In his house translate Portuguese
1,726 parallel translation
You know, he had this painting of me in his house.
Sabes, ele tinha um quadro meu, em casa dele.
And he loves the lizard in his house more than you!
Ele ama mais o lagarto em sua casa do que você!
Four kids and his wife, all dead in his house.
4 filhos e a esposa, todos mortos na sua casa.
Stone's got a sex dungeon in his house.
O Stone tem uma masmorra de sexo na sua casa.
There's physical evidence placing you in his house.
Há provas físicas que a colocam na casa dele.
I was there in his house..... right up until the end.
Estive em sua casa... até o final.
His phone in his house rang, like, 30 times.
Seu telefone tocou em sua casa, como, 30 vezes.
We found blood from three diferent victims in his house
Encontrámos sangue de três vítimas diferentes em casa dele.
He cannot have kept you in his house for so long without touching you.
Ele não pode ter deixado você em sua casa por tanto tempo sem tocar em você.
We`re stuck in his house, and he`s stuck with Malaika
Ficamos presos na sua casa, e ele ficou preso à Malaika.
And you and his dad got in that big fight, and then his kids egged our house and then Ronny and Jerry went over and blew up his lawn mower.
Tu e o pai dele tiveram uma grande discussão. Depois, os filhos dele atiraram ovos à nossa casa e o Ronny e o Jerry foram lá e destruíram-lhe o corta-relva. Seja como for...
We believe this is Cheng's safe house and he has the component in his possession.
Pensamos que isto é o esconderijo do Cheng e que ele tem o componente.
I was at the vineyard for a month, and Terry was supposed to be at his fishing camp in Idaho, so the house was closed up.
Estive um mês na nossa herdade, e o Terry devia estar a pescar em Idaho, por isso a casa estava fechada.
Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for my best mate, who lost his virginity between two wheelie bins at my mum's house in 1993.
Senhoras e senhores, um aplauso para o meu melhor amigo, que perdeu a virgindade no selim de uma bicicleta na casa da minha mãe em 1993.
- Murdered in his own house.
assassinado na própria casa.
Lady Bird had the White House kitchen staff... water down L.B.J.'s drinks for his nightly cocktail. So he had a secret bar built in this room.
Diminuíram o álcool nas bebidas do Presidente Johnson, por isso, ele construiu um bar secreto nesta sala.
Now, we ran his prints on file against the ones that Tao found in Sue Emery's house, - and they match!
Comparamos as impressões digitais dele com as que o Tao encontrou em casa da Sue Emery, e coincidem!
And by his own admission, mullins had been in that house at least a couple of nights.
E, como o próprio admitiu, o Mullins esteve na casa há menos de duas noites.
Yeah, they have someone sitting on his house just in case.
Sim, temos alguém a vigiar a casa dele, só para o caso.
And early this morning, his entire family was found stabbed to death in their house, and the boy up in the attic, high as a kite.
Nesta madrugada, a família inteira dele, foi esfaqueada em casa, e o rapaz estava no sótão, drogado.
So, Eric, when I find a high teenage boy in the attic of his house, and his entire family has been stabbed to death downstairs, and that boy lies to me about, well, everything,
Então, Eric, quando encontro um adolescente drogado no sótão de casa, e toda a família dele esfaqueada no andar de baixo, e esse rapaz me mente...
I have to wait on his daily calls from the payphone in his boarding house.
Ele vai ligando de um telefone público na pensão dele em NI.
I went over to his house, and I went in his kitchen. And...
Fui até casa dele, entrei na cozinha.
I don't know what goes on in your house, But for your information, Tony has never raised his hand to his children.
Eu não sei como são as coisas na tua casa, mas para tua informação, o Tony nunca levantou a mão para as crianças.
Somebody told me he goes down to Home Depot and pays the migrant workers to go to his house and choke him in the shower.
Alguém me disse que ele vai a Home Depot... e paga aos trabalhadores imigrantes para ir à sua casa... e estrangulá-lo no chuveiro.
Said he was an acupuncturist, Wanted to take me to his house and stick pins in me,
Disse que era acupunturista. Queria levar-me a sua casa e espetar-me toda.
And his parents have a house in Kauai.
E os pais têm uma casa em Kauai.
His Majesty commands that you be gone from this place within the month and settle at his house in More.
Sua Majestade ordena que partais deste lugar dentro de um mês e que residais na sua casa em More.
- Once a week, we get some of my brother's loser-ass friends to go over to Mason's house, ring his doorbell, and when he answers, they're just gonna, bang, junk punch him right up in his man business and then he's gonna keel over. While he's writhing on the ground screaming, "Why?"
Uma vez por semana vou irmão e seus amigos perdedores... para ir na casa do Mason... tocar a sua campainha e quando ele abrir a porta... apenas BANG... direto naquele lugar dos homens... e ele vai ficar chorando e rolando pelo chão... gritando : por que?
- He wants to work from his house in southampton.
Ele quer trabalhar de sua casa em Southampton.
I'm so madly in love with Yivo, I feel like a schoolgirl with a crush on Justin Timberlake, and then she moves into a tiny house on his head :
Estou loucamente apaixonado pelo Yivo, sinto-me como uma colegial com uma paixoneta pelo Justin Timberlake, e depois ela muda-se para uma casa pequenina na cabeça dele.
- I had to go to his house. He was in bad shape, crying, a tragedy.
Eu tinha que apresentar em casa, foi ruim, me arrastou sair da cama, chorando, " na tragédia.
And I stopped by the Omega Chi's house, he's already turned in his pledge pin.
E passei na Omega Chi, mas ele já tinha entregado o pin de candidato.
But my guess is that Peter Quick is sitting in a public house, at this very moment, toasting his poor silly sweetheart who took the punishment for his crime as well as hers.
Talvez. Mas estou convencido que, o mais provável é que Peter Quick, esteja neste momento num bar, a brindar pela sua pobre e tola noiva, que está a pagar os crimes pelos dois.
Lord knows Don could afford to build him a house in his backyard if he wanted to.
Deus sabe que o Don poderia fazer-lhe uma casa no quintal, se quisesse.
Os pais do Asher estão em Cannes e por isso ele e a Jenny estão a fazer uma festa na casa deles.
He sneaks ladybugs into the house in his pocket.
Traz joaninhas para casa dentro do bolso.
I meanthe man could snap his fingers And have every winw in this house weather-stripped!
Basta ele estalar os dedos e todas as janelas desta casa ficam isoladas.
A sexual relationship that resulted in his giving you a house.
Uma relação sexual que resultou numa casa que ele lhe deu?
In spite of his overwhelming victory in Iraq the people did not return George Bush to the White House.
Apesar da vitória no Iraque, G Bush não foi reconduzido à Casa Branca.
Maybe if you found some powder already ground up in a little bottle inside his house.
Talvez se tivesses encontrado o pó moído num frasco na casa dele.
Are you going to his house in your car?
Estás no carro a ir para casa dele?
Put him back in his house.
Ponham-no de volta na casa dele.
the day after, we, uh, Collared him, A local detective was driving me to the airport, and, uh, he hears A call on his walkie of kids screaming in a house not far from where we were.
No dia seguinte depois de o prendermos, um detective local estava a levar-me para o aeroporto, e ouviu uma chamada no rádio de crianças a gritar numa casa.
Does it seem kinda weird that we're hiding from a firelord in his own house?
Não parece estranho escondermo-nos do Senhor do Fogo na sua própria casa?
Of his dead wife Or only son anywhere In his entire house.
Um bom homem que não tem uma única fotografia de sua falecida mulher ou do filho em qualquer lado da casa.
E, a propósito, encontrei os ossos do Eastman enterrados na cave de uma casa a que o fantasma dele me conduziu.
It was the house and the people who once lived in it- - my buddy Ray, his wife Lilah.
Foi a casa e as pessoas que outrora viveram aqui... O meu companheiro Ray, a sua mulher Lilah.
Well, according to his statement, he was reupholstering a chair in his workshop behind his house.
- Segundo o depoimento dele, estava a estofar uma cadeira, na sua oficina, nas traseiras.
Responding officers found a parole ID in his wallet, saying he lives at a halfway house in North Hollywood, and that his name is Roy Wilkinson.
Encontraram uma identificação de liberdade condicional no bolso, mora numa casa de acolhimento em North Hollywood e chama-se Roy Wilkinson.
The honorable Leonard, saddled with running his father's house in Dorset on no income while said father swans around the Middle East looking for the head of John the Baptist.
O ilustre Leonard, que tem de gerir a casa do pai em Dorset, sem mesada, enquanto o dito pai passeia pelo Médio Oriente em busca da cabeça de São João Baptista.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in history 31
in his car 20
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in history 31
in his car 20
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his house 47
house 1583
houses 83
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his house 47
house 1583
houses 83
housewife 19
housekeeping 91
housekeeper 25
house counsel 18
house rules 39
house fire 20
in high school 193
in high 25
in hindsight 63
housekeeping 91
housekeeper 25
house counsel 18
house rules 39
house fire 20
in high school 193
in high 25
in hindsight 63