxem.
You place the mask securely about the face of the patient... and then have them breathe deeply.
Segurem com firmeza a máscara à frente da cara do paciente... e façam-no respirar profundamente.
Breathe deeply for me.
Respire fundo.
Breathe deeply.
Respira fundo.
Enfia uma bola de naftalina em cada narina e respira fundo.
Breathe deeply. Inhale joy, courage.
Respirem fundo, aspirem alegria, coragem.
Okay, put your head between your legs and breathe deeply.
Está bem, coloca a cabeça entre suas pernas e respirar profundamente.
You take a glass of nearly frozen, unstrained tomato juice. You plop a couple of oysters in there, you drink it down. Breathe deeply.
Pegas num copo de sumo de tomate quase congelado... deitas-lhe umas ostras e bebe de uma só vez.
And while rolling the wine vigorously around in the glass, we breathe deeply and fully.
E enquanto rodamos o vinho vigorosamente à volta do copo, aspiramos profunda e completamente.
Breathe deeply!
Respira fundo!
Breathe deeply, as if you were in labour.
Respira profundamente... como se estivesses a dar à luz!
He told me to breathe deeply.
Mandou-me respirar fundo.
Come in! It's most important to breathe deeply.
Certo, o mais importante a fazer agora é respirar fundo.
Breathe deeply, girls.
Respirem fundo, meninas.
Try to breathe deeply.
Tenta respirar profundamente.
- Breathe deeply.
Sou eu. - Respira fundo.
- Breathe deeply.
- Respira fundo.
Just breathe deeply.
Inspira profundamente.
Now, breathe deeply, all right?
Respira fundo, está bem?
Just relax. Breathe deeply.
Relaxe, respire, você está indo bem.
Breathe deeply.
- Respire, Gladys, bem fundo.
I want you to relax... and breathe deeply.
Eu quero que tu relaxes... e respires profundamente.
Breathe deeply.
Respira profundamente.
Breathe deeply.
Respirar fundo.
Breathe deeply.
- Lindo! Respirar fundo.
It's alright. Just breathe deeply.
Está tudo bem, respire fundo.
Breathe deeply.
Breathe in deeply.
Inspire profundamente.
Out of that 50, how many gods did I offend to have ended up with G'Kar's teeth buried so deeply in my throat that I can barely breathe?
Desses 50, quantos deuses é que eu ofendi para acabar com os dentes do G'Kar tão enterrados no meu pescoço que mal consigo respirar?
Breathe deeply.
Respires fundo.
( Woman ) Breathe in deeply.
Respirem profundamente.
Look, Kazik how deeply they breathe.
Olha, Kazik... como respiram profundamente.

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