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Called it in translate Portuguese

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Facility manager arrived to work this morning at 6 : 30, saw the bodies and called it in to the local P.D.
O encarregado chegou para trabalhar esta manhã às 6h30, viu os corpos e telefonou para a Polícia local.
Fiery love affair, that's how they called it in a paper.
Ardente caso de amor, que é como eu chamaria.
Found the place trashed, called it in.
Encontrou o local vandalizado, chamou a polícia.
Heard gunfire, called it in, responded.
Ouvi disparos, avisei a Central, respondi.
We'll need dental records for a positive ID. Who called it in?
Precisamos de registos dentários para uma identificação positiva.
A homeless guy called it in almost a month ago.
Um sem-abrigo reportou-o há quase um mês.
Pilot I borrowed from McMurdo called it in.
Relatou o piloto que pedi a McMurdo.
Your base commander, Murphy, called it in.
O comandante Murphy comunicou.
Oh, sorry, Chief, I assumed the LSO called it in.
Desculpe, chefe. Parti do princípio que o LSO tinha informado.
All right, so you saw the fire and you called it in?
Então, viu o fogo e chamou os bombeiros?
It's called the Simon Ranch in New Canaan, and they're expecting him.
Chama-se Rancho do Simon, em New Canaan e estão à espera dele.
Soccer. Well, I never called it that. I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and my dad was career military man.
Nasci em Seul, na Coreia do Sul, e o meu pai era um militar.
I mean, he called in "shots fired" before he could even see that it was Johnson.
Quer dizer, disse "tiros disparados" antes sequer de poder ver que era o Johnson.
I know I should have called first, but I thought it would be more romantic if I just swooped in, told you I loved you, and we lived happily ever after.
Pensei em ligar-te antes, mas pensei que seria romântico aparecer, dizer que te amo e vivermos felizes para sempre.
I called it in like an hour ago.
Eu avisei há uma hora.
The tip-off that the Observer was spotted at that motel, it was called in from one of the motel phones.
A denúncia de que o Observador foi visto no motel, foi dada através de um dos telefones do motel.
It's called double jeopardy.
É o princípio Non Bis In Idem.
They grew pot on a Farm called crazy hill In goodhue county, Brought it into oakland And sold it out of the house.
Plantavam erva numa quinta chamada Crazy Hill no Condado de Goodhue, traziam-na para Oakland e vendiam-na na casa.
When you called and said she wanted to meet me, if it was my mom, I'd be in trouble.
Quando ligaste e disseste que ela me queria conhecer, se fosse com a minha mãe, eu estava em sarilhos.
It's called "In the Moonlight."
Chama-se "Ao Luar".
In those days they called it foosball.
Naquela altura, chamavam-lhe matrecos.
Now, back during the civil war, there was a battle in Carthage... a battle so intense, the soldiers called it "The battle of hell-hole."
Durante a Guerra Civil, houve uma batalha em Carthage... uma batalha tão intensa, que os soldados lhe chamaram "A batalha do Inferno".
I know what it's called, and children born with it have a 40 % chance of developing cancer by the time that they'in their 20s.
Sei como se chama, e as crianças que nascem com isto têm 40 % de hipótese de desenvolver cancro quando atingirem os 20 anos.
It's called "buddies in blue."
Chama-se "Amigos de Azul".
And I remember when I was first called a denier, and it was in the Times of London in England and... and of course the word "denier" was clearly deliberately chosen because of the Holocaust connotations of that term.
E eu lembro-me quando fui chamado pela primeira vez de negador, e foi no Times de Londres, em Inglaterra e, claro, a palavra "negador" foi claramente deliberadamente escolhida por causa das conotações do termo com o Holocausto.
If martial law were enacted here at home, public fears and quelling dissent would be critical, and that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
Se a Lei Marcial fosse decretada aqui em casa, os receios públicos e a dissidência poderiam ser críticos, e é exactamente isso que a Equipa de Resposta do Clero, como é chamada, ajudou a realizar em Nova Orleães.
It's called, "The Lady in a Fountain."
É chamado "a dama da fonte".
And then when I called her on it, she stomped away - and slammed the door, in my house.
E quando a apanhei afastou-se toda chateada e bateu com a porta, na minha casa.
Do you remember in 2009 they used to make that? What was it called? It was a Lam...
It was coined by a physicist called Hugh Everett in the'50s.
Foi criada por um físico chamado Hugh Everett nos anos 50.
As I'm walking, I pass in front of this bar on the corner called Cinebar.
É então que passo por um bar na esquina chamado "Scene It".
'Because that's what you're going to have to do - be prepared to fight and die,'so that this so-called government can live in luxury and pretend that it is not losing the war...'
Porque isto é o que terão que fazer. Estar preparados para lutar e morrer... para que este pretenso governo possa viver no luxo... e fingir que não está a perder a guerra. Jo, que estás a fazer?
Well, I would have touched your heart, but I did that to another female student and it resulted in me having to watch a four-hour video called Boundaries.
Eu teria tocado no teu coração, mas fiz isso a outra estudante e acabei por ter de ver um vídeo de quatro horas chamado "Limites".
It's called Tonus Perigrinus, and you'll find it in the top of the chant with the full choir sections.
É chamado Tonus Perigrinus, e você vai encontrá-lo no topo do canto com as seções completas do coro.
I reported it to a Security Commissar. He obviously called the Kremlin. That called the embassy of them... already called it is known there for those in England.
Obviamente, ele ligou para o Kremlin... que ligou para a embaixada deles, que já ligou sabe-se lá para quem na Inglaterra.
In chess... It's called Zugzwang.
No xadrez, chama-se "enrascada".
Now, I only know this because Robin called Celeste who called Karen, so it's gonna be on O-SPAN in, like, five minutes.
Sei isto, porque, a Robin ligou à Celeste, que ligou à Karen e deve dar nas noticias...
It's called criminal mischief. And it could mean 6 months in jail.
Chama-se delito doloso e pode levar a seis meses de prisão.
It's in something called the Constitution.
É algo ligado a Constituição.
In Greece, it's called kefi, which means "passion, joy, spirit."
Na Grécia chamam-lhe kefi, que significa "paixão", "alegria", "ânimo".
It must be difficult and occasionally irritating to be the recipient of every demand, to be called upon in every crisis.
Deve ser difícil e por vezes irritante... serem o destinatário de tanta demanda, serem chamados em todas as crises.
Perpetually in fourth place behind the Today show, Good Morning America and that thing on CBS, whatever it's called.
Eternamente em 4º lugar atrás do Today Show, Good Morning America, e aquela coisa da CBS, que nem sei como se chama.
Well, I studied this thing in school, in marine biology... it was this kind of squid called
- Estudei essas coisas na escola,... e em biologia marinha era uma espécie de lula.
What is it called in Hindi?
Como se chama em Hindu?
In the Bible, it's called the Garden of Eden which in Hebrew means, the Garden of Pleasure.
Segundo a Bíblia, chama-se Jardim do Éden, que, em hebreu, significa Jardim das Delícias.
Well, I think it was Edith, from the board. She called me in Dublin, probing about our marital status.
Bem, quando Edith me ligou em Dublin, ela me perguntou se já tinhamos acertado o casamento.
I was in low class, and my seat belt didn't work, and they bumped me up. It's called economy.
Estava na última classe, os cintos de segurança não funcionavam, por isso vim para a primeira classe.
Pretty soon all the Baylor kids saw their friends on our site and we were in. It's called the Little Bighorn.
Logo, todo o pessoal de Baylor começou a ver os amigos no nosso sítio e entrámos.
Reading her diary, her folks reported this to the school... who called the boys in to talk The six all admitted... to the crime, so I guess it must be true
Quando os pais leram o diário, comunicaram com a escola que convocou e interrogou os seis rapazes que admitiram ter cometido o crime, por isso deve ser verdade...
I've got it, I've got it- - in honour of my best friend, from now on this shall be called...
em homenagem ao meu melhor amigo isto passar-se-á a chamar de...
It's based on Noel Coward's play called "Still Life," which came out in'36. You guys might have been around for that, actually.
É baseada na obra de Noel Coward chamada "Still Life" de 1936.

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