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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ H ] / He knew it

He knew it translate Portuguese

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He knew it. And something about that...
E a propósito disso...
He heard somebody at one of the pizza joints using those names, and he knew it was Cavallo's code.
Ele ouviu alguém numa dessas pizzarias a usar estes nomes e sabia que eram códigos do Cavallo.
He knew it was dangerous. He knew it.
Ele sabia que era perigoso.
He knew it. Somehow we'd find the lake.
Ele sabia, que de alguma maneira encontraríamos o lago.
He knew it could never be more than that.
Ele sabia que não podia ser mais do que aquilo.
He knew the circuit, he knew it well, and a mechanical failure happened and it happens to the best of riders. It was a sad loss to the sport, a sad loss to us, you know.
Ele conhecia o circuito, conhecia-o bem, e falhas mecânicas acontecem e acontece aos melhores dos pilotos foi uma perda triste para o desporto, uma triste perda para nos.
If only he knew it.
Se ao menos o soubesse...
Well, I'm going out on a limb here, but maybe he didn't know it. No, he knew it.
Vou chutar, talvez ele não soubesse.
He knew it would take a while to get a court date and he got out just under the wire.
Ele sabia que demoraria um tempo ir a tribunal e ele saiu apenas sob o fio.
He knew it would take that long.
Sabia que ia demorar muito tempo.
And he let it go, because he knew it was the right thing to do.
E ele não interferiu, porque sabia que estávamos a fazer o que era correcto.
I knew it was him because he was disguised as a she.
Eu sabia que era ele porque veio disfarçado de mulher.
Yeah. Like it never knew he was there.
Sim, nunca sabem que ele está lá.
L.A. to New York... it's like Royce was running from something, like he knew he was in danger.
De Los Angeles para Nova Iorque. Parece que o Royce fugia de alguma coisa. Como se soubesse que corria perigo.
I think it's a chess game and I think the Colonel knew that we were not playing his game, and so he made a move that we didn't expect.
Eu acho que é um jogo de xadrez.
Because he knew that when you were down to your last seconds and they think it's over,
Porque sabia que quando se está nos últimos segundos e eles pensam que acabou,
It felt like he knew me in a way that no one else did.
Parecia que me conhecia, como ninguém conheceu.
He knew a few names, but that's it. This is nuts!
Sabia alguns nomes, mas só isso.
He wouldn't know what it was. - Yeah, I don't think he knew.
Sim, eu penso que ele não sabia.
For what it's worth, I never knew he was a molester.
Para que saibas, não sabia que ele era um violador.
If it is a guard... and I say that to keep you happy... maybe he hired Jess Timmons to make the grab because he knew
Ele vem. Não te preocupes. - Não estou preocupada.
I guess he told the kid to tell his pop that it was over and that he knew that Luckett couldn't get to us.
Creio que disse ao rapaz para dizer ao pai que estava acabado e que sabia que o Luckett não podia apanhar-nos.
I knew he wouldn't do it for free.
Eu sabia que ele não fazia isto de graça.
He said the less I knew the better and it'd be done within the week.
Ele disse que quanto menos soubesse, melhor, e que tudo estaria terminado dentro de uma semana.
Probably never knew he had it.
Provavelmente nunca soube que o tinha.
We knew we was getting it, cos he used to warm it up on a radiator before he give us it.
Nós sabia-mos que ele o ia buscar, porque ele costumava aquece-lo num radiador antes de nos dar com ele.
He knew what would cure it.
Ele sabia como resolver isso.
I had actually decided to give up the baby, and I knew he would try and talk me out of it.
Tinha decidido entregar o bebé para adopção, e sabia que ele tentaria convencer-me a não o fazer.
Though he didn't admit it, Mike knew exactly where Zach was.
Apesar de não o admitir, o Mike sabia exactamente onde estava o Zach.
He knew perfectly well I had no intention of keeping it.
Ele sabia perfeitamente que eu não fazia tenções de a cumprir.
It's gone. I lent Lip your cell so he could call around, see anybody knew where Frank went.
- Emprestei ao Lip para que pudesse ligar para os outros, ver se alguém sabia onde foi o Frank.
! It's like he already knew!
- Parece que ele já sabia!
It was right then and there... Lancelot knew he would risk everything... he'd risk his power, his title, his rank... for that one forbidden evening, very long and naughty evening with that ginger-haired Bathsheba.
Lancelot sabia que iria arriscar tudo... arriscaria o seu poder, nome e patente... por aquela noite proibida, uma longa e imprópria noite com aquela ruiva.
You're so logical. - And he knew you would never do it.
E ele sabia que tu nunca ias executar.
He knew he was about to die, and... and it terrified him.
Sabia que ia morrer, e estava aterrorizado.
- Yeah, it was... he knew that I needed a wheelchair.
- O Tom fez isso? Sim, ele sabia que eu precisava da cadeira.
I mean, I always knew he had a wife and a life and everything, but seeing it and smelling it...
Sempre soube que ele tinha uma esposa, e uma vida, e tudo. Mas ver isso e sentir o cheiro disso.
Copy that. He knew that the lawyer would eventually realize his car is missing, so he had to dump it.
Ele sabia que o advogado ia perceber que o carro desapareceu, então abandonou-o.
I guess because he knew the cops could hear it. You know? The heart beating and all?
Acho que ele sabia que os guardas iriam escutar... o coração batendo e tal.
You knew he was there, but did just as he wants for it.
Tu sabes que é lá, mas... torna-se invisível quando precisares dele.
Iria encontrar muita oposição, mas manteve-se fiel ao seu sonho.
Ele disse : " Não quero ninguém de preto.
But he also knew what it would take to make me feel a lot better about myself.
Mas também sabia o que me levaria a sentir-me melhor comigo mesmo.
It would break his heart if he knew you stole it.
Ficaria destroçado se soubesse que o roubaram.
And my father knew it was not an accident, but he pulled back because of Mary and me, because we were just kids.
O meu pai sabia disso, mas recuou por causa da Mary e de mim, pois éramos crianças.
We knew he did it beyond the shadow of a doubt, but he was acquitted.
Sabíamos com certeza que tinha sido ele, mas foi absolvido.
He knew I would warn you and you would move it, which was what he wanted.
Ele sabia que eu o avisaria, e que você iria deslocar o urânio, que era o que ele queria.
- I am certain Batman would have mentioned it If he knew a dangerous extremist Was running Santa Prisca's Venom operation.
Eu sei que o Batman mencionaria... se soubesse que um extremista perigoso... estava a controlar a operação de Veneno de Santa Prisca.
But if he took it with him, probably it was somebody he knew.
Mas se levou o livro, pode ser alguém conhecido.
Look, if I knew what he was gonna do with the gun, I wouldn't have given it to him.
Se soubesse o que ele ia fazer com a arma, não lhe teria dado.
It was him. He knew the warning system, the evacuation protocol, and he had access to Russell.
Ele conhecia o sistema de alerta, o protocolo de evacuação e tinha acesso ao Russell.

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