It was all me translate Portuguese
1,907 parallel translation
It was all me for four days straight.
Só conduzi eu durante quatro dias seguidos.
It was all me- - yeah, right.
Foi por mim, está bem.
After driving all night... and convincing the guard atJoy and Darnell's gated community... that I was an exotic pet delivery boy... I finally made it to their house.
Depois de conduzir toda a noite e de convencer o guarda a deixar-me entrar na comunidade da Joy e do Darnell dizendo que era um vendedor de espécies exóticas, finalmente cheguei à casa deles.
The papers, the ones my wife won't let me read, they're... they're all saying : kids died - - and it was my fault.
Os jornais, os que a minha mulher não me deixa ler, dizem todos que morreram crianças e que a culpa foi minha.
Then that night when I came to pick up Oliver's turtle... it was so clear to me that you live here all alone.
Naquela noite em que vim buscar a tartaruga do Oliver... ficou tão claro para mim que vive aqui sozinho.
You see, the biggest problem with my addiction, was that like all addictions, it sneaks up on you slowly.
O maior problema do meu vício era que, tal como todos os vícios, me apanhara lentamente.
'Below me a cricket chirped for all it was worth.
"Por baixo de mim, um gafanhoto cantou com entusiasmo."
It was me... all along, not Baldur.
Era eu! Todo o tempo, não BaIdur.
All right, thanks, Oprah. I forgot what a joy it was to ride with you.
Certo, muito bem Oprah, esqueci-me como é um prazer andar contigo.
Era só dares-me o ficheiro, o que preciso é ir na sala e acabar o trabalho sem ser incomodado.
But, you know, Mike was gonna be with someone eventually and I consider myself lucky that it was someone who, after all is said and done, has always been my true friend.
Mas o Mike mais tarde ou mais cedo iria arranjar alguém e considero-me sortuda por ser alguém que, após tudo ser dito e falado, tem sido sempre minha amiga.
It was all up to me.
Dependia tudo de mim.
The other night, at dinner, um, she kissed me, and it was all very innocent, and, I, of course, I stopped her right away, but I just wanted you to.
Na noite passada, durante o jantar, ela beijou-me e foi tudo menos inocente, e claro que parei de seguida. Mas eu só queria que... - Desculpe-me.
The only reason I know it was sad and horrible is because you tell me all the time.
Só sei que foi triste e horrível porque estás sempre a dizer-mo.
I'm glad it all blew up in my face. It was a wakeup call.
Estou feliz por me ter caído tudo em cima, foi um despertar.
It was all I could do for her though she had borne me through seas of blood.
Foi tudo que pude fazer por ela apesar dela ter me amparado por um mar de sangue.
It was unconscious, unforgivable. After all he did for me, was- -
Muito bem...
D'you think last night she was trying to hurt me for keeping it from her all these years?
Para ser sincero, não! Isso é monstruoso. É uma loucura!
Speaking of reaching, I was once in a film... with Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner and Danny DeVito. It was a black comedy. And all the actors... all of us... were playing practical jokes on each other throughout the whole shoot.
Estava em um filme... com o Michael Douglas, Catling Turner e Dani Devito... e todos os outros actores... práticamente fazíamos brincadeiras... um dia fomos a um estúdio velho, logo em seguida, no chuveiro... dei conta que o Dani Devito estava por trás de mim... e lembro-me aquela repugnante piada que me disse... estava a sair do chuveiro e a pensar, hora de vingar.
Something happened to me yesterday. I was up all night thinking about it.
Ontem aconteceu uma coisa... fiquei a pensar toda a noite e não consegui dormir.
Yeah, I got piss-drunk last night with my roommate, and I was just lying in bed this morning thinking about how nasty hot Nancy Grace is, and just trying to decide if I was gonna come in at all 'cause it's not like there's anyone here to fantasize about.
Sim, embebedei-me com o meu colega de quarto, ontem à noite e estava deitado na cama, esta manhã, a pensar sobre quão boa é a Nancy Grace e a tentar decidir se realmente vinha trabalhar porque não é que exista cá alguém com quem criar uma fantasia.
It was then I discovered that which had laid dormant inside me all those years.
Foi então que descobri... o que tinha dormente dentro de mim todos aqueles anos.
It was all a communicator, indeed, was a very quiet boy, when I came to advertising, I think even more than the 30, did not dare to speak at a meeting and offer my opinion on what was
Eu não era de todo um comunicador, aliás, eu até era um miudo muito calado, quando cheguei à publicidade, creio que tinha mais de 30 anos quando me atrevi a falar numa reunião e dar a minha opinião sobre alguma coisa " Se a Terra estivesse inclinada um pouco mais à esquerda isto provávelmente não teria sucedido
It was all right. - I should go to bed.
- Devia ir deitar-me.
Trust me, it was all you.
Acredita que foi por ti.
A friend of mine called me during Katrina, a Nostradamus fan, and he wanted to talk about Century 9 quatrain 48 because it was a direct and exact description of Katrina and all those other hurricane disasters.
Tenho um amigo que me telefonou, durante o Katrina, outro seguidor de Nostradamus, e ele queria falar sobre a Centúria IX, Quadra 48 porque para ele, é uma descrição directa e exacta do Katrina e de todos os outros desastres do furacão.
So all those nights where he... told me that I should talk about - about what happened, that it would help me - you're saying that he wa - he was enjoying it?
Todas as noites em que me disse que devia falar sobre o que aconteceu, que isso me ajudaria, está a dizer que ele...
Except then, she saw you yesterday, and now she knows that it was me... all right, silver, relax, calm down, all right?
Excepto quando ela te viu ontem e agora ela sabe que era eu... Tudo bem, Silver, relaxa, tem calma, certo?
And it might have taken me three solid years of Bible study and abstinence and applying and reapplying to do it but it was all worth it.
E não teria tido 3 belos anos de estudo bíblico, abstinência e dedicação para ter sucesso, mas valeu a pena.
I'll leave tonight, but it's gonna cost you 50 grand. Or I can tell Trish the truth. That this was all your idea.
Vou-me embora, mas vai custar-lhe 50.000 dólares ou conto à Trish que foi ideia sua.
I was hoping it was a sick joke, but... now... after reading this journal and... all this death... it's me.
Pensei que era uma brincadeira doentia, mas... agora... depois de ler este diário... Todas estas mortes? Sou eu.
All right, to tell you the truth, I had a salad the other day that was loaded with shiitake mushrooms and it just kind of blew my mind, that's all.
Para te dizer a verdade comi uma salada no outro dia que estava cheia de cogumelos Shiitake, Muito bem. E que me ficou na cabeça.
He told me it was all a misunderstanding, that he had been wrongly accused.
Disse que era um mal-entendido, que fora acusado injustamente.
¶ ¶ Na, na, na-na-na-na ¶ ¶ It was at that moment I decided to do whatever it took to make my mom proud of me... make her feel all her sacrifice was worth it.
Foi nesse momento que decidi fazer o que fosse preciso para deixar a minha mãe orgulhosa de mim.
All this time I've been thinking God wanted me to forgive you for ruining my life... but what he wanted was me to thank you for saving it.
Pensava que Deus queria que te perdoasse por me arruinares a vida. Mas aquilo que Ele queria era que te agradecesse por a salvares.
When I was little, if I got all A's, my dad would let me wash his car... so I'd get my little toothbrush out, and I'd clean it all weekend long...
Quando era pequena, se tirasse 5 a tudo, o meu pai deixava-me lavar o carro dele, por isso ia buscar a escova de dentes e limpava-o durante o fim-de-semana.
And now that Michael's returning Scylla to me, it was all for nothing.
E agora que o Michael me vai entregar o Scylla, foi tudo em vão.
Go ahead and tell me how it was all a misunderstanding.
Diz-me lá o porquê de isto tudo ser um mal-entendido.
He showed me a letter, it was written to the council on our behalf and it was all good.
Ele mostrou-me uma carta que escreveu ao Conselho a nosso favor e só falou bem.
It was all just a big show to keep me from suing the company.
Foi apenas uma grande encenação para evitar que eu processasse a empresa.
In my defense, there was a deadly tarantula on my shoulders, and y'all know me and spiders ain't never been right. OK, it was a ladybug.
Em minha defesa, havia uma tarântula mortífera nos meus ombros, e todos sabem que eu e as aranhas nunca nos demos bem.
With all due respect, chief no one from Homicide has ever helped me with a dope charge unless it was to benefit them in some way. Detective Carey this is not the time to play tit for tat. - Oh, man.
Com todo o respeito, Chefe, nunca ninguém dos homicídios me ajudou em acusações de droga, a menos que o ajudasse de alguma forma.
You know, Michael... it seems like - I don't know - such a big... coincidence... that Sam, Fi and Barry were all mysteriously busy... at the exact same time that Nate was being beaten up by his mugger.
Sabes, Michael, parece-me... não sei, uma grande coincidência, que o Sam, a Fi e o Barry estivessem todos tão misteriosamente ocupados precisamente na altura em que o Nate estava a ser espancado pelo assaltante.
All I remember is we were in the men's room. It was crowded, and it was hard to get my leather pants off in that stall.
Só me lembro que estávamos no WC masculino, estava cheio de gente, e era difícil tirar as minhas calças de couro naquele cubículo.
I was all, "Hey Nance," but you couldn't hear me, so I started running. - Which is harder than it looks.
Como não me ouviram comecei a correr, o que é mais difícil do que parece,
It's funny how we all know just by looking. Me, I was a SEAL.
Engraçado como reconhecemos só pelo olhar.
Those interns, they told me they saw you at the club, and they all said it was you.
Eles contaram-me que te viram no clube e todos eles disseram que eras tu.
But there were plenty of sweaty hikers up there who told me all about how stp it was.
Mas havia muitos escaladores suados lá em cima que me disseram tudo sobre o quão íngreme era.
And yet, there is a whispering in my ear That tells me i was wrong, they were right, And the savages-savages-savages had it right all along.
E todavia, existe um sussurro no meu ouvido que me diz que estava errado, eles estavam certos e que os selvagens, selvagens, selvagens tiveram sempre razão.
Well, Jonathan knew where this place was and it just seemed easier if we all came together
- O Jonathan conhecia este sítio e pareceu-me mais fácil virmos todos juntos.
Well, get over it, cos all she did was tell me about you.
Esquece isso, porque ela limitou-se a falar-me de ti.
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was just 358
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was just 358