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He knew translate Portuguese

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And my dad said he knew my mom wanted sex when she got me and my sister Blockbuster videos.
E o meu pai dizia que sabia que a minha mãe queria sexo quando ela alugava um filme para eu e a minha irmã vermos.
I didn't say it, but he knew what was up. But then...
Não disse isto, mas ele percebeu que estava implícito.
But Mr. Dennis, he said that he followed those two girls for four days and that he knew that they were the ones that he would want.
Mas... o Sr. Dennis disse que seguiu as duas miúdas durante quatro dias e que sabia que eram as que Ele queria.
He didn't need to because he knew all that computer shit.
Não precisava porque sabia tudo sobre computadores.
Or his friend did and he knew how to sell his nerd friend.
Ou o amigo sabia e ele sabia como explorar o amigo marrão.
Because he knew I could forgive almost anything but this, with her.
Porque ele sabia que eu perdoaria tudo menos isto com ela.
Uh, well, Joseph discovered that Mary was gonna have a baby, and this upset Joseph because he knew that he wasn't the father, so she must love someone else.
Bem, José descobriu que Maria estava grávida, e ficou transtornado porque sabia que ele não era o pai, então ela deveria amar outra pessoa.
If I didn't know any better, I would've thought he knew his victims.
Se não soubesse mais, diria que ele conhecia a vítima.
He knew that was my only way out and he shut it down!
Sabia que era a minha única forma de sair e abateu-o!
Knox's killer was probably a Lobos associate tying up loose ends, and there was no forced entry, so unless he left the window open, he knew his killer and let him in.
O assassino do Lobos devia ser um conhecido do Lobos a atar as pontas soltas. E não forçaram a entrada. Se não deixou a janela aberta, ele conhecia-o e deixou-o entrar.
He knew Dad and Uncle Tommy when they were younger.
Conhecia o pai e o tio Tommy quando eram mais novos.
He knew.
Ele sabia. Tinha que saber.
He knew where the cameras were.
Ele sabia onde estavam as câmaras.
The driver said he knew a back way in here. He said it wasn't safe on the streets.
O taxista disse saber como vir e as ruas não eram seguras.
Because he knew it would be safer for you here than spending the war in a Russian gulag.
Porque sabia que seria mais seguro para ti aqui, do que passares a guerra num "gulag" russo.
I... look, if he knew, he would just try to talk me out of it and he probably would, so...
Se ele soubesse, tentava fazer tudo para desistir e provavelmente conseguia.
I'm guessing he knew the person that shot him.
Suponho que ele conhecesse a pessoa que o alvejou.
For the most part, bitinstant was actually taking steps to make sure that people weren't using the service for illegal purposes, but Charlie made the mistake in dealing with btcking of acknowledging that he knew what btcking was doing,
Em grande parte do processo, a BitInstant tomou medidas para garantir que as pessoas não usavam o serviço para propósitos ilegais. Mas o Charlie cometeu o erro de negociar com o BTCking, reconhecendo que sabia o que o BTCking estava a fazer e que estava a comprar Bitcoins para as vender a clientes do Silk Road.
In this case, Charlie worked with the guy and wrote emails that essentially acknowledged he knew what this guy was up to.
Neste caso, o Charlie trabalhou com o tipo. E escreveu e-mails que, essencialmente, mostraram que sabia o que ele estava a fazer.
Now the other point that the DEA is making is that shrem bought drugs online at silk road and that he knew silk road was a trafficking website.
A outra questão que a DEA levanta é que Shrem comprava drogas online, no Silk Road. E que ele sabia que o Silk Road era um website de tráfico.
He loved you and he knew you loved him.
Ele amava-te e sabia que tu o amavas.
Robert went out and got me something because he knew I was sad. "
O Robert foi comprar-me uma coisa por eu estar triste. "
Or "Robert got me something special because he knew I was right and he was wrong."
Ou "O Robert comprou-me uma coisa especial por saber que eu tinha razão e ele estava errado."
He knew my father.
Ele conheceu o meu pai.
He knew everything. He was three steps ahead of the virus at every turn.
Estava sempre um passo à frente do vírus em cada momento.
He knew the risks.
Ele conhecia os riscos.
He knew that I'd keep an eye out for you, and you'd keep an eye out for me.
Ele sabia que eu olharia por ti e que tu olharias por mim.
He knew him too.
Ele também o conhecia.
My sister's made it very clear that Philip approached her before she knew he was related to our aunt.
A minha irmã já deixou claro que o Philip contactou-a antes dela saber da ligação com a nossa tia.
He put the gun in her room, befriended her before she knew who he was, and then he drugged her that night.
Colocou a arma no quarto dela, fez-se de amigo antes dela saber quem ele era e depois drogou-a naquela noite.
I know his wife and kids. I knew him when he was single.
Conheço a mulher e os filhos, e desde que era solteiro.
I knew he'd come, but I swear I didn't know so soon.
Sabia que ele viria, mas juro que não sabia que seria tão cedo.
"Jane Chatwin knew his need to make others suffer " was only because he felt so alone in his cursed state,
A Jane Chatwin sabia que ele queria fazer os outros sofrer, apenas por se sentir tão só no seu estado amaldiçoado.
If he and Egan knew the route of the Lobos transfer, it's because she told them.
Se ele e o Egan sabiam a rota da transferência do Lobos foi porque ela lhes disse.
If we knew the name of the man who stabbed Lobos, he'd already be dead.
Se soubéssemos o nome do homem que esfaqueou o Lobos, já estaria morto.
I only meant for Conor to tell his teammates that we were friends, but looking back, maybe he thought I knew more than that.
Só queria que o Conor lhes dissesse que éramos amigos, mas, olhando para trás, talvez ele pensasse que eu sabia mais do que isso.
And he said yes, because I knew he wanted to take a deal.
E ele disse sim, porque eu sabia que ele queria um acordo.
It's where I first knew that he felt what I felt.
Foi quando eu soube que ele sentia o que eu sentia.
I knew he was struggling with the loss of Elise, but... had no idea how hopeless he must have felt.
Sabia que a partida da Elise lhe tinha custado muito, mas... Não fazia ideia do desespero dele.
I know what I said, and I knew what he'd do if you don't name that boy Tom.
Eu sei aquilo que disse, e sei aquilo que ele fará se não chamares àquele rapaz "Tom".
He really knew very little about mark when he decided to sell it to him.
Ele sabia muito pouco sobre o Mark, quando decidiu vender a ele.
I knew he was scared.
Sabia que ele estava assustado.
I ain't never knew the doctor to be a man of humor before he gave you that name.
Não sabia que o doutor era uma homem com sentido de humor antes dele te dar esse nome.
'I knew that Bob would be going out'around that time like he always does.'
Eu sabia que Bob estaria fora por volta dessa hora como sempre está.
Well, when I knew him, he liked to go to battle against the big guns.
Bem, quando o conheci, ele gostava de enfrentar os manda-chuva.
I knew he'd do it.
Eu sabia que ele o faria.
I remember when he was interrogating me, there was this moment when I knew that he lost someone.
Lembrei-me quando ele me estava a interrogar, houve um momento em que soube que ele tinha perdido alguém.
If Franz knew they were trying to exterminate people he would fight back, he would say something!
Se o Franz soubesse que estavam a exterminar pessoas, ele teria lutado contra isso e dito alguma coisa!
But if his nanny was someone he already knew, that would keep him calm.
Mas se a babysitter fosse alguém que ele já conhece, isso o mantinha calmo.
But I did it on purpose, because I knew that he was a catch.
Fiz de propósito, sabia que era bom partido.
And when Zoom took me, he said, "Someone The Flash knew cared about me" "
E quando o Zoom me capturou, ele disse que alguém que o Flash conhece preocupa-se comigo.

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