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In high school translate Portuguese

4,184 parallel translation
Look, Nick... Back in high school, they used to call me...
No liceu, costumavam-me chamar...
In high school, I portrayed Fantine in Les Miserables.
No liceu, protagonizei a Fantine em Les Miserables.
- Are we in high school?
- Estamos no liceu?
I was the president of the Mathletes Association in high school.
Fui presidente da associação das Olimpíadas de Matemática no liceu.
Mm-hmm. Didn't you drive a red Mustang in high school?
Não tinhas um Mustang vermelho no liceu?
Do you remember how easy it was to make decisions in high school?
Lembras-te como era fácil tomar decisões no liceu?
Yeah. That's how you wore your hair in high school.
Usavas assim o cabelo no liceu.
Now, what was our motto in high school?
Esquece as cabras.
How does it feel to be the same obnoxious prick that you were in high school?
Que tal é continuares a ser o mesmo cretino odiável que eras no liceu?
You are easier than me in high school.
És mais fácil do que eu no liceu.
So, uh, that didn't happen in high school.
- Lá isso é verdade. - Isso não aconteceu no liceu.
And we wonder why you didn't have any dates in high school. Let's go.
E ainda nos perguntamos porque não tinhas namorada no liceu.
I was a candy striper in high school.
Fui auxiliar de enfermagem no liceu.
Alfredo, that was in high school!
Isso foi no secundário, Alfredo!
Back in high school... me and my sister, Jenny, were walking home one night in the forest.
No liceu... eu e a minha irmã, Jenny, iamos a caminho de casa uma noite, pela floresta.
He was my buddy in high school!
Era meu compincha no secundário!
In high school, I was a natural athlete.
No liceu, era um atleta com um talento natural.
When I was in high school... I felt like I didn't measure up.
Quando eu estava na escola... senti que não estava à altura.
Who doesn't hit at least.350 in high school?
Quem é que não tem de média pelo menos 0.350 no liceu?
When I was in high school, I was a suspect for a major theft in my town. - You?
eu era suspeito de um roubo na minha cidade.
Yeah, I had a Dodge Dart Swinger in high school
Pois, eu tive um Dodge Dart Swinger no liceu
You didn't really have a Dodge Swinger in high school, right?
Não tiveste mesmo um Dodge Swinger no liceu, correcto?
I was in a gang too in high school.
Eu também pertenci a um gangue no liceu.
Having gotten my share of hickeys in high school, I developed some patented cover-up methods.
Tendo a minha cota de chupões no ensino médio, eu desenvolvi alguns métodos patenteados de maquilhagem.
in high school, i played center field in the musical damn yankees.
No secundário, fui central no musical "Damn Yankees".
- Dad, I'm in high school now.
- Pai, já ando na secundária.
Are you nervous because of your first day in high school?
Estás nervoso pelo teu primeiro dia no secundário?
I used to do all my friends hair in high school.
Costumava cortar o cabelo de todos os meus amigos na escola.
Keith was a nerd in high school.
Keith era um nerd no colégio.
- Maybe I took karate in high school.
Talvez tenha feito karaté na escola.
Because I le failed that three times in high school.
É que eu chumbei três vezes no liceu.
Morgan is in high school.
O Morgan está no liceu.
Because we're not in high school.
Porque não estamos no liceu.
Who knocked you up in high school? He broke up after your abortion.
O que te engravidou na faculdade e te largou depois do aborto.
You were best friends with a Josephine Marcus in high school, is that right?
Era amiga da Josephine Marcus na escola, certo?
If I met you in high school, you never would have even noticed me.
Se te tivesse conhecido no liceu, nem sequer terias reparado em mim.
Look like you did back in high school.
É como se estivesses de regresso ao secundário.
I read Zarathustra in high school.
Eu li "Assim falava Zaratustra", no liceu
I worked at a fast-food joint in high school.
Trabalhei num fast food na escola.
I took a year in high school.
Tive um ano no liceu.
In this empty capital for 4 years, there is only the Central Committee and the Ponhea Yat high school which becomes the S21 center
Naquela capital vazia há 4 anos, resta o Comité Central e o liceu Ponear Yat, que se transforma no centro S21.
But instead of trying to negotiate, you just arranged a meeting with him in the parking lot of your high school to give him the cash.
Mas, em vez de tentares negociar, tu só marcaste um encontro com ele no parque de estacionamento da tua escola para lhe dares o dinheiro.
The reality is, until the next high-school dropout from Silicon Valley invents a way for us to literally plug in to the brains of another person.
A realidade é que, até o próximo aluno a abandonar a meio, um curso em Silicon Valley inventar uma maneira de nos ligar, literalmente, ao cérebro de outra pessoa.
Less than two hours ago, a murder occurred. During a local high-school basketball game, in front of 200 eyewitnesses.
Há menos de duas horas, um assassinato ocorreu durante um jogo de basquete à frente a 200 testemunhas.
I remember the names on a plaque hanging in my old high school.
Lembro-me dos nomes numa placa no meu antigo colégio.
It kind of reminds me of the jocks in my High School.
Faz-me lembrar os atletas do meu liceu.
I owned that Sprint since high school, but it was just sitting in the yard, so I sold it a few months ago.
Fui dono daquele Sprint desde o liceu, mas estava parado no quintal, então, vendi-o há alguns meses.
To test this I propped up a high school photograph of my father-in-law on the table.
Para testar a ideia, peguei numa foto de liceu, do meu sogro, e pu-la na mesa.
I'm going in. Due to budget cuts, my position as middle school music teacher has been eliminated... so I've been working as a high school sub.
Por causa de corte de orçamento, a minha posição de professor de música no básico foi eliminada, portanto tenho sido professor substituto do secundário.
And your wife... she will be in jail until your boys graduate from high school.
E a sua esposa... ficará na cadeia até os seus filhos se formarem no ensino superior.
I know. Valedictorian in my high school, full academic scholarship through med school, I interned at two of the best hospitals in the country.
Fui a melhor aluna do liceu, tive uma bolsa completa para estudar Medicina, estagiei em dois dos melhores hospitais do país.

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