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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ H ] / Have you been crying

Have you been crying translate Portuguese

47 parallel translation
Have you been crying?
Esteve chorando?
Have you been crying?
Estiveste a chorar?
Have you been crying?
Esteve a chorar?
- Have you been crying?
- Esteve a chorar?
Have you been crying?
Esteve a chorar? Um homem?
Oh, have you been crying?
Tens estado a chorar, Roz?
Have you been crying?
Tens chorado?
Have you been crying?
- Estiveste a chorar?
Have you been crying, Samantha?
Esteve a chorar, Samantha?
Hart, have you been crying?
Hart, estiveste a chorar?
- Have you been crying? - No.
- Estiveste a chorar?
- Have you been crying?
- Estiveste a chorar? - Não.
- Have you been crying, Mom?
Estiveste a chorar, mamã?
Hey, have you been crying?
Estiveste a chorar?
Oh, honey, have you been crying?
Querida, esteve a chorar?
- Have you been crying again?
- Estiveste a chorar de novo?
Wha... have you been crying?
Estiveste a chorar?
Tell me.. have you been crying?
- De facto... - Conta-me... choraste?
Have you been crying?
Estavas a chorar?
- Have you been crying sweet dove?
- Estiveste a chorar pombinha?
Have you been crying?
Estás a chorar?
- Esteve a chorar?
Have you been crying?
- Estava a chorar?
Jared, have you been crying?
Estiveste a chorar?
You have been crying. What's happened?
Esteve chorando.
She will have been crying so her eyes will be all puffy and bloodshot, you know and her nose is all red and running.
Ela esteve chorando... então seus olhos estarão inchados e vermelhos, sabe... e o nariz dela está vermelho e escorrendo.
Where the hell have you been? This baby hasn't stopped crying since you left, and she did a doodle.
Esta criança não parou de chorar.
Have you been crying?
Tens sido boa?
She ´ d have been crying, you know? " Oh, Nick, oh, Nick, please take me back.
Ela começava a chorar, sabes? "Oh Nick, oh, Nick, aceita-me de volta."
Have you been to Rome? crying for your safety.
Foi a Roma, implorar pela sua salvação.
And even if you had built eyes for the bicycle, oh, for sure, they would have been crying.
E mesmo que tivesse construído olhos para a bicicleta, de certeza, estariam certamente a chorar.
You... been crying, have you?
Tu... estiveste a chorar, não é?
But you believe me, if I did do it, she'd have been lying there with her eyes open, watching me laugh, not crying tears of remorse.
Mas acreditem em mim, se o tivesse feito, ela ficaria ali de olhos abertos, a ver-me rir, não a chorar lágrimas de remorso.
Mas passavas a maior parte dos dias a chorar no quarto, sozinha.
You haven't been crying have you?
Não estiveste a chorar, estiveste?
You know as well as I do that defendants have been crying crazy since the advent of jurisprudence.
Sabes tão bem como eu, que os reús têm-se feito de vítimas, desde o advento da jurisprudência.

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