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Called it translate Portuguese

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We called it Concubine, since that's basically all these women were sold for.
- Chamávamos-lhe Concubina, já que essas mulheres são vendidas para isso.
Witness came out for a smoke, saw the blood, called it in.
A testemunha saiu para fumar, viu o sangue, chamaram o NOPD.
He lives in the building with his mother... first floor, 1B. The man who called it in,
O corpo já foi identificado como sendo o de Louisa Burnside pelo seu primo Steve Burnside.
Fisherman called it in.
Foi um pescador que avisou.
Yeah, they called it the Bedford Lilliputian... a whole miniature city scaled down for dwarf and midget inhabitants.
Sim, o Bedford Lilliputian. Uma cidade em miniatura, feita à escala de anões.
Friends and neighbors used to show up with firewood to heat the new home and to ward off the evil spirits, and that's why they called it a "housewarming."
Os amigos e vizinhos costumavam aparecer com a lenha para aquecer a casa nova e para afastar os maus espíritos, é por isso que chamam de "inauguração."
They called it the Good Samaritan Law on the account, like, you supposed to be helping people if they're in trouble.
Chamaram-lhe a Lei do Bom Samaritano por conta, tipo, de ajudares as pessoas em dificuldades.
My client said that she called it in.
A minha cliente diz que ligou a denunciar.
A meter reader called it in.
Um revisor do metro chamou-a.
Called it his trophy.
Chamou-lhe troféu.
They called it The Aridity Solution.
Chamam-na a Solução de Aridez.
It's registered to nederdietsen. He discovered that while Jane o'brien media seemed to be operated out of America, it was owned by a company in Germany called nederdietsen, which owned nearly 300 domain names all related to tickling. David :
Está registado como Nederdietsen.
That's it. We called, and his assistant says he doesn't want to get involved.
Nós ligámos, e a assistente dele disse que ele não quer ser envolvido.
Just tell him to pack it up, huff it back to Virginia to a pile of bricks called the Armory.
Diz-lhe para vir para Virginia, para uma pilha de tijolos chamada Arsenal.
No, it turns out Tyler made contact with the Armory during his hunter sojourns. So when Matt Donovan needed help with the vampire problem in Mystic Falls, he called Tyler, who then called the Armory, thinking they'd put me away for good.
Não, o Tyler contactou o Arsenal durante a sua caça, por isso quando o Matt Donovan precisou de ajuda com o problema de vampiros em Mystic Falls ele ligou ao Tyler, que depois ligou ao Arsenal pensando que eles iam acabar comigo de vez.
Uh, CeeLo something, and it was called "Forget You."
CeeLo... qualquer coisa. Chamava-se Forget You.
And after he called the precinct and your neighbors heard the terrible news, someone spread it to the crowd gathering outside that Jeff, a white slumlord, had killed her.
Só que a encontrou morta.
It's called tit for tat.
cá se fazem, cá se pagam.
It's called Men Now.
- Chama-se "Homens Agora".
And then she called Mackmain to confirm the information was correct, but she wouldn't let it go.
E ligou ao Mackmain para confirmar se as informações eram correctas.
It's called stasis.
É chamado de êxtase.
But it needed to be called off.
Mas era preciso terminar.
It's called double jeopardy.
É chamado Dupla Incriminação.
Called it "Games Games Games."
Chamava-se "Games Games Games".
Mm. It'd be a little lovelier if the EPA wasn't crawling up my tooter every damn minute with their so-called regulations.
Seria um pouco mais bonita se o EPA não estivesse a rastejar para cima de mim a cada maldito minuto com as suas chamadas regulações.
Thanks to a tool called mimikatz, it'll pull all cached passwords and domain info in and save them on this.
Graças a uma ferramenta chamada Mimikatz, puxa-te todas as palavras-chave e informação de domínio da cache e salva-te aqui.
And it's not often I'm called upon To forge a master magician murder weapon.
E nem sempre me pedem para forjar uma arma para matar um Mágico.
It's something called stage zero breast cancer.
É uma coisa chamada cancro da mama de nível zero.
It's something called Stage Zero breast cancer.
É algo chamado cancro da mama em estádio zero.
It's... it's something called stage zero breast cancer.
É... É algo chamado cancro da mama de estádio zero.
What about this place? It's owned by a company called Purview Properties.
- Pertence a uma empresa chamada "Purview Properties".
So I called the chef, he made it happen.
Então, liguei ao "chef" e ele conseguiu.
And it's called "two lies and a truth", Killjoy, not "ask me anything." Where's the fun in that?
E chama-se "2 mentiras e 1 verdade", Killjoy, e não "pergunta o que quiseres." Qual é o gozo disso?
It's not called "Three Truths," Killjoy.
Não se chama "3 verdades," Killjoy.
Um, we think it was something called a shapeshifter, but, uh, it can't be because I pumped the thing full of silver and it didn't even flinch.
Pensávamos que fosse uma coisa chamada transmorfo, mas não pode ser porque eu enchi aquela coisa com prata e ela nem pestanejou.
Once let it slip that he met Jimmy Sanchez at a bar called, um, El Toro.
Uma vez ele disse que conheceu o Jimmy Sanchez num bar chamado... El Toro.
That's why it's called social media.
É por isso que se chama mídia social.
It looks like whoever called took off.
Parece que quem nos chamou foi-se embora.
That means this morning it wasn't Bunny who called.
Isto significa que hoje de manhã não foi a Bunny que ligou.
He called from his phone, made it look like your mom's.
Ele ligou-te para o telemóvel, e fez parecer que era a tua mãe.
Okay, i-it's called a troll, Jay.
Chama-se um troll, Jay.
It's called fear of the future, or "fof" or "fotf".
Chama-se : "Medo do Futuro", "MF" ou "MDF".
Well, I don't know if this helps at all, but I was just talking to the engineer. It turns out he can't leave the controls because of what's called a dead man's switch.
Não sei se isto ajuda, mas estava a falar com o maquinista e parece que ele não pode sair do comando por causa de um botão chamado "homem morto".
It's called, uh...
It's called getting business.
Chama-se entrar no jogo.
It's called Firestone Beach, but the locals call it Shady Cove.
Chama-se Praia Firestone, mas os locais chamam-lhe Shady Cove.
That's why it's called "mob mentality," not "mob stupidity."
É por isso que se chama "mentalidade de multidão" e não "estupidez de multidão".
It's called a slow clap.
Chama-se palmas lentas.
- That's the one! ( sobbing ) I'm the one who called him a turd burglar, but it's true.
- É isso! Fui eu que lhe chamei ladrão de poios, mas é verdade.
It's called survival of the fittest.
Chama-se sobrevivência do mais apto.
It's called Uber.
Chama-se Uber.

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