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It was a man translate Portuguese

2,315 parallel translation
It was a man, laughing.
Era um homem, a rir.
- It was a man?
- Era um homem?
Diego, he said it was a man on the phone.
O Diego, ele disse que era um homem ao telefone.
You said it was a man on the roof.
Disse-me que tinha um homem no telhado.
Just a minute ago it was a man.
Há minutos atrás era, um homem.
It really hurt Mom, and... how was I ever supposed to trust a man after that?
Magoou muito a mamãe e... como eu poderia confiar em um homem depois disso?
My God, man, you could at least act like it was a hard decision!
Poderia ao menos fingir que foi uma decisão difícil.
And after 40 years, it was first to send a man space.
E 40 anos depois, somos os primeiros a mandar um homem para o espaço.
There was no doubt in my mind that this was it, the answer to a question that man had been searching for since the beginning of time, the missing link in our evolution,
Não havia dúvida na minha mente de que era isso, a resposta a uma pergunta que o homem se fazia desde o início dos tempos, o elo que falta na nossa evolução.
It was out west in Woolridge County, years ago, wife died, man hired some nanny who killed all the children.
Foi a oeste do condado Woolridge, há uns anos atrás, esposa morreu, o homem contratou uma ama que matou as crianças.
I was just removing it before a guilty man could destroy it.
Estava removendo antes que o culpado pudesse destrui-las.
An innocent - yes, innocent young woman was brutally murdered'cause she flashed a little tit on occasion, got it on with a married man tried to live her life outside your goddamn family.
Era inocente. Uma jovem inocente que foi brutalmente assassinada porque saiu da linha uma vez, saindo com um homem casado, tratando de viver a sua vida fora da tua maldita família.
Why I ever believed... that I would get to have tea, with Mary's parents is beyond me having been talked into going with you. We were set upon man, it was self-defence.
Como pude crer que chegaria a tomar chá com os pais da Mary, ultrapassa-me, tendo sido convencido a acompanhá-lo.
- lt was a loan, man, it was a loan!
- Foi um empréstimo! - Um empréstimo.
It was with a very nice man.
É com um homem muito bom.
It's my hope I can help breathe life back into this neighborhood that was so dear to my father, a man who placed great trust in me to carry on his legacy.
É minha esperança que possa ajudar a dar vida nova ao bairro que era tão querido ao meu pai, um homem que me deu muita confiança para continuar o seu legado.
I was not aiming for that, but, man, I really nailed it.
Não fiz pontaria a isso, mas acertei em cheio.
Sleep was all they did,'cause Diarmuid, good man that he was, was suffering the old guilt about two-timing Fionn and out of respect for him, didn't, you know, take it any further.
Sempre dormindo juntos, mas Diarmaid, um homem honesto, não ousava consumar o amor em deferência a Fionn, por respeito a ela, não foi mais adiante.
No, it was about Yeats, when he was a young man.
Não, era sobre Yeats, quando era um adolescente.
It was an old man in a hospital.
Era um velho no hospital.
And so it was left to this boy, this little man of tender years, to fend for himself and his family.
Cabia, portanto, a este rapaz, a este homenzinho de tenra idade, defender-se a si e à sua família.
This stuff was invented by this man in central Ohio as a white goo, and he used it to remove soot off of wallpaper from old-fashioned heating.
Esta coisa foi inventada por um homem em Central Ohio como um gel branco. Ele usava-o para remover papel de parede velho de aquecimentos antigos.
I don't know too much about all the details, but, man, he got a phone call and that was it.
Não sei muito sobre todos os detalhes mas recebeu uma ligação e isso foi tudo.
It was my fault, man.
A culpa foi toda minha.
Y'all should have seen her in the airport, man, I'm telling you, Troy, it was the most insane thing.
Devias tê-la visto no aeroporto, meu, Estou-te a dizer Troy, foi a coisa mais louca.
My firm held, man, But it was crazy seeing otherguys.
A minha firma está segura, meu. Mas foi loucura ver outros tipos.
The man that you beat up last night, believe it or not, was trying to help us.
O homem que bates-te ontem á noite, Acredites ou não, ele estava a tentar nos ajudar.
Was it a man or a woman?
Um homem ou uma mulher?
After a while it occurred to him that the old man was making peace with himself
Algum tempo depois, percebeu que o velho estava a fazer as pazes com ele próprio
It was a beautiful woman With a beautiful man.
Uma mulher bonita com um homem bonito.
Somehow, I got closer to God and it was important for me as a man.
Aproximei-me de Deus, o que foi importante para mim como homem.
- It was a fucking accident, man.
- Foi um maldito acidente, meu.
You know, the one that our hotel-room-torching mystery man was using... and I found it.
- Fiz a triangulação ao telefone que o nosso pirómano misterioso do hotel usava, lembras-te?
It shows in this piece you wrote, what a great man he was.
No artigo que escreveu, mostra que ele era um grande homem.
But he was a complicated man, and especially when it came to his politics.
Mas ele era um homem complexo, principalmente na política.
It was my fault that this man, who I loved more than anything, will never walk or... talk or...
Minha, a culpa de este homem, que eu amo mais do que tudo, nunca mais voltar a andar ou falar...
Such a man would not believe she was gone, Unless his own eyes told him it was so.
Tal homem não acreditaria que tivesse ido, a menos que os olhos dela o dissessem.
"What if Sherlock was a best man? " What if... What if we put him in here? " It's like picking...
Eles querem que a "ameaça Moriarty" permaneça durante a temporada.
And as he spoke, it was like the molecules of his face must have neat, because I opened my eyes and nothing, I am in front the handsomest man and wonderful.
E, enquanto falava, a moléculas faciais devem ter-se reagrupado, porque, ao abrir os olhos, encontrei um homem lindo de morrer!
When our daughter Lauryn was taken by the Magic Man, it was very tough for us, but we pulled together, and we'll help you through this, too.
Quando a nossa filha Lauryn foi levada pelo Homem Mágico, foi muito duro para nós, mas conseguimos recompor-nos, e havemos de o ajudar a ultrapassar isto, também.
Was it because they wanted us to hearit's 101, man.
É porque queriam que ouvíssemos a atuação do Sam. Simples, amigo.
And so the fact that Sandy was so practical with the apparatus, I think, made it quite clear in Mallory's mind that he was a useful man to have climbing with him.
E assim, o facto de Sandy ser tão prático com o aparato, acredito ter sido muito claro na mente de Mallory que ele era um homem útil para subir com ele.
He was not a superstitious man, but I think it would have been hard to be in that landscape at that time on the third expedition And not feel the atmosphere to be saturated with signs and portent and hints and forebodings.
Não era um homem supersticioso, mas acho que deve ter sido duro estar naquela paisagem naquele momento da terceira expedição e sentir a atmosfera saturada com sinais e presságios indirectos e pressentimentos.
Because a kind man, a man who was good and didn't know it, needed to learn how to comfort someone.
Porque um homem amável, um homem bom e que não sabia como, precisava de aprender como confortar alguém.
Yeah, I did it. And I'm proud. All I did was step up and be a man.
Sim, fui eu e orgulho-me disso!
I bet if we put Crowder in a lineup and told the pastor that the trigger man was there, it might jog his memory.
Aposto que se colocarmos em Crowder uma programação e disse ao pastor que o homem foi activar lá, ele pôde correr a sua memória.
I want to say it was a privilege to have known this true giant of a man.
Eu quero dizer que foi um privilégio ter conhecido este verdadeiro homem com H grande.
Because my fiance killing me and then the man I thought it was in love with trying to kill me all over again is just a breeze compared to what you're going through.
Porque o meu noivo matou-me e o homem que eu pensei que amava, tentou matar-me de novo. É apenas uma brisa comparado com o que tu estás a passar. Ok.
He was a bad man - no point talking about it now.
Ele era um homem mau, não vale a pena falar sobre ele.
But it was a two-man job.
Mas era um trabalho para duas pessoas.
It was the song, man.
Foi a canção, meu.

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