Could be anybody translate Portuguese
383 parallel translation
Shot up that way, could be anybody.
Atiraram para aquele lado. podia ser qualquer um.
This could be anybody.
Podia ser qualquer pessoa.
It could be anybody, of course, But what crossed my mind was... Suppose Bill's having us watched, huh?
Claro que pode ser qualquer pessoa, mas o que eu pensei foi... e se o Bill nos mandou vigiar?
Could be anybody.
Pode ser muita gente.
He could be anybody's.
Ele poderia ser de qualquer um.
It could be anybody.
- É muito vago. Pode ser qualquer pessoa.
Could be anybody.
Podia ser qualquer um.
You know, it could be anybody.
Pode ser qualquer pessoa.
He could be anybody or anything.
Só você sabe.
They could be anybody's.
Podem ser de qualquer um.
Mr. President, that voice could be anybody.
Sr. Presidente, aquela voz pode ser de qualquer um.
That truck could be anybody and anything.
O camião pode ser qualquer coisa.
- But I could be anybody.
- Mas eu poderia ser qualquer um.
Could be anybody.
Pode ser qualquer pessoa.
Yeah, it could be anybody on a decon team.
Pode ser algum membro de uma brigada anti-minas.
With you as her mother, her father could be anybody in Actors'Equity!
Sendo tu a mãe, o pai podia ser qualquer um do Sindicato dos Actores.
Com todas estas fantasias, eles podem ser qualquer um.
It could be anybody, of course, but what crossed my mind was... suppose Bill's having us watched, huh?
Claro que pode ser qualquer pessoa, mas o que eu pensei foi... e se o Bill nos mandou vigiar?
Everybody. Could be my son, could be anybody.
Podia ser o meu filho ou qualquer outro.
That could be anybody.
Pode ser qualquer pessoa.
Anybody sitting next to you could be the murderer. "
Qualquer pessoa ao nosso lado pode ser o assassino. "
Anybody with half an eye could see... that you wouldn't be party to any action like that.
Não correspondem à verdade. Qualquer um perceberia que alguém como você nunca faria isso.
It struck me as rather peculiar why anybody like you could be...
Ocorreu-me ser bastante peculiar alguém como a senhora sentir-se
The only way anybody could get that ring would be to chop off my finger.
Só me tirariam a aliança se me cortassem o dedo.
Benson. It should be obvious to you that if anybody wanted to kill the president, he could do a beautiful job of it right from this window of yours.
- Sr. Benson deveria parecer-lhe normal que se alguém quer matar o presidente poderia fazer um bom trabalho dessa janela.
I can't imagine how anybody could be angry on a day like this.
É impossível alguém estar zangado num dia como este.
Could be almost anybody.
Pode ser qualquer um.
Could be anybody's race.
Podia acontecer a qualquer um.
I haven't told anybody, not even Dr. Thissbaum, although I know he could be depended upon to cooperate in every possible way.
Eu não disse a ninguém, nem mesmo ao Dr. Thissbaum, embora eu saiba que ele poderia ser levado a cooperar de todas as formas possíveis.
Anybody else could get business conducted and be gone.
Outro resolveria os seus assuntos em minutos e iria embora.
Could that be said of anybody?
Isso se aplica a todos?
Anybody could be proud to rest in this coffin.
Qualquer um ficaria orgulhoso por descansar neste caixão.
- Now, as much as anybody could be.
- Na medida do possivel.
Ele consegue-se disfarçar de qualquer pessoa.
Anybody at this table could be doing these killings.
Alguém aqui nesta mesa podia ser o assassino.
- I could die a happy man now. - It'll be worth it, no matter what happens. The worst anybody can do is put us in jail.
Bem, simplesmente, eles não sabem que, hum... o aperitivo já não é considerado elegante.
Course, if anybody could budge him, I guess you'd be the one, but, well...
Claro, se alguém conseguisse convencê-lo seria você, mas, bem...
Anybody could be next...
Qualquer um pode ser o próximo...
I cannot conceive of anybody now not being utterly convinced that these are the teeth of Hitler and that this was Hitler's skull. There could be, I think, no conceivable objection.
Não consigo imaginar que ninguém esteja perfeitamente convencido de que estes são os dentes de Hitler e de que este é o seu crânio.
How could anybody who saved my life be mere to me?
Como pode alguém que me salvou a vida ser simples?
Well, it could be practically anybody.
Pode ter sido qualquer pessoa.
But how could anybody be out here ahead of us? Arcturius-10, United Kingdom.
Arcturius 10, Reino Unido.
They're consciously designed to be so vague that it could apply to anybody and they disagree with each other.
São escritas de forma generalizada e deliberadamente vaga, que podem ser aplicadas a qualquer um, apresentando grandes discordâncias entre si.
Face, if anybody could talk B.A. out of anything... he'd be a professional wrestler. Now, give him some time. He'll...
Para fazer o BA desistir de alguma coisa, só sendo um lutador profissional.
How could anybody be so stupid?
Como é que alguém pode ser tão estúpido?
Listen, MacGyver, anybody who can use a paper clip, a pair of shoelaces and a rusty monkey wrench to take out two bazookas could be very useful in taking Murdoc.
MacGyver, um tipo que sabe usar um clipe, um par de atacadores e uma chave-inglesa para dar cabo de duas bazucas seria muito útil para capturar o Murdoc.
If I could get anybody to come out and watch this team, none of this would be necessary.
Se alguém viesse ver os jogos, nada disto seria necessário.
- Anybody could be the killer.
- Qualquer um pode ser o assassino.
Anybody could be wrong.
Toda a gente se engana.
Oh, how could anybody think that sweet, precious baby... could ever be a burden?
Como é que aquele ser adorável alguma vez podia ser um fardo?
You could easily be the first in line if you wanted to, because you are bigger than anybody else.
Tu podes facilmente ser o primeiro, se quiseres, porque... tu és o maior de todos.
could be more 16
could be 753
could be worse 129
could be better 30
could be anything 68
could be anywhere 25
could be a trap 19
could be fun 50
could be anyone 27
could be nothing 25
could be 753
could be worse 129
could be better 30
could be anything 68
could be anywhere 25
could be a trap 19
could be fun 50
could be anyone 27
could be nothing 25
could be a coincidence 22
anybody here 163
anybody 677
anybody home 323
anybody there 124
anybody out there 31
anybody else 178
anybody see anything 16
anybody in there 17
anybody hungry 26
anybody here 163
anybody 677
anybody home 323
anybody there 124
anybody out there 31
anybody else 178
anybody see anything 16
anybody in there 17
anybody hungry 26
anybody in here 21
anybody hurt 34
could 243
couldn't 72
couldn't agree more 58
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could you do it 21
anybody hurt 34
could 243
couldn't 72
couldn't agree more 58
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could you do it 21