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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ C ] / Cut him off

Cut him off translate Portuguese

625 parallel translation
- Cut him off.
- Corta isto.
You can save three miles and cut him off through Low Wood.
Podes poupar 5 km e apanhá-lo em Low Wood.
Down the alley! Cut him off!
Vamos cortar-lhes o caminho.
Engle went down the fire escape. Go downstairs, cut him off.
O Engle desceu pela escada de incêndio.
- Drop the iron curtain, cut him off!
- Baixem a divisão de ferro!
- No, the family cut him off.
- Não. Foi deserdado.
- Cut him off.
- Apanha-o.
Cut him off.
Acho que foi para o portão principal.
Cross over and cut him off.
Atravesse e pegue-o.
Get to the intersection and cut him off.
Vão para o cruzamento e interceptem-no.
- I'll try to cut him off.
- Posso tentar interceptá-lo.
Help with the back, hurry up, cut him off.
Sigam-no até o pátio e matem-no!
- Cut him off. - Leave him on.
- Deixem-no estar.
Cut him off!
I know where I can cut him off :
Sei onde podem interceptá-lo.
- Cut him off.
- Cortem-lhe o som.
We'll cut him off.
Vamos cortar-lhe o caminho.
I blocked the road and cut him off.
- Bloqueei a estrada.
Cut him off.
KITT, I'm around back, cut him off.
KITT, estou nas traseiras, corta-lhe o caminho.
We'll cut him off.
Vamos cortar.
Maybe I can cut him off at the corner.
Talvez eu o possa interceptar na esquina.
Cut him off. Cut him off.
Corta-lhe o caminho!
Cut him off.
Põe-no de fora.
All right, let's cut him off!
Muito bem, vamos cortá-lo!
Cut him off!
Atrás dele!
Come on, let's go cut him off!
Anda, vamos cortar-lhe o caminho!
The one sure way to get him back is to cut off his money.
O único modo de o fazer voltar é cortando-lhe o dinheiro.
When the Dervishes catch a white man, they cut his nose off... and hang him up by the toes.
Quando os derviches apanham um homem branco, cortam-lhe o nariz, e penduram-no pelos pés.
I've cut off all revenue and supplies ordered him to disband his forces and return.
Cortei-lhe os fundos e as provisões, ordenei-lhe que desmantelasse o exército.
If you'd have let me whamp him with this sword... He be here by now, or I'd have both of his ears cut off.
Se me deixassem picá-lo com esta espada ele já cá estava, ou ficava sem orelhas.
Then call Ringgold, and tell him to send cavalry down the track to cut them off.
Diga ao Ringgold que mande a cavalaria pela via para reparar a comunicação.
I sent him to cut the hoses off.
Antes de comer. Mandei-o desligar as mangueiras.
They found him in his bathtub, tongue cut out and eyelids ripped off.
Encontraram-no de língua cortada e pálpebras arrancadas.
Tigellino, they cut off his tongue, before they burn him alive.
Tigellino, a quem cortaram a língua, antes de o queimarem vivo.
You cut him and then you threw his fingers and the knife off the Queensboro Bridge.
Cortaste-lhe com uma faca, não foi? E depois livraste-te dos dedos e da faca na Ponte de Queensboro, não foi? Não.
Don't let him cut off my oxygen.
Não, Jeremy.
Cut him off.
Ponha-lhe o carro na frente.
You'll have to cut his hand off to get the mail away from him.
Têm de lhe cortar a mão para lhe tirar o correio.
We got him cut off.
So you go to the pope and you tell him if his archbishop puts one foot in England, I'll cut his head off!
Vai ter com o Papa e diz-Ihe... se o Arcebisbo dele colocar um pé em Inglaterra, corto a cabeça dele!
Not even after they cut off half his foot to keep him from running away.
Nem depois de terem cortado metade do seu pé, para evitar que fugisse.
They had to cut off Kunta's foot to keep him from escaping.
Tiveram que cortar o pé de Kunta para o impedir de escapar.
Let's cut it off him now.
Vamos cortar fora.
- I think your father likes McAngus, and if he suspected you had harmed him, he'd cut you off without a penny.
- Eu acho que o seu pai gosta do McAngus e se ele suspeitar que você lhe tocou, ele irá deixá-lo sem um único tostão.
They had him cut off from the press.
Estava protegido pela imprensa.
Apparently, some fool cut his head off... or killed him in some way.
Parece que um idiota qualquer lhe cortou a cabeça... ou o matou lá.
They'll probably cut off a leaf and send it to me to prove they've got him.
Devem ir cortar-lhe uma folha e enviar-me, para provar que a têm.
Cut him off!
Fá-lo parar!
"So we cut his head off in the corridor to teach him a lesson".
Tu! Bastardo!

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