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Cut his throat translate Portuguese

289 parallel translation
That's why he stood on his hind legs, as the prints showed... with his paws on his killer's shoulders, when they cut his throat.
Por isso se pôs de pé como mostravam as patadas, com as patas nos ombros do assassino que lhe cortou a garganta.
Archie Leach said that to me a week before he cut his throat. Is that so?
O último homem que me disse isso foi o Archie List dias antes de cortar o pescoço!
Why don't you cut his throat, like you said you would?
Corta-lhe a garganta como disseste.
You'll cut his throat.
- Cuidado, cortará a garganta dele.
I walked in while McVey was shaving, he snapped to attention and nearly cut his throat.
Podem prepara-se para irem à cidade. Eu tomo conta disto. Levem esse traste ao gabinete do Capitão.
Barber, what will you take to cut his throat?
Barbeiro, quanto leva para lhe cortar a garganta?
I'm not the leader here, but if that damned priest came to my shop someday for a shave, you'd see I'd cut his throat.
Eu não sou o chefe, mas se esse maldito padre vier um dia... à minha barbearia para fazer a barba... vais ver como eu lhe corto o pescoço.
Think he's going to cut his throat?
Acho, que vai cortar, a garganta. Eu gosto, soldado Dawes.
III cut his throat!
Vou-lhe cortar a garganta!
Why warm a man to cut his throat?
Porquê aquecer um homem para depois lhe cortar a garganta?
Get them down the trail, or I'll cut his throat.
Leve-os pela trilha, ou eu corto a garganta dele.
We should've cut his throat when we had the chance.
Devíamos ter-lhe cortado a goela, enquanto pudemos.
Se o degolas, não poderá falar.
I thought so right up until the time I cut his throat.
Achei isso até o momento que cortei a garganta dele.
Andre, to be a man of principle is one thing, but a man doesn't cut his throat on principle.
André, ser um homem de princípios é uma coisa, mas, um homem não corta o pescoço pelos seus princípios.
This Jew dog cut his throat!
Este cão judeu cortou-lhe a garganta!
- I'm going to cut his throat.
- Vou cortar-Ihe as goelas.
They cut his throat.
- Cut his throat.
- Corte sua garganta.
I wanted to cut his throat for lying because I knew you weren't that stupid.
Eu quis cortar a garganta dele por mentir. Pensei que não fosse tão estúpido.
His throat's cut.
Cortaram-lhe a garganta.
His throat cut.
Com a garganta cortada.
Mr. Garmes, he's run amuck. Tried to murder Fleurot, then cut his own throat.
Garmes tentou matar Floreau, depois degolou-se.
My lord, his throat is cut ; that I did for him.
Meu senhor, sua garganta está cortada, e eu fiz isso por ele.
I want his throat cut from ear to ear.
Quero que lhe cortem a garganta de orelha a orelha.
Sgt McVey cut his throat?
E leva isto contigo!
After you've interfered a dozen times or so... with a man's rather enthusiastic determination to cut his own throat... there comes a moment when you're inclined to stand back... and view the whole matter with a certain detachment.
Depois que você tenta impedir tantas vezes que o homem corte seu próprio pescoço... chega uma hora em que você se distancia e assiste de fora.
Could have had his throat cut for molesting her if she'd wanted to.
Podia ter mandado cortar-lhe a garganta por a ter molestado, se quisesse.
Finish the night in some gutter with his throat cut.
Acabará a noite nalguma sarjeta, com a garganta cortada.
Now get her up and bring her around and explain to her that one phony and she's got a kid with his throat cut.
Levantem-na e tentem que se recupere. Apenas um movimento em falso e corto o garganta ao miúdo.
- He's gonna get his throat cut!
- Vão cortar-lhe o pescoço!
And old Chauncey cut that deer's throat and dipped his fingers in the warm blood and made a mark on my forehead.
E o velho Chauncey cortou-lhe a garganta e molhou os dedos no sangue quente e fez-me uma marca na testa.
Evil men cut his tongue out of his throat.
Um homem cortou-Ihe a língua.
Etienne lowered his head to avoid having his throat cut but the razor caught him straight on the chin instead.
Como o Étienne baixou a cabeça para não lhe cortarem a goela, recebeu o golpe em cheio no queixo.
Getting so a fella can't sleep with both eyes closed... for fear of getting his throat cut.
Um tipo já não dorme tranquilo, com medo que lhe cortem a garganta.
I know not what you mean by that. but he fell down, when he perceived the common herd was glad he refused the crown, he offered them his throat to cut. And so he fell.
Não sei o que quereis dizer, mas antes de cair... quando viu o rebanho gritando por ter recusado a coroa... deu-lhes a garganta para cortar... e tombou.
If he tells too many... he'll have his throat cut and the valley stolen from him.
Se ele contou demais... alguém lhe cortará o pescoço e roubarão o vale.
His throat was cut... and his penis was severed.
A garganta dele estava cortada e o pénis dele foi cortado.
His throat is cut.
Ficou de goela cortada.
Therefore, sahib, sir, I suspect his bad intentions... to entice the sahib into a naughty house of disreputation... where he will take you and kill you and murder you... and cut your throat and rob the money from your pockets also.
Portanto, suspeito que tenha a má intenção de o desviar para uma casa de má reputação onde o atacará, matará, assassinará cortar-lhe-á o pescoço e ainda lhe roubará o dinheiro.
Sergei, the TV guy they found him at the border, his throat cut and his mouth sewn shut.
Sergei, o cara da TV eles o acharam na fronteira, com sua garganta cortada e com a boca costurada.
I should have had his throat cut before.
Devia ter mandado cortar-lhe o pescoço assim que me tornei Imperador
- I want to cut his fucking throat.
- Quero cortar-Ihe as goelas.
Let the plague choke him with his considerateness, the wretch, the cut-throat!
Maldita seja a sua vontade! Bandido! Algoz!
Have his throat cut at once have his feet singed put him in boiling water and hang him up to the ceiling.
Cortem-lhe o pescoço. Chamusquem-lhe as patas e metam-no em água a ferver. - Pendurem-no no tecto.
I cut his fucking throat once.
- Cortei-lhe a garganta uma vez.
Besides, his throat was cut. It's not their style.
- His throat's cut, just like Kessler's.
His throat was cut.
Cortaram-lhe o pescoço.
Oklahoma Slim got a big scar on his throat... where someone tried to cut him for his shoes.
Oklahoma Slim tem uma cicatriz no pescoço... pois alguém tentou roubar-lhe os sapatos.
Even with his throat cut, Leeds tried to fight because the intruder was moving to the children's room.
Mesmo com a garganta cortada, o Sr Leeds tentou lutar porque o intruso dirigia-se para o quarto das crianças.

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