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Cut them off translate Portuguese

383 parallel translation
Should I cut them off?
Devo tirá-las fora?
Cut them off!
Cut them off that way!
Barrem-lhes o caminho!
Tell them to cut them off at Junction Road.
Que o apanhem em Junction Road.
Then call Ringgold, and tell him to send cavalry down the track to cut them off.
Diga ao Ringgold que mande a cavalaria pela via para reparar a comunicação.
If they interfere with your peace to work, you cut them off.
Se interferem com a paz para trabalhar, afastas-te deles.
So we're gonna go north by west fast, and cut them off before they reach the young lady's home right here at Spanish Wells.
Iremos para norte depressa pelo oeste... e interceptá-los antes que alcancem a casa da senhorita em Spanish Wells.
- Cut them off.
- Isolem-nos.
Of course, they'll try to make off in the opposite direction, but we'll have roadblocks there to cut them off.
Escaparão pela direção oposta, mas ali teremos barreiras.
We cut them off.
Cut them off at the zoo.
Interceptamo-los no zoológico.
You know, when you have man-eating Marabunta ants coming over a hill in South America, if they want to cut them off and stop them from coming, they make a ditch, they put oil in the ditch, and they make a flame.
Quando as formigas carnívoras... descem uma colina na América do Sul... para detê-las, eles cavam um fosso... põem petróleo e pegam fogo.
Go around in front of them and cut them off!
Passem diante deles e cortem-lhes a passagem!
Get some of your gorillas and cut them off at the other corridor!
Vão todos pra lá e cerquem-nos pelo outro corredor.
We'll cut them off and bottle them up, and we'll get Susan back.
lnterceptamo-los, prendemo-los, e encontramos a Susan.
It doesn't really matter, provided I'm in a position to cut them off.
É igual, desde que eu esteja em posição de lhes cortar o caminho.
But the Germans are driving to the river and may have cut them off completely. I see.
Mas os alemães vão na direcção do rio e podem acabar com eles completamente.
You would have, if my daughter hadn't cut them off.
E seria o que acontecia, se a minha filha não os tivesse interceptado.
Order the landing bay crew to cut them off.
Manda a equipa da doca de aterragem detê-los!
Cut them off! :
Seal all exits to launching bay : Cut them off! :
Selem as saídas para a plataforma de lançamento!
Caesar says,'Cut them off.'
O César mandou cortá-lo.
Vão para a ponte, vamos apanhá-los lá.
Cut them off.
Corta-lhes o caminho.
You cut them off.
Corta-lhes o caminho.
By that time, we will be in a position to cut them off from above.
Óptimo. Nessa altura, poderemos interceptá-los de cima.
You keep quiet or I'll call the vet... and he'll cut them off and you'll bark like Cyndi Lauper.
Silêncio ou chamo o veterinário ele corta-tos e ficas a ladrar que nem a Cyndi Lauper.
- You stay behind, cut them off in the alley.
- Fiquem atrás e apanhem-nos no beco.
Come on, we'll cut them off at the pass.
Venham, interceptamo-las à passagem.
Why, like as not, he'll cut off your arms, your legs, your head and scatter them around the deck.
Por dá cá aquela palha, ele vai cortando os braços, as pernas, a cabeça espalhando-os por toda a plataforma.
Would you really like them to cut it off?
Realmente queria que eles a cortassem fora?
Well, let's get after them. * They cut off here.
Bem, vamos atrás deles.
Less chance of them getting cut off.
Estamos a reduzir as hipóteses deles.
Get some of the men together from the sawmill, spread them out and cut off all the trails between here and the Ponderosa.
Junta alguns homens da serração, espalha-os e corta todos os caminhos entre aqui e a Ponderosa.
Not to have them cut off like Eric and... everything gone in one person, and... and dead.
Não de novo. Para depois não as ter cortadas como aconteceu com o Eric... tudo se foi com uma pessoa que... que morreu...
And how do we cut them off now?
- Como é que os vamos ultrapassar?
You've got to cut them off, Mr. Spock, or we'll cook one way or another.
Desliguem-nos ou...
You must stake them through the heart or cut off their heads!
Têm de lhe espetar o coração ou cortar-lhe a cabeça.
I thought we lost them when we were cut off so long.
Achei que os tínhamos perdido ao perdermos contato.
Cut off those and send them to Livia as a souvenir of their great love.
Corte isto e envie para a Lívia, como uma lembrança do seu grande amor.
Four, we can't cut off aid because we don't give them any.
Quatro, não podemos cortar as ajudas porque não damos nenhuma.
I'm gonna cut off your arms and shove them up your icehole!
corto-te os braços! e enfio-tos no cu!
- Well, I cut one of them off.
Eu cortei uma.
He said if I did not marry him he would take a knife and cut off bits of his person and send them to me.
Partiu. Mas lembro-me de ter recebido uma orelha em carta registada.
I want that shipment by Friday or I'll cut off his balls and make him eat them.
Diz ao Ferrari que quero o maldito carregamento aqui até Sexta... ou então vou lhe cortar os tomates e farei ele come-los.
Or I might cut off your balls and serve them for breakfast.
Senão corto-te os tomates e sirvo-os ao pequeno-almoço.
You can cut them both off if you want.
Você pode cortar as duas se quiser.
His mother blamed his death on leaders and tried to kill them. One of them cut off her head.
A mãe dele culpou os monitores pela morte do filho e quis matá-los a todos, mas um deles decepou-Ihe a cabeça.
Now look, we know for a fact that they got a shipment due that our picketing has cut off, and it's killing them.
Nós sabemos uma coisa que eles ficaram sem um carregamento que o nosso piquete impediu, e matá-los.
Don't worry about that. First I'm gonna cut your balls off and feed them to you.
Mas antes vou cortar-te os tomates... e dar-tos a comer.
If my father discovers you're here, he'll cut off your little nuts and eat them.
Se o meu pai te descobre aqui, ele cortava-te as tuas bolas.

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