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I knew translate Portuguese

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If I knew who the buyer was, I would plead the case myself.
Se soubesse quem era o comprador, eu mesmo apresentaria a proposta.
And they told me you didn't want to come and see me, which I knew was a lie.
E a mim disseram-me que não querias vir ver-me, e eu sabia que era mentira.
I knew it.
Eu sabia!
You think if I knew that, I'd be out here with the mosquitoes?
Achas que se soubesse isso, estaria aqui com os mosquitos?
I knew that you would overreact.
Sabia que ias exagerar.
When Archie told me about his little plan to help you, get you on your feet, and working with Fred, deep down, I knew it was a mistake.
Quando o Archie me contou sobre o plano dele para te ajudar, te recompores e trabalhares com o Fred, lá no fundo, eu sabia que era um erro.
I thought I knew this town.
Pensava que conhecia a cidade.
I didn't tell you ahead of time because I knew you would've tried to stop me.
Não te avisei, porque ias tentar impedir-me.
'Cause I knew I was coming to get you.
Porque sabia que te vinha buscar.
Well, what I meant was... I thought she was sweet until I knew she was duplicitous.
Bem, o que eu queria dizer era... que pensava que ela era querida até descobrir que ela era traiçoeira.
I knew your father was scared.
Eu sabia que teu pai estava assustado.
I knew because that's exactly what I would have done.
Eu sabia porque isso seria, exatamente, o que eu teria feito.
I knew you'd love this.
Sabia que ias gostar disto.
I knew nothing about this.
Eu não sabia nada sobre isto.
I knew you'd be a quick study.
Eu sabia que era dos que aprendem rápido.
I knew Maya.
Eu conhecia a Maya.
'Cause I knew you'd be all conflicted about turning over that woman if you knew she was going to the Factory.
Porque sabia que ficarias em conflicto ao entregares aquela mulher, se soubesses que ela ia para a Fábrica.
Anyway, I knew you couldn't do it.
Enfim eu sabia que não podia fazer isso.
And when I signed it... I knew I wanted him.
E quando o assinei... sabia que o queria.
I knew.
Eu soube.
I knew as soon as I heard that tune on the ruddy doorbell.
Soube logo que ouvi o toque da maldita campainha da porta.
I knew I shouldn't have eaten the last of that rice pudding.
Sabia que não devia ter comido o resto daquele pudim de arroz.
I want to leave in it again because once, then, I knew who I was, where I was going, what there was at the end of the road.
Quero partir, com ele vestido de novo porque na altura, então, sabia quem era, para onde ia, e o que havia no fim da estrada.
I knew how that story was gonna end.
Sabia como aquela história ia acabar.
Look, at this point, all I knew is that there was a crazy, insane, violent dude blocking my only exit.
Neste momento, eu só sabia que estava um tipo louco e violento a bloquear-me a única saída.
I knew... but I ate everything.
Eu sabia... mas eu odiava tudo.
I knew it would kill me or I'd kill myself before it could.
Sabia que me mataria ou que eu acabaria comigo antes que me matasse.
I knew some of those men.
Conhecia alguns daqueles homens.
I put my trust in you, a stranger, because I knew it was the best chance for my people, for all our people.
Depositei a minha confiança em vós, uma estranha, porque sabia que era a melhor hipótese para o meu povo, para toda a nossa gente.
And I knew you'd never agree to meet.
E sabia que nunca concordarias em encontrar-te comigo.
I knew what I was doing was against the rules but he was smiling, so I knew it wasn't wrong.
Eu sabia que o que estava a fazer era contra as regras, mas ele estava a sorrir, por isso soube que não estava errado.
I knew you'd hate coming here, but... I couldn't think of anyplace else.
Sabia que detestarias vir para aqui, mas não me lembrei de mais nenhum sítio.
I thought I knew all the churches around here.
Pensei que conhecia todas as igrejas da zona.
I knew right away that Shekhu's full of meat.
Eu soube imediatamente que Shekhu estava farto de carne.
I knew Gandalf was going to say that.
Eu sabia que o "Gandalf" ia dizer isso.
You know, that's our thought, too. Since whoever broke into my house knew that I'd be at the drive-in.
Sim, é o que também achamos, uma vez que quem assaltou a minha casa sabia que eu estaria no drive-in.
All those years, you knew I was riding patrol, writing a license-plate number on my wrist, looking for a getaway car that never existed!
Anos a fio, você soube que eu andava na patrulha, com uma matrícula escrita no pulso, a procura de um carro que nunca existiu!
She knew he was involved in something, but not what, which means I can't find the truth out without Frank.
Ela sabia que estava envolvido em algo, mas não o quê, o que significa que eu não posso encontrar a verdade sem o Frank.
She already knew who and what I am.
Ela já sabia quem eu era e o que eu sou.
I doubt anyone knew, except those involved and you, of course.
Duvido que alguém soubesse, exceto os envolvidos e você, é claro.
I was gonna tackle everything, from... healthcare to energy reform... to education... to saving this precarious economy that Fitzgerald Grant never knew what to do with.
Ia enfrentar qualquer coisa, desde... A saúde à reforma energética... À educação...
I wonder if your father knew his best friend sent assassins to murder a baby girl in her crib.
Pergunto-me se o vosso pai sabia que o melhor amigo enviou assassinos para matar uma bebé no seu berço.
He knew I was innocent.
Ele sabia que estava inocente.
I never knew what for, but I've always known I'd know it when it comes.
Nunca soube para o quê, mas sempre soube que reconheceria o momento certo.
All I ever knew is that they fought together and won.
Tudo o que eu soube é que eles lutaram juntos e venceram.
I was doing what I was meant to be doing and he knew it.
Estava a fazer o que era suposto fazer e eu sabia-o.
And after I saw how trashed your lab was it looks like the bad guys knew about your research too. Oh...
E depois de ver como o teu laboratório estava destruído, parece que os maus também sabiam da tua pesquisa.
I thought you knew.
Pensei que sabias.
Because you knew I could help you.
Porque sabias que podia ajudar-te.
I never knew either of them.
Nunca conheci nenhum deles.
Maybe if I knew what we were looking for,
Se eu soubesse o que estamos à procura, podia, sabes...

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