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Honeywell translate Portuguese

25 parallel translation
The girls are waiting, Miss Honeywell.
A meninas estão à espera, Miss Honeywell.
- Miss Honeywell, do you mind?
- Miss Honeywell, importa-se?
Read your contract, Miss Honeywell.
Leia o seu contrato, Miss Honeywell.
Attack Honeywell Bull.
Ataque Honeywell Bull.
And then I've been working for Honeywell for a few years now.
E há uns anos que estou na Honeywell.
Chris Bollyn contacted Honeywell in Phoenix, Arizona, the manufacturer of a 757's APU.
Chris Bollyn contactou a Honeywell em Phoenix, Arizona, a fabricante dos 757-APU.
Kids, Garrison Cootes was a senior partner at Honeywell Cootes. One of the biggest environmental law firms in America.
Garrison Cootes era sócio sénior da Honeywell Cootes, que era uma das maiores empresas ambientais da América.
I'm not buying it, but I'm not from Honeywell County.
Não estou de acordo, mas eu não sou do Condado de Honeywell.
You know, I'm at Honeywell Cootes, and they're looking to hire an associate.
Trabalho na Honeywell Cootes e eles estão a pensar contratar um sócio.
Marshall, you're already on thin ice with that horrible Honeywell guy.
Já estás numa situação periclitante com o Honeywell.
Okay, Honeywell is not horrible, he just has a bad temper sometimes.
O Honeywell não é horrível, só tem mau génio, às vezes.
Honeywell is gonna love you.
O Honeywell vai adorar-te.
Mr. Honeywell, I have to say, your environmental work is amazing.
Honeywell, devo dizer que o vosso ambiente de trabalho é incrível.
Then you have to earn Honeywell's trust back.
Então, tens de recuperar a confiança do Honeywell.
Oh! And when Honeywell starts trusting your stamp again, he'll seek out your opinion on things.
E, quando o Honeywell começar a confiar no teu selo de novo, perguntará a tua opinião sobre as coisas.
I heard about the job opening at Honeywell Cootes and knew that if I hung out in front of your office and pretended to be down on my luck, you'd take pity on me, get me an interview...
Soube da vaga na Honeywell e Cootes e percebi que, se ficasse à porta do vosso escritório e fingisse andar em maré de azar, terias pena e me conseguirias uma entrevista.
Yo, this is Honeywell.
Aqui Honeywell.
Hey, it's Honeywell.
Sim, sou o Honeywell.
Honeywell called and you said everything was okay.
O Honeywell telefonou e eu disse-lhe que estava tudo bem.
And after my nip slip at the Honeywell and Coots Family Fun Day.
E depois do meu acidente no dia de diversão em família da Honeywell e Cootes.
And Burroughs and NCR and Honeywell and Control Data.
E a Burroughs, NCR, Honeywell, Control Data.
So then dessert finally arrives and the ladies, on cue, depart to the toilets.
Então quando finalmente chegou a sobremesa e as mulheres foram para a bicha da casa de banho, o Honeywell inclina-se e diz :
And as we're standing, honeywell leans in and says, "I like what I see."
"Gosto do que vejo".
Well, congrats on landing the Honeywell contract.
Parabéns por teres conseguido o contrato da Honeywell.
Look, Professor Honeywell is hysterical.
Olha, o Professor Honeydew era o máximo.

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